
CH6: twilight? not sure anymore.

-----3rd pov-----

leaving the garage, Leo headed straight to the airport, and just as he inter heis nose got a deep and weird silver smell, trading it he found a middle-aged man he was familiar with, Johnson.

coming close to him, the man's eyes catch something on Leo and he starts at him for seconds not talking.

"hi ther uncle, who are you doing any good news" Smiling as he shake his hand, he notices some weird energy inside him, close to the mana he use but completely different, but the feeling he got was something like the energy he feels in that bizarre world he visits at night.

Jonson didn't answer directly but observed him for a second then sighed "Except finding that my little friend becomes one of the rich people of the world, and awaking his ability? nothing new"

at those words, Leo become tense earning a laugh from the man in front of him "Relax, I know because your father was one too"

he nodded and said, "So your visit has anything with it?"

Johnson nodded "That and handing something, should we have a drink?"

both heads to close a coffee shop and sat t talk, after ordering Johnson slid a green piece of round glass.

in his confusion, Leo tries to observe the thing and what he got is

-------------life orb------------

can be linked to one person to keep a trace of his condition (life, death, danger...) and also alarm if the linked person beckom part of the supernatural as it turns color to green.


seeing the surprised face on Leo, Johnson put a box on top of the table out of no were "Your parent handed this box and the glass orb months before their death with only one sentence {if the orb turns green, and we are not alive, please handed the box to our son.}

looking at the box for a second, Leo looks at Johnson "Are you supernatural? I can smell a weird silver thing from you, and feel some energy emitting around your body, but I don't think you are a shifter like me. or even Vampire as you don't smell sweet"

at this comment, Johnson had his eyes within then he started to laugh "HAHAHAHA, good one, but no thous are barely counted as supernatural."

Leo was confused "What that suppose to mean?" Johnson shook his head "In the supernatural, there is a tier for every creature's power level, for example, the vampire you talk about, more known as the 'Gelida' or 'the frozen ones' are level 5 treat, the shifters or more known as "bestia spirits" depended on the type it ranges between level 3 to 10. by the way, the weakest supernatural is level 2 and it's a parasite type"

Leo nodded after a second "So they hardly can count dangerous, and so am I, sigh"

"No, No, you are not a shifter" Johnson shake his hand in denial "I don't know what your father was, but ther is this one time that I asked him if he was one and he took real offense at that saying 'please dont compare me to thous hormonal animals that rude' or something?"

Leo took a second to figure out what he hear "Quick question on that level scale. what was father level and in your opinion where I stand now?"

Johnson sighed "Well, as you are now, you are around Lv 9 close to 10, as for your parents, well they were an 'OOz' level, being with no Offence warning around them." Leo confusedly said "Excuse me? Oz as in the wizard of Oz?"

Johnson answers with a small laugh "No, as in 'Out of normal Zone' for short 'Out Of Zone'. the scale we use takes a lot of speck in ranking, but in general, we have 40 levels, any creature has Lv between 38 and 40 is called calamity. and anything higher than 40 is unscaled and classified As 'OOZ' as no normal supernatural below 40 can scratch them, your parents where ones that even Lv 40 have to run in their sight if he has bad intent about them as they can smell it."

this whole info dump made Leo's mind go numb for a second.

before stand asking in agate asking "Then who the hell are they are death!" this outburst surprised Johnson, and Leo notice what he did sitting back and apologizing "Sorry"

Johnson smiles not minding his reaction "It's ok, it will be weird if you don't react like that. back to your question. as I was the one responsible for that case, I know for sure they are probably still alive as I found no trace of their death. so my best guess is they are forced into a situation where they have to disappear, or someone on the same level as them is involved. not sure what happened but I am still working on finding them."

the last part surprised Leo before nodded "If you need any help, please call me, also this" he took a touch screen phone and hand it to him"

Johnson took the phone "This the first time I saw a phone like this, new type?" Leo shook his head "No, something I made personally, it is 5 generations advanced over anything you find in the market, has face trace, monitor control over 2km around it, and many more that will be of help in your job "

Johnson nodded in surprise "It's more helpful than you think" With a smile he continue "But the supernatural world has something close to it, maybe 3 generations?" This made Leo excited as he never thought that even the technologies that advance.

looking at his father's friend he asks "So what's the plan now?" Johnson smiled and said "I will head to Japan to see my wife and kids"

This surprised Leo but ask "Your marid? I never know" he nodded "Yes, I am part of the Katagiri family, you will know about them later" saying while standing.

after paying they got out of the coffee. Johnson took Leo in a hug "I will see you later brat, if you have time, visit us in Japan, you are always welcome" Nodding at his world Leo hug him back before heading back to his car with the box.

setting in the driver sits with the box open in front of him, the box has a couple of things inside, a letter, a notebook, and 2 necklaces of lion fang.

Leo opened the letter, reading it first before seeing what else is there, but one question stuck in his head "Is this still the twilight I know?"


here is a new chap, hope you like it

also, does anyone wants to add some idea to the 'Japan' part of the story please put it in chap comments.

See Ya later.