
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs


Sahoo: (looking Raj in the eyes) Who are you, really? Why are you trying to kill me?

Raj: (calming down, releasing Sahoo) I'm Raj, son of Jayaram. My family has been under attack by the Roy group again and again. First, they tried to kill my dad, then me, because we were competing for the hydroplant project. Your group didn't want to take any risks.

Sahoo: (shocked) My father never targeted families. It must be a misunderstanding.

Raj: (intensely) The hit was called by Devraj. Whether your father Roy gave permission or not, your group kidnapped the external minister and his close relatives,which include my uncle's family. That's why I'm trying to destroy the Roy group.

Sahoo: (raising his hands in apology) I'm sorry for the troubles your family has faced. That project was our chance to turn this illegal business into a legitimate one, to bring our company and people out of the gangster life.

Raj: (laughing bitterly) Yet your father uses the same gangster methods.

Sahoo: (sincerely) I apologize for my father's actions. I promise to bring change to this company.

Raj: (glancing at the horizon) If we keep talking, there won't be any company left to save.

Sahoo: (panicked) Why?

Raj: (explaining) I've set Devraj and Vishwank on a head-on clash. They should have started their fight at the Roy group HQ five minutes ago.

Sahoo: (grabbing Raj's collar, anger in his eyes) YOU!!

Raj: (calmly) Me what?

Sahoo: (controlling his anger, sighing) Fine. I'll take care of my company. Things should be salvageable if I rush now. And you'll go save Amrita?

Raj: (nodding) Agreed. (extends his hand)

Sahoo: (taking Raj's hand and shaking it) Thank you for trusting me. Let's do this.

Both wear their jetpacks and stand on the edge of the helipad, looking at the buildings where their respective objectives lie. They nod at each other, share a fist bump, and leap off the building, flying toward their destinations.

Raj and Sahoo are gliding through the city skyline, determined to save what matters most to them.


Location: High above the city streets, skyscrapers looming below, Raj soars through the skyline with his jetpack. The wind rushes past, and the sun is beginning to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink.

Omisha's voice crackles through Raj's earpiece.

Omisha: (voice thin) So, who is this "Amu" that made you stop right before you achieved your goal?

Raj: (smiling, imagining Omisha's face) My feral cat, I'll tell you everything after this. Now, get me all the info on Devraj's building.

Omisha: (serious tone) Only Prince and his goons are present in the building. The rest have gone to attack the Roy HQ.

Raj: (curious) So, what should I do? How do I infiltrate?

Omisha: (sarcastically) Considering what you've done today, do you still need a strategy?

Raj: (sincerely) Okay, okay, I apologize. I'll try to think according to the plan from now on. Please help me.

Omisha: (sighs) Alright. Here's the plan...

Cut to: Inside a room in Devraj's building.

A dimly lit room with a single hanging bulb. Amrita and another girl are tied up with ropes, sitting on the floor. Prince stands over them, a smug expression on his face.

Prince: (mockingly) You two are extremely lucky. Who would've thought that Raj, an unknown upstart, would be able to take down Vishwank?

Amrita and the girl exchange worried glances.

Prince: (threateningly) But your luck ends here. Once I'm done with you, there won't be much left for Raj to rescue.

Back to Raj, flying towards Devraj's building.

Omisha: (over earpiece) You'll enter through the roof. I'll guide you to the room where they're being held. You'll need to disable the security systems first. There's a blind spot on the west side of the building. Use it to your advantage.

Raj: (determined) Got it. What about Prince and his goons?

Omisha: (calmly) Leave them to me. I'll provide distractions. You focus on getting Amrita and the girl out safely.

Raj: (nodding, even though she can't see him) Understood. Let's do this.

Raj lands on the roof of Devraj's building, swiftly disabling the security systems. He moves stealthily through the corridors, following Omisha's directions.

Omisha: (guiding) Take a left here. Two guards ahead, take them out quietly.

Raj: (whispering) On it.

Raj takes out the guards with silent precision and moves closer to the room where Amrita and the girl are held. He hears Prince's voice as he approaches.

Prince: (inside the room) Once Raj gets here, he'll regret ever making adeal with devraj.

Raj: (whispering to Omisha) I'm outside the room. Ready to breach.

