
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs


As Raj, Satya, Deepthi, and Charan waited for the police to arrive, they found a quiet corner to sit and catch their breath. The atmosphere was tense but relieved, knowing that the immediate danger had passed. Satya, looking around at his companions, began to share his story.

"Deepthi and I are lovers," Satya started, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "We lived in Visakhapatnam, where life was good until Veeru Bhai, a dreaded don, took an unhealthy interest in Deepthi."

Deepthi shivered at the mention of Veeru's name, and Satya took her hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Veeru became obsessed with her," Satya continued. "He started giving death threats to her family, saying that if Deepthi didn't become his, he would kill them all. It was terrifying. We didn't know where to turn or what to do. I wanted to kill Veeru for threatening us, but Deepthi convinced me that we needed to escape."

Deepthi nodded, her eyes reflecting the fear and determination that had driven their decision. "I knew that if we stayed, Veeru would never leave us alone. So, I convinced Satya to move to Hyderabad, where Veeru has no influence. It was the only way to keep my family safe."

Satya sighed, glancing at Raj and Charan. "We managed to escape and board a bus to Hyderabad, hoping to start a new life away from Veeru's reach. But it seems like trouble followed us here, too."

Raj nodded, understanding their plight. "You did the right thing, trying to protect yourselves and your family. Sometimes, running is the only option when you're up against someone as powerful as Veeru Bhai."

Charan, who had been listening quietly, spoke up. "I've seen people like Veeru Bhai before. They think they can control everything and everyone around them. But you're strong for standing up to him, even if it meant leaving your home."

Deepthi smiled weakly, appreciating the support. "Thank you. It hasn't been easy, but we had no choice. We just want to be together and live in peace."

Raj, feeling a sense of camaraderie, shared a bit of his own story. "I've had my fair share of run-ins with dangerous people, too. It's why I'm on this journey, to find peace and help others along the way. You two remind me of why it's important to keep fighting for what's right."

The conversation provided a brief respite from the chaos they had just endured. They sat together, sharing their stories and finding strength in their shared experiences. The bond formed in those moments of vulnerability gave them hope and now charan start to share his story .

The clinking of glasses broke the silence in the dimly lit dhaba. Charan, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, took a long sip of his chai. Raj and Satya leaned forward, their faces etched with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"So," Charan began, his voice raspy, "like I said, life was good. Rich kid, fancy car, beautiful girlfriend… the whole shebang. Then, out of the blue, Shashank gets whacked."

He paused, the memory of his friend's murder casting a shadow on his face. "He had the guts to question Dharma about grabbing land from people, leaving them with nothing. Turns out, Dharma doesn't take kindly to such things."

Raj winced, remembering the brutal encounter with the goons on the bus. "Dharma's a real piece of work, that's for sure."

Charan nodded grimly. "The whole colony was scared, wouldn't even whisper Dharma's name above a breath. But something snapped inside me. I couldn't just let this monster get away with murder."

He took another sip, his voice gaining strength. "That's when I knew I had to fight back. Started rallying people, showing them that Dharma wasn't invincible. It was tough, mind you. Fear can be a powerful weapon."

A bitter chuckle escaped his lips. "Little did I know, betrayal could be even worse. Turns out, Sharath, the friend I came to Visakhapatnam with for the wedding… well, he wasn't exactly on our side."

Satya slammed his fist on the table, making the glasses rattle. "That son of a…"

Charan held up a hand, silencing him. "It hit me hard, I won't lie. But you two, you guys stepped up. Helped me take down Dharma on the bus. That… that means the world to me."

He looked from Satya to Raj, his eyes filled with a newfound respect. "Even with betrayal and fear, there's still good in the world. People willing to stand up for what's right, even when it's scary as hell."

The clink of their glasses resonated in the dhaba, a silent toast to courage, friendship, and the fight against injustice. The future was uncertain, the path ahead riddled with challenges, but Charan knew he wouldn't face them alone. He had found his allies, his brothers in arms.

satya and charan ask raj to tell his story 

The steam from their chai swirled upwards, creating a hazy curtain around the three friends. Raj, taking a deep breath, began his own tale. "Believe it or not," he said, a wry smile playing on his lips, "I wasn't always running around facing down thugs and uncovering conspiracies."

Satya and Charan leaned in, eager to hear his story.

"I was on track for a bright future," Raj continued. "MBA in America, fancy job lined up… the whole dream. But something wasn't right. "

He paused, the memory of that difficult decision flickering in his eyes. "So, I dropped everything, came back to India. Leaving my life behind felt scary as hell, but I knew it was what I had to do."

"Taking over the family business wasn't easy," he admitted. "Learning the ropes from my father, navigating the complexities… it was a crash course. But I was determined."

A touch of sadness tinged his voice as he continued. "Unfortunately, personal turmoil followed. Unforeseen circumstances led to a broken engagement. It was a tough time."

He took a long sip of chai, steeling himself for the more dramatic part of his story. "Then came the kidnapping. Tripti Naidu, a name I won't soon forget. Thugs, a hidden lair… it was straight out of a movie, except way less glamorous."

A flicker of pride entered his eyes. "But you see, my father and brother, Bantu… they wouldn't give up. We fought back, and we got out."

then i decided to take a trip 

"Then, on to Subrahmanyapuram," he said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Unveiling a diamond smuggling scheme involving a crooked E.D. officer, facing those same thugs again…"

He gestured towards Charan. "That's where our paths crossed. those goon needed a lift, and those were the same goons that lead me here .Luckily, I overheard their plan to cause you harm. Couldn't just stand by, could I?"

A slow smile spread across his face. "So, here we are," he concluded, his gaze sweeping over his new friends. "Three guys, brought together by fate, maybe a little chaos, but definitely a sense of justice."

The clinking of glasses once again echoed in the dhaba, sealing their bond. They had faced danger, loss, and uncertainty, but they had also found friendship and a common purpose. Whatever adventures awaited them, they knew they wouldn't face them alone.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

white_poisoncreators' thoughts