
CH7: Letter, heading out

Leo opened the letter starting to read it first before seeing what else is there.

but the more he read the more excited and confused he is


hi son, if you reading this, it means I and your mother are either dead or disappear on you before you awake your heritage, and I assure you it was not our intent to leave you.

we got some problems and we have to leave or we got caught, but that is something you dont have to bother with.

to the important part first, you probably already awake your ability and already got inside the beast forest, although you are only forced to enter at night.

but if you focus on it you could enter physically anytime, and be careful if you get killed in that condition there is no going back

I write this to tell you that you will have to head to the center of the forest, I know it will be hard, I was ther so I know what it's meant to be there.

but to know the meaning of that place and about yourself, you have to reach the mountain in the center as it's something every one of the family has to pass through alone.

lastly, behind the letter, there is a map of a hiding house me and your mother used in our day as hunters. there you will find all the information and books you will need to know about the supernatural world as your mother was a knowledge maniac.

I and your mother love you and hope you live a happy life

PS: if you ever really want to know what happened to us, dont bother without at least reaching our level of strength.

and when you reach it, and still want to look, head to Japan, you will know what to do.


reading the letter a couple of times, Leo sighed and lean back with sighed 'so as I thought this world is not just twilight' looking back to the letter before flipping it and reading the map noticing the mark is on the sea a couple of Km from La push, Fork.

sighing at himself he starts the car and headed to La Puch. on the road, his thought was wandering around what he learned today, and the whole ordeal of his parent's accident was still troubling him.

as he arrives at the sea shore looking, at the sea for seconds from the cliff he looks back to the car consol "Alfred, take the car home, I may be busy until tomorrow morning"

[at your service, what about the gest on the garage?]

Leo looks confused befour remembering "A right Rosalie and the others, well, just let them be if they ask, just tell them I have to take care of some business, also did you activate the permeation I give them?"

[yes sir, Rosalie P6, Alice and jasper P4, the rest of the family P3]

Leo nodded before leaving the car and watching it hit the road then looking at the sea "Let's see what my family was up to in the past"

turning into a silver eagle as he jumped off the cliff and flew to the Horzine not noticing pair of eyes observing him from the forest.


short Chap for today, sorry about that.

See Yaa.