
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs


Raj and his assembled crew boarded the bus, the engine rumbling to life as they set off towards the mansion. The actors were seated, nervously fidgeting and whispering among themselves, hiding their scowls behind forced smiles. Raj had provided them no materials, just their roles and the reassurance that he would do most of the talking. They had no choice but to trust him and follow his lead.

Their convoy consisted of a police jeep, a police van, and an ambulance, all designed to add authenticity to their operation. Raj stood at the front of the bus, facing the group, his mind racing with a mix of excitement and determination.

Raj's POV:

Time to pull out the A-plus game. This is really exciting, and my body is pumping adrenaline like it's oxygen. Hahaha, PK, you won't know what hit you. I will be the one to bring you down, finally. Your days of crime and aiding Veeru Bhai and his brothers are over.

He couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph at the thought. The plan was risky, but if it succeeded, it would be a masterstroke. His thoughts raced back to the intricate details they had meticulously crafted over the past weeks.

Raj (inner monologue):

PK, you've ruled with an iron fist for too long. You thought you were untouchable, that no one could bring you to justice. But you underestimated me. Today, I'll expose you for the criminal you are. No more hiding behind your political facade.

The bus approached the mansion, and Raj turned to address the actors one last time. "We're almost there. Remember, follow my lead. Stay in character no matter what happens. We only get one shot at this."

One of the actors, a young man with a nervous twitch, raised his hand. "What if someone tries to stop us? "

Raj fixed him with a steely gaze. "They won't. Just act confident and stick to the plan. i will take care of action part."

The actor nodded, swallowing hard. Raj could see the fear in his eyes but also a flicker of determination. Good. Fear could be a powerful motivator.

As the mansion came into view, Raj felt his heartbeat quicken. The grand, imposing structure stood as a symbol of PK's power and corruption. But not for long.

Raj (to himself): This is it. The moment of truth. Everything we've worked for comes down to this.

He stepped off the bus, straightening his uniform, and motioned for the others to follow. The actors took their positions, their expressions a mix of apprehension and resolve.

Raj (aloud to the group): "Alright, everyone. Remember your roles. We're here to take down a criminal turn politican, and we're doing it by the book. Let's go."

As they approached the mansion, Raj felt the adrenaline surge again. This was it—their one shot to bring PK down and end his reign of terror. Failure was not an option.

Raj (inner monologue): PK, your time is up. Today, justice will be served.

As I enter PK's mansion, I notice many goons sitting, talking, and engaging in various activities. Time to lock these people up in a cage.

pov end


Raj scanned the room, quickly assessing the situation. He pointed to the people dressed as constables. "Lock the doors," he commanded.

The fake constables immediately sprang into action, securing all the exits. Raj then strode confidently towards the main door of the mansion. The goons, noticing the police convoy, began to gather, their faces a mix of confusion and suspicion.

Just as the tension in the room began to rise, PK and his secretary, Sriman, appeared in front of Raj. PK's face was contorted with anger. "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" he demanded.

Raj met his gaze without flinching. "I'm from the Income Tax Department," he announced. "We are here to raid your house on suspicion of illegal dealings and tax evasion."

PK's eyes widened with rage. "Wait right there!" he shouted. "I'll call my superior and have this raid canceled. You have no idea who you're messing with."

Without missing a beat, Raj pointed to a man in their group who immediately activated the signal jammer. A faint hum filled the room, barely noticeable but highly effective.

Raj looked back at PK, his expression cold and unyielding. "You can't contact anyone outside," he said. "You can't go outside, and you can't stop us from doing our job. If you try to do any of those things, you'll be in jail before you take your first step out of this building."

PK's face turned a shade redder, veins bulging in his neck. Sriman looked equally flustered, glancing nervously between PK and Raj.

One of the goons, trying to act tough, stepped forward. "You think you can just walk in here and do as you please?"

Raj turned his icy gaze to the man. "We're not here to debate. This is an official raid. Anyone who interferes will face the full consequences of the law."

The room fell silent, the weight of Raj's words settling over everyone. The goons, sensing the seriousness of the situation, hesitated. PK, though furious, seemed to recognize the precariousness of his position.

"Let's begin," Raj said, signaling his team to start the raid. "You," he pointed to one of the actors, "check the upper floors. You two, start with the offices downstairs. The rest, spread out and search every room."

As his team dispersed, Raj kept his eyes on PK and Sriman. "This will go much smoother if you cooperate," he added, his tone leaving no room for argument.

PK, still fuming, glared at Raj but said nothing. Raj could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, each beat of his heart echoing the high stakes of their mission. This was it—the moment they had prepared for. Now, it was all about execution.

raj inner thought :This is it, PK. Your empire of crime is about to crumble, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Today, justice will finally catch up to you.

Raj moved deeper into the mansion, every step a calculated move in their high-stakes game. The performance of their lives was well underway, and there was no turning back now.