
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs

Residence 2

As the camp was winding down for the evening, a group of villagers, led by a stern-looking man in a white lungi and shirt, approached Karthikeya with evident hostility. The leader, his voice filled with anger and fear, pointed an accusatory finger at Karthikeya.

"How dare you go near the temple!" he shouted. "Do you not know that anyone who approaches it brings death upon us? You are risking everyone's lives!"

Karthikeya stood his ground, his expression calm but firm. "I went there casually. 

karthikey inner thought:nothing , just to investigate. There's nothing supernatural about it. I've solved hundreds of similar cases before, where people believed in curses or spirits, and it turned out to be something entirely rational."

The villagers murmured amongst themselves, their faces a mix of fear and skepticism. Inside, Karthikeya felt frustrated. These people were deeply entrenched in their superstitions, and convincing them otherwise would be no small task.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted nearby. A young man, one of the workers taking down a light bulb, let out a scream as he was electrocuted. Sparks flew, and the boy was flung across the camp by the force of the current. Everyone watched in horror as he landed heavily on the ground, unconscious.

Karthikeya immediately ran towards the boy, his medical instincts kicking in. But before he could reach him, the village leader blocked his path, his face twisted with anger and distrust.

"Stay away!" the leader barked. "You are not to touch him. We will take him to the hospital ourselves."

"But I can help him right now," Karthikeya insisted, his voice desperate. "He needs immediate medical attention."

The leader shook his head vehemently. "We don't trust you. You've brought nothing but trouble. We'll handle this ourselves."

Raj watched the scene unfold, a mix of helplessness rising within him. He could see the urgency in Karthikeya's eyes, the desperate need to save the boy. But the villagers, blinded by their superstitions and mistrust, were not going to allow it.

"Let them take him," Raj said quietly, placing a hand on Karthikeya's shoulder. "We can't force them to trust us."

Karthikeya nodded reluctantly, stepping back as the villagers lifted the injured boy and hurried him away. The air was thick with tension, the village leader's glare burning into Karthikeya and Raj as they stood helplessly by.

As the villagers disappeared into the night, Karthikeya turned to Raj, his frustration evident. "This is what we're up against. Superstition and fear. It makes everything so much harder."

Raj nodded, his mind racing with thoughts. "We need to find a way to earn their trust, to show them that we can help."

Karthikeya sighed, looking towards the dark horizon. "It's going to be a long road. But we have to keep trying. For their sake."

The mood was somber as Karthikeya and the entire camp returned to the haveli. The day's events had cast a shadow over everyone, and there was a palpable sense of frustration and helplessness in the air. Raj followed them quietly, lost in his own thoughts about how to gain the villagers' trust.

As they settled down in the dining area, Tayattu, the cook, began serving food. Karthikeya, noticing a change in the usual fare, raised an eyebrow. "Isn't today's food different, Tayattu?"

Tayattu smiled broadly and pointed towards a door. "Look who's here!"

To everyone's surprise, Karthikeya's family entered the room. His mother and sister-in-law, beaming with joy, carried trays of delicious home-cooked food. The atmosphere immediately lightened as Karthikeya rushed to greet them, his happiness evident.

"Mother! Bhabhi! What a surprise!" Karthikeya exclaimed, hugging them both.

His mother, a kind-looking woman with warm eyes, patted his back. "We thought you could use some cheering up. So, we cookes dinner after arriving for everyone."

The family quickly set the table, and soon everyone was enjoying the hearty meal. The food was delicious, and the mood in the room transformed from somber to joyous. Laughter and chatter filled the air as the team relaxed and enjoyed the unexpected feast.

After dinner, as everyone was lounging around and sharing stories, Karthikeya decided to reveal something he had been holding back. With a smile, he turned to Raj and said, "Everyone, I think it's time you know a bit more about our guest here."

The room grew quiet, all eyes turning to Raj. Karthikeya continued, "Raj here is the heir to ARK Enterprise, one of the top three manufacturing giants in India."

The revelation sent a ripple of shock through the room. Everyone stared at Raj, their mouths agape. ARK Enterprise was a behemoth in the industry, known for its vast influence and resources.

Raj, sensing their astonishment, quickly raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Please, there's no need to treat me any differently. I'm here to help just like the rest of you."

Dr. Ravi, who had been quiet until now, spoke up, "We had no idea. It's an honor to have you with us, Raj."

Raj smiled modestly. "The honor is mine. Let's focus on our work and continue as we have been. I'm just another member of the team."

Karthikeya's mother looked at Raj with newfound respect. "We're grateful for your help, Raj. It's clear that you have a good heart."

The atmosphere, already buoyed by the home-cooked meal, grew even warmer with the newfound camaraderie. The team realized that despite his impressive background, Raj was here to support them wholeheartedly. It was a night of revelations and renewed resolve, and as they chatted and laughed late into the evening, the bonds between them grew stronger.

Raj felt a deep sense of contentment. Despite the challenges, he was in the right place, with the right people, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Raj stepped out of the bustling dining area and into the quiet night. He pulled out his phone and dialed his mother's number, feeling the need to reconnect with her. The phone rang a few times before Yashu's familiar, comforting voice answered.

"Raj, is everything okay? How are you?"

"Hi, Ma. I'm doing fine. Just needed to hear your voice," Raj replied, smiling. "How are you doing?"

"I'm well, beta. But tell me, how is your trip going? You haven't called much."

Raj leaned against a pillar, looking up at the starry sky. "It's been... eventful, to say the least. I met Dr. Karthikeya here—remember him? He's the intern of Dr. Srinivas. It's a small world, really. And the villagers here are interesting, to say the least. It's a mix of challenges and new experiences."

Yashu chuckled softly. "I'm glad to hear you're keeping busy. Oh, by the way, Raj, Kartika Purnima is in three days. Do you remember?"

Raj's mind raced. "Kartika Purnima... I thought it was a week away. Thanks for reminding me, Ma. ."

"Take care of yourself, Raj. And call me if you need anything."

"I will, Ma. Goodbye," Raj said, ending the call.

As he pocketed his phone, his mind was already churning. Kartika Purnima being so close meant that the attack on Karthikeya's life, something he recalled from his past life, could happen today or tomorrow. The threat was supposed to occur after Karthikeya's family had left, but they were here now, which added another layer of danger.

He remembered that Tayattu, the seemingly harmless cook, was the orchestrator of the attack using a snake. Raj knew he had to act fast to prevent any misfortune, but he had no proof to go on. The only evidence he had was his knowledge of events that hadn't happened yet.

Determined to protect Karthikeya and his family, Raj began formulating a plan. He would need to be vigilant, keep a close watch on Tayattu, and ensure that any attempt on Karthikeya's life was thwarted. He couldn't accuse Tayattu directly without evidence, so he had to be smart about this.

First, he needed to keep an eye on Tayattu without raising suspicion. Raj decided to use the cover of assisting with the night duties to stay close. He would also need to inform Karthikeya subtly without alarming him or his family.

Returning to the hall, Raj found Karthikeya engaged in conversation with his family. Taking a deep breath, he approached and pulled Karthikeya aside.

"Karthikeya, can I have a word with you?" Raj asked, his tone serious.

"Of course, Raj. What's on your mind?" Karthikeya replied, sensing the urgency.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

know movie based on visakhapatnam drop suggestion

white_poisoncreators' thoughts