
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs

sightseeing 2

raj woke up and tell satya he is going to travel Visakhapatnam and left. 

The insistent thrumming of his phone tore Raj from his reverie of the city lights. Glancing at the screen, he saw it was Satya. A smile tugged at his lips. Maybe a night of letting loose was just what he needed to take his mind off the recent events.

"Hey Raj," Satya's voice crackled through the receiver, "Get dressed, we're hitting the club!"

Intrigued, Raj agreed, a sense of adventure stirring within him. The club pulsed with energy as he and Satya entered. Neon lights strobed across the dance floor, where a throng of bodies swayed to the pulsating music. Satya introduced Raj to a group of his friends, their laughter momentarily drowning out the cacophony.

Feeling a loosening in his shoulders, Raj joined the throng on the dance floor. He let the rhythm take over, his worries momentarily forgotten. As he moved, he bumped into someone. Looking up, he met the gaze of a girl with eyes that sparkled like the disco ball overhead.

"Hey there," he said, a smile playing on his lips. "I'm Raj."

"I'm Shruti," she replied, her voice warm and inviting.

They fell into conversation, easily slipping into a rhythm as comfortable as the music pulsating around them. As the night wore on, the drinks flowed and inhibitions faded. A playful brush of arms became a lingering touch, a stolen glance turned into a heated gaze. The space between them diminished, their bodies moving in a silent conversation fueled by an unspoken attraction. A stolen kiss on the dance floor, a brush of lips that sent shivers down Raj's spine, ignited a spark that crackled with unspoken desires.

Lost in the moment, their movements became more intimate, a slow, seductive dance fueled by growing desire. Their bodies pressed close, heat radiating from where they touched. The pounding music became a distant echo as they surrendered to the intoxicating current that flowed between them.In the throes of passion, Raj and Shruti decided they couldn't wait any longer. Raj, with a gleam in his eye, asked if she wanted to spend the night with him at a hotel. Shruti, feeling the same intense desire, readily agreed.

Raj pulled his car around, and they both got in, excitement and anticipation palpable in the air. As they drove to the hotel, Raj introduced himself as the second-generation heir of a wealthy family, while Shruti revealed her aspirations of becoming an actress. The conversation, though brief, was electric with the chemistry between them.

Upon arriving at the hotel, Raj quickly booked a room. The moment they stepped inside and the door clicked shut, they were on each other, consumed by a mutual lust that left no room for anything else. Raj moved aggressively, tearing off Shruti's clothes, and she eagerly helped him remove his.

They fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs, their bodies coming together with an urgency that left no room for restraint. Their hands roamed, their lips met in fervent kisses, and they surrendered to the primal need to devour each other.

Their passion burned hot and fast, and they made love with an intensity that left them both breathless. Time seemed to blur as they moved together, their bodies and minds completely attuned to each other.

Finally, exhausted and satisfied, they collapsed into each other's arms, their bodies still entwined. They sank into a deep, sated sleep, their breaths evening out in the quiet aftermath of their passion. The night passed with them lying over each other, their bodies still touching, lost in the contentment of their shared experience.

Raj woke up to the soft light of morning filtering through the hotel curtains. He ordered room service for breakfast, then headed to the bathroom to freshen up. When he returned, there was a knock on the door. Raj opened it and took the breakfast tray from the room service attendant, thanking him with a smile.

As he brought the breakfast into the room, he saw that Shruti had woken up, stretching and looking a little sore from the night before. He placed the tray on the small table by the window and started a conversation.

"Good morning," he said, his voice warm. "How are you feeling?"

Shruti smiled, albeit a bit sheepishly. "Still feeling sore from last night," she admitted with a playful glint in her eye. "You were a beast in bed, Raj. You only let me sleep when I didn't have the energy to move anymore."

Raj chuckled, feeling a surge of pride. "Sorry about that," he said, though his tone suggested he wasn't entirely remorseful. "Let's have some breakfast." He gestured to the tray of food.

They sat down to eat, and the conversation flowed easily. Raj shared, "I'm on a trip, just traveling around until I reached Visakhapatnam. I'm still deciding whether to continue or head back home."

Shruti listened, intrigued. "That sounds adventurous. I'm here looking for my big break in acting," she said, her eyes lighting up as she spoke about her dream. "It's tough, but I'm determined. I know I have the talent; I just need the right opportunity."

Raj admired her passion. "That's impressive. Pursuing a dream takes a lot of courage. Have you had any luck so far?"

Shruti shook her head, a hint of frustration in her expression. "Not yet, but I'm not giving up. Every audition, every role, no matter how small, is a step forward."

Raj nodded, appreciating her determination. "Keep at it. Sometimes, the breakthrough comes when you least expect it. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

They continued their breakfast, exchanging stories and getting to know each other better. The morning passed pleasantly, filled with laughter and shared ambitions. For a moment, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their cozy, intimate bubble.