
In Twilight

Fools, that is all I see around me, cold corpses fighting overgrown mutts to see who held the biggest dong. The worst thing is my sister seems to be in the mix of it all. Why couldn't she have been one of the normal sheeple and ignored that emo kid and his dark faze. Alas, it's time to show the fools not to poke a sleeping dragon.

GingerGiant · Phim ảnh
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21 Chs

Poor hospitality

I watched emo Boi guide my awe-stricken sister through the house while explaining the ins and outs of everything I had to call injustice! They treated this god with such poor hospitality, yet my barbarian of a sister gets the whole works, pathetic.

Entering the kitchen, I spot the group of five dancing round the room while making different Italian cuisine. They seemed to be having a jolly good time.

"We're making Italiano for you both," said the mother Hun of the brood when we entered. The lass seemed to love cooking, and I hope she's improved with my criticism last time.

Watching the plebs converse about the food, I went into the kitchen to inspect what they had been making. Unlike my brute of a sibling, I hadn't eaten before coming to dinner.

"She already ate." wow, reading my mind to bring down the mood of everyone else truly is an emo. I had to grab a bowl as one of the corpses dropped it in a tantrum.

"I haven't," I said as I started eating the food in the bowl before setting it down and looking at the mad lass, "It's uncooked and raw, one star." with that said, I walked out, ignoring the screams behind me.


(Bells POV)

"It's uncooked and raw, one star," said Bob before he left, causing Roselie to scream in frustration. Looking at Edward, I couldn't help but ask.

"Was he like that last time?" I knew my brother was a tad eccentric, but I didn't realize he was this bad. He had just insulted someone far stronger than him to their face, then turned his back on them. Is he stupid?

"Last time, we had to hold Edythe back from killing him while he acted like nothing happened" What? Where does he get all that confidence from?

"We actually want to talk to you about him." cut in Dr. Cullen.

"What about him?" I was confused. While my brother is a weird, crazy, and insane person I don't think there's anything special about him.

"What is his power?" All eyes in the room shift to me, waiting for my following words. I need to think about this.

"I don't know if this counts as a power, but..." how to explain it, "it seems like everything goes the way he thinks is right, as if what he believes to be true is true if that makes sense. I had no other way to explain it.

I had always known something was off. He says something, then it happens, or some strange events happen around him, and he explains it away in some weird and abnormal excuse that he believes to be true.

A good example would be Sock. He said he talked to the mother bear and she gave him Sock, and I'm willing to bet that he did just that and asked a bear for their cub."

Their eyes seemed to go wide at my theory. Now I've spoken it out loud. It seemed to make so much more sense, and it explained everything around him.

"Isn't that bad?" came the voice of Edythe. She looked pretty scared of the idea.

"What's bad?" Dr. Cullen asked the question on all of our minds.

"You just said whatever he believes to be true becomes a reality, no?" I nod, "Well, subconscious reality warping is bad enough but put that in the mind of an insane man, Bob, it gets even worse."

Ah, she does have a point.


(Bob POV)

They seem to be taking a while. Once again, in a show of poor hospitality, their guest is left to twiddle their thumbs and contemplate the meaning of life.

Their luck is that this god is kind and patient lest I decided to bring down the sun and use its meager power to eradicate them all.

"Bob" oh, they cast away one of their spawn to come to mingle with this king, fine I shall entertain this motion for a while.

"Emo lass," I greeted adequately.

"Can I ask you a question?" I believe, my dear fool, that was a question just now, but fine as I'm feeling magnanimous I will allow another.

"Do you have an ability?" She asked.

"This holy God holds too many powers to count. Please be more specific." the power I hold is far too great for their feeble minds to comprehend; thus, I have to use simple dialogue.

"Do you have subconscious reality warping?" What poor naming sense. Whoever thought of that is just stupid. I much prefer to call it *God's mind* the ability to dictate reality.

"O-oh, al-alright." Said the emo before scurrying away back to the rest of the brood. It seems they have finally started to notice the vast universe that is my powers compared to the pea they are.


(Edythe POV)

"Well, subconscious reality warping is bad enough but put that in the mind of an insane man, Bob, it gets even worse." I clarified to everyone in the room, getting looks of fear out of the few smart ones.

This is bad, like really bad, I wouldn't want to be in the world with someone with that power, but it only gets worse when you realize the man wielding it is undoubtedly insane.

I need to talk to him. Maybe it isn't as bad as I think. It might turn out to be a good thing in the end, or it might not even be true.


Nope were fucked, completely and utterly fucked. If him being completely insane wasn't bad enough, through in a significant god complex with a heavy dose of narcissism, you end up with someone who believes they can't be beaten but add in this power? That all becomes true.

I have no idea how the world has survived up to this point. Has it even survived? Has he used his power to rewind time or fix the world with none of us the wiser? All this is making me go insane with him.

But above all, why does he have to be my mate?


(Bob's POV)

I wonder what they are doing in there?


The big reveal finally happened! I had actually had this be my idea for his power since chapter 2 but with a lot of y'all agreeing it made sense it doubled my resolve.

Subconscious reality warping, kinda like the Orks in 40k but without their stupidity given to a narcissistic insane person makes for a fun time.

so if you see any plot holes, ha! just been sorted and covered.

short chap again but I've had to spend today packing for my trip as Im leaving tomorrow, but ye bois phones fixed so I'll carry one posting like normal.

I liked the last vote so let's do another!

What power would you chose if you could have one? (no powers that give more powers or take powers)