
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs


Two weeks had passed since Jayaram's accident, and Raj had finally managed to shift his father back home. The family had converted a room on the ground floor into a makeshift hospital room to make it easier for Jayaram to recuperate. The house was bustling with activity, as family members and friends came by to offer their support and well wishes.

One afternoon, as Raj was helping his father settle into his bed, he received a call from Amulya.

Raj: (answering) Hey, Amulya.

Amulya: (concerned) Raj, I just heard about your father. I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?

Raj: Thanks, Amulya. He's doing much better now. We've got him home, and he's recovering.

Amulya: I'm back from Paris. Can I come by to see him?

Raj: Of course. He'd love to see you.

A few hours later, Amulya arrived at the house. Raj greeted her at the door and led her inside. She carried a bouquet of flowers and a get-well-soon card.

Amulya: (handing over the flowers) These are for your father.

Raj: (smiling) Thanks, Amulya. He'll appreciate it.

They walked to Jayaram's room, where Amulya offered her well wishes and spent some time talking with him. Her presence brought a positive energy to the room, and raj seemed to perk up, enjoying the company.

Afterward, Amulya and Raj sat in the living room, catching up on business and discussing her trip to Paris. As they talked, Raj's grandfather, Ananth Radhakrishna, entered the room. He looked at Raj ans see him happy ans smiling.

Ananth: Raj, can I have a word with you?

Raj: (glancing at Amulya) Sure, Grandpa. Amulya, excuse me for a moment.

They moved to a quieter corner of the room. Ananth looked at Raj, his eyes filled with concern and determination.

Ananth: Raj, your father's accident was a wake-up call for all of us. It reminded me how fragile life can be. I don't want to wait any longer. I want to see you married, settled, and happy. Before something like this happens again, and we're not as lucky as we were with Jayaram.

Raj was taken aback by the sudden request. He had been so focused on business and taking care of his father that he hadn't given much thought to his personal life.

Raj: Grandpa, I understand your concern. But marriage is a big step. I'm not sure I'm ready for it just yet.

Ananth: (sighing) I know, Raj. But think about it. You've proven yourself in business, and you've taken care of the family. It's time to think about your future. Your happiness is important to me.

Raj nodded, understanding the weight of his grandfather's words. He looked over at Amulya, who was sitting patiently, waiting for him to return. He thought about how his relationship with her had grown from a business partnership to a genuine friendship. He wasn't sure if he was ready for marriage, but he knew he had to start thinking about his future in more ways than one.

Raj: (returning to Amulya) Sorry about that. Family matters.

Amulya: No problem. Everything okay?

Raj: (smiling) Yeah, just some things to think about.

As they continued their conversation, Raj couldn't help but ponder his grandfather's request. The idea of marriage and settling down seemed daunting, but he knew it was something he had to face eventually. For now, he focused on the present, grateful for the support of his family and friends, and determined to navigate whatever challenges lay ahead.

After Amulya left for her home, Raj decided it was time to have a deeper conversation with his grandfather about the marriage matter. He found Ananth Radhakrishna sitting on the veranda, sipping his evening tea. The serene environment was a stark contrast to the storm of thoughts brewing in Raj's mind.

Raj: (taking a seat beside his grandfather) Grandpa, can we talk?

Ananth: (putting down his tea) Of course, Raj. What's on your mind?

Raj: It's about what you said earlier, about marriage. I'm not sure I'm ready for such a big step. My focus has been on the business and taking care of the family. I haven't really thought about settling down.

Ananth looked at his grandson with understanding eyes, knowing the weight Raj had been carrying on his shoulders.

Ananth: Raj, I understand your hesitation. You've taken on so much responsibility, and you've done an incredible job. But life is about more than just business and duty. It's also about personal happiness and building a future with someone you care about.

Raj: (sighing) I get that, Grandpa. But marriage is a huge commitment. I don't want to rush into something I'm not ready for.

Ananth: (nodding) I'm not asking you to rush, Raj. I'm asking you to give it some thought. You seem to enjoy Amulya's company. I've seen how you two interact. There's a connection there, something that could grow into a deep bond.

Raj reflected on his interactions with Amulya. Their friendship had blossomed over time, and he respected her immensely. However, the thought of marriage still felt overwhelming.

Raj: (reluctantly) You're right. I do enjoy her company, and I respect her a lot. But I'm still not sure if I'm ready to take that step.

Ananth placed a reassuring hand on Raj's shoulder.

Ananth: Just think about it, Raj. That's all I'm asking. Sometimes, life's biggest decisions come from the smallest moments of clarity. You have time to decide, but don't close yourself off to the possibility.

Raj nodded, appreciating his grandfather's wisdom. Despite his reluctance, he agreed to give it some thought.

Raj: (sighing) Okay, Grandpa. I'll think about it.

Ananth smiled, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. He had made up his mind to take the marriage proposal to Amulya's house, believing that it could be a positive step for both families.

Ananth: Good. That's all I ask. Now, let's not dwell on it too much tonight. We have plenty of time to discuss and consider everything.