
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs


Raj quickly assessed the situation, realizing the gravity of what was about to unfold. He knew he had to act fast to protect Sathya and Deepthi from the impending attack by Veeru Bhai's thugs.

Raj approached Sathya and Deepthi, his voice steady and urgent. "Listen, Veeru Bhai's men are coming for you. "

Sathya looked skeptical but worried. "How do you know this? Why should we trust you?"

raj then say "I overheard them talking about you and saw them sharing your photo. They're going to attack, and we need to be ready."

Raj took a deep breath and point toward thug boarding. "I saw them outside. They're thugs from Hyderabad, and they're not here for a friendly visit. I've been through something similar before, and I can't stand by and let this happen to you."

Deepthi, still shaken, clung to Sathya's arm. "But attacking them... won't that just make things worse for us?"

Raj nodded. "I understand your fear, but doing nothing will be even worse. Once they deal with that boy outside, they'll come for you. We have to be ready."

 Sathya spotted an unknown thug attacking a random boy in the bus. He felt a pang of guilt and a strong urge to help, but he knew it would only attract more attention. "I want to help that boy, but we can't risk it. We're fleeing from Visakhapatnam because of these thugs."

Raj placed a reassuring hand on Sathya's shoulder. "I get it. But right now, our priority is keeping you and Deepthi safe. Let's focus on that."

As they watched, the boy burst through the bus window, followed by several thugs. The goons chased him, temporarily leaving the bus. However, their relief was short-lived as Veeru Bhai and his thugs began boarding the bus.

Deepthi started trembling with fear, clutching Sathya tightly. Sathya, his face set with determination, turned to Raj. "Alright, let's do this. Help me keep Deepthi safe."

Raj nodded, his mind racing with a plan. "We'll use the element of surprise. Deepthi, stay low and keep quiet. Sathya and I will handle them."

Raj and Sathya positioned themselves strategically within the bus. As Veeru Bhai and his thugs entered, Raj moved swiftly, grabbing a metal rod from the bus's emergency kit. Sathya picked up a sturdy piece of wood, ready to defend.

The first thug entered the bus, scanning the interior. Raj didn't waste a second, swinging the metal rod and hitting the thug hard on the head, knocking him out cold. The noise alerted the others, and chaos ensued.

Veeru Bhai shouted orders, and the remaining thugs charged towards Raj and Sathya. Sathya stood his ground, using the piece of wood to fend off the attackers. He managed to land a few solid blows, but the thugs were relentless.

Raj, using his quick reflexes and strength, engaged in a fierce struggle with two thugs at once. Despite being outnumbered, he fought with everything he had, protecting Deepthi and Sathya. The confined space of the bus worked to their advantage, limiting the number of thugs who could attack at once.

One thug managed to get past Raj, heading straight for Deepthi. Sathya saw this and, with a surge of adrenaline, tackled the thug to the ground. They wrestled briefly before Sathya managed to subdue him.

Raj continued to fight off the remaining thugs, his movements precise and powerful. He took down one thug after another, his determination unwavering. Finally, only Veeru Bhai remained, his face twisted with rage.

"You think you can stop me?" Veeru Bhai snarled, advancing towards satya.

satya stood tall, ready for the final confrontation. "I won't let you hurt deepthi."

Satya and Raj exchanged a quick nod, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. The bus was still filled with frightened passengers, including Deepthi, who clung to her seat in fear. Veeru Bhai, the notorious thug, boarded the bus with a menacing grin, flanked by his goons.

"Deepthi, stay back," Satya whispered, his eyes narrowing as he stepped into the aisle, positioning himself between Veeru and the terrified passengers.

Veeru's eyes gleamed with malice as he locked onto Satya. "So, you're being hero trying to play protector," he sneered. "Let's see how long you last."

Without warning, Veeru lunged forward, throwing a vicious punch aimed at Satya's head. Satya ducked just in time, the blow whistling past his ear. He countered with a swift jab to Veeru's midsection, but the thug was ready, blocking the hit and retaliating with a brutal knee to Satya's ribs.

Satya grunted in pain as he felt the sharp crack of a rib breaking, but he didn't falter. He swung a powerful right hook, catching Veeru on the jaw and sending him staggering back. The bus rocked slightly with the impact of their blows, the passengers gasping and clutching their seats for stability.

Veeru regained his footing quickly, his face contorted in rage. He charged at Satya again, throwing a flurry of punches. Satya blocked most of them, but a few got through, landing heavy blows on his ribs and sides. Each hit sent waves of pain through his body, but he pushed through the agony, his focus unwavering.

Seizing an opening, Satya delivered a swift kick to Veeru's knee, causing him to stumble. With Veeru momentarily off-balance, Satya followed up with an elbow strike to his temple, dazing him. Veeru snarled and swung wildly, but Satya sidestepped, grabbing Veeru's arm and twisting it behind his back in a painful lock.

"Yield," Satya demanded, his voice cold and determined.

Veeru growled, struggling against the hold. With a sudden burst of strength, he broke free and spun around, landing a punch squarely on Satya's already bruised ribs. Satya gasped, the pain nearly overwhelming, but he didn't back down. Summoning every ounce of his strength, he delivered a devastating uppercut to Veeru's chin, followed by a knee to the gut.

Veeru doubled over, gasping for breath. Satya didn't give him a chance to recover. He grabbed Veeru by the collar and slammed him against the side of the bus, the impact rattling the windows. Veeru's head lolled to the side, his resistance finally broken.

Breathing heavily, Satya stepped back, his body aching from the fight. He cast a quick glance around the bus, ensuring the other goons were subdued and that Deepthi was safe. She looked at him with a mixture of fear and admiration, relief flooding her features.

Satya turned back to Veeru, who was slumped against the side of the bus, unconscious. The passengers erupted in cheers and applause, their fear replaced with gratitude.

Breathing heavily, satya looked around. The thugs were unconscious or and Veeru Bhai lay defeated. Raj turned to Sathya and Deepthi, who were shaken but safe.

"It's over for now," Raj said, his voice firm but exhausted. "You're safe for now."

Deepthi, tears of relief streaming down her face, hugged Sathya tightly. "Thank you, Raj. Thank you for saving us."

Sathya nodded, his respect for Raj evident. "We owe you our lives. Thank you."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

white_poisoncreators' thoughts