Omisha: (encouragingly) Go, Raj. You've got this.

Raj takes a deep breath, then bursts through the door with a powerful kick, his presence like a shadow in the dim light.

Prince: (surprised) Raj!

Raj: (firmly) Let them go, Prince. This ends now.

Prince quickly signals his goons to attack. Raj springs into action, moving with the agility and precision of a trained fighter, .

Two goons charge at Raj with batons. Raj dodges the first swing, countering with a swift punch to the gut that doubles the goon over. He grabs the second goon's baton mid-swing, twisting it out of his hand and using it to knock him out with a clean hit to the jaw.

Raj then uses the baton to block a knife attack from another goon, disarming him with a series of fluid movements. He flips the knife in his hand and throws it, pinning the goon's sleeve to the wall, immobilizing him.

Raj turns to see three more goons rushing in. He grabs a nearby chair and hurls it at the first goon, knocking him to the ground. He then engages the other two, using a combination of martial arts and improvised weapons.

One goon swings a metal pipe at Raj, but Raj ducks and counters with a spinning kick that sends the goon crashing into a table. The last goon pulls a gun, but Raj quickly closes the distance, knocking the gun out of his hand with a precise strike. He finishes with a series of rapid punches, leaving the goon unconscious on the floor.

Prince, seeing his men defeated, pulls out a knife and lunges at Raj. Raj deflects the attack with a swift block, countering with a punch that sends Prince staggering back.

Prince: (desperately) You'll pay for this, Raj!

Raj advances, blocking and dodging Prince's increasingly frantic attacks. He finally disarms Prince with a well-placed kick, sending the knife flying across the room.

Raj: (calmly) Not today.

Raj delivers a powerful uppercut followed by a spinning kick, sending Prince crashing to the floor. Prince tries to rise, but Raj pins him down, tie him up.

Raj stands over Prince, who is tied up and incapacitated.

Prince: (spitting blood, defiant) You think this is over? I'll come for you and your family.

Raj: (coldly) Not today.

Raj pulls out his gun and shoots Prince in the head, the sound echoing in the room. Blood splatters, and Prince slumps to the floor, lifeless. Amrita, an ex-policewoman, looks shocked. The other girl starts having a panic attack, hyperventilating and shaking.

Amrita: (shocked, horrified) You didn't have to kill him! He was already incapacitated!

Raj: (looking into Amrita's eyes, voice firm) He would have come after my family. I couldn't take that risk.

Amrita pauses, seeing the resolve and pain in Raj's eyes, understanding his desperate need to protect his loved ones. She stops questioning him, nodding slightly.

Amrita: (softly) I see.

Raj moves to the girl, untying her ropes and gently reassuring her.

Raj: (calmly) It's okay. You're safe now. Just breathe with me, slowly.

He takes a few deep breaths, and the girl mimics him, gradually calming down. Once she's more stable, Raj unties Amrita. They all head out of the room and make their way through the building.

 Parking garage of Devraj's building. The area is dimly lit, with luxury cars parked in neat rows. Raj spots a sleek Aston Martin DB12 and decides it will be their getaway car.

Raj quickly breaks into the car and hotwires it. He gestures for Amrita and the girl to get in.

Raj: (urgent) Get in. We need to move fast.

Amrita gets into the front seat while the girl sits in the back, still shaken but calmer now. Raj starts the car, the engine roaring to life.

Amrita: (turning to Raj) Who are you? And why did you save us?

Raj: (focused on driving) Just doing Sahoo a favor.

Raj accelerates out of the parking garage, the Aston Martin DB12 speeding into the city. The sleek car weaves through traffic, its powerful engine growling as they head towards safety.

Amrita: (still curious, but calmer) Sahoo? Why would you help him?

Raj: (eyes on the road) It's a long story. Let's just say we have a mutual interest in taking down the Roy group.

The city lights blur as they speed through the streets, Raj's focus unwavering. The tension eases slightly inside the car, knowing they've escaped the immediate danger but aware that more challenges lie ahead.

The scene ends with the Aston Martin DB12 zooming through the city, its taillights glowing red as it disappears into the distance, leaving the chaos behind and moving towards roy headquater .