
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
81 Chs


The morning sun cast a warm glow over the garden as Raj woke up and went through his routine exercise. He had developed a disciplined regimen, starting with a 10 km run followed by 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and 100 sit-ups. The physical transformation over the past few months was evident, and he was now preparing for a more intense workout session.

Today, Raj had a special training session with Prabhu Aditya Tomar, known as "Adi". Adi was a former government boxing instructor for women in Delhi, now suspended on baseless charges and transferred to Chennai. During his suspension, Raj had invited him over to Hyderabad to continue his training. Adi had been pushing Raj to his limits, and the results were beginning to show.

Adi: (sternly) Come on, Raj. Show me what you've got. Don't hold back.

Raj: (determined) Yes, sir!

Raj tightened his gloves and got into his stance. Adi circled him, observing every move with a critical eye.

Adi: (throwing a jab) Keep your guard up! Don't drop your hands!

Raj blocked the jab and countered with a quick one-two combination. Adi nodded approvingly, but his face remained stern.

Adi: (barking) Faster! You need to be faster! Again!

They went through a series of drills, with Adi pushing Raj to his physical and mental limits. The intensity of the session was grueling, but Raj welcomed the challenge. Each punch, each movement, was sharper and more precise than the last. His body had become a finely tuned machine, capable of enduring the punishing workouts.

Adi: (after a flurry of punches) Good, good. You're learning quickly. Your body is in excellent condition. It's impressive how fast you're picking this up.

Raj: (panting, but smiling) Thanks, Adi. Your training is really helping.

Adi: (nodding) It's not just my training. You have the discipline and the drive. That's what makes the difference. But remember, boxing is as much about the mind as it is about the body. Keep your focus sharp.

Raj took a deep breath and nodded. He respected Adi immensely, not just for his skills as a boxer, but for his integrity and the unfair treatment he had endured. Adi's guidance was invaluable, and Raj felt grateful for the opportunity to learn from him.

Raj: (determined) I'll keep that in mind, Adi. Thank you for everything.

Adi: (gruffly) Don't thank me yet. We've got a long way to go. Now, get back to work.

They continued training, with Raj pushing himself harder than ever. The rapid progress he was making in boxing was astounding even to Adi, who had trained numerous athletes in the past. Raj's physical transformation was a testament to his hard work and dedication.

As the session ended, Adi patted Raj on the back.

Adi: (approvingly) You're doing great, Raj. Keep it up. At this rate, you'll be a force to reckon with in no time.

Raj: (smiling) Thanks, Adi. I'll make sure to keep pushing my limits.

Raj wiped the sweat from his brow and headed back to the house, feeling invigorated. The intense training sessions were not just about improving his physical abilities but also about building his mental resilience. With Adi's guidance, he was becoming stronger and more confident each day, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead

Raj finished his intense boxing session with Adi, feeling the satisfying burn of muscles well worked. He quickly showered and got dressed for work, selecting a crisp suit that conveyed both confidence and professionalism. As he made his way downstairs, the aroma of breakfast filled the air, drawing him to the dining room.

His mother, Yashu, was already seated, sipping her tea and reading the morning paper. She looked up and smiled as Raj entered.

Yashu: Good morning, Raj. Did you sleep well?

Raj: Morning, Mom. I did, thanks. Where's Dad? I haven't seen him all morning.

Yashu's smile faded slightly, and she set her cup down.

Yashu: Your father left early today. He mentioned something about meeting an investor who's interested in our company.

Raj nodded, making a mental note to ask his father about the meeting later. He quickly ate his breakfast, chatting with his mother about the day's plans. As he stood up to leave, his phone rang. The number was unfamiliar, but he answered it anyway.

Raj: Hello, this is Raj.

Voice on the other end: Mr. Raj, this is Dr. Srinivas from the City Hospital. I'm afraid I have some bad news. Your father was involved in an accident this morning. He was hit by a lorry and is currently in critical condition. You need to come to the hospital immediately.

Raj felt his blood run cold, the phone slipping slightly in his grip. His heart pounded in his chest as the words sunk in.

Raj: (voice shaking) I'll be there right away. Thank you for letting me know.

He hung up and turned to his mother, his face pale.

Raj: Mom, there's been an accident. Dad's in the hospital. He's in critical condition.

Yashu's face went white, and she dropped her teacup, the porcelain shattering on the floor.

Yashu: (voice trembling) What? No... How...?

Raj quickly moved to her side, helping her up from her chair.

Raj: We need to go to the hospital now. I'll drive us.

They hurried to the car, Raj driving as quickly as he safely could through the morning traffic. His mind raced with worry, replaying the conversation with the doctor over and over. How could this have happened? there was no appa naidu this time. who could have done this?. Just this morning, his father had been leaving for an important meeting, and now he was fighting for his life.

At the hospital, they rushed to the emergency room, where a nurse directed them to the intensive care unit. Dr. Srinivas met them there, his expression grave.

Dr. Srinivas: Mr. Raj, Mrs. Yashu, your husband is in critical condition. He's sustained severe injuries, and we're doing everything we can. But the next few hours will be crucial.

Yashu's legs gave out, and she sank into a chair, sobbing. Raj felt a wave of helplessness wash over him, but he knew he had to stay strong for his mother.

Raj: (firmly) Thank you, Doctor. Please, do everything you can to save him.

Dr. Srinivas nodded and went back into the ICU, leaving Raj and Yashu in the waiting area. Raj held his mother, offering what little comfort he could, while silently praying for his father's recovery. He knew that the coming hours would be some of the longest and hardest of his life.