
In Marvel with the Force?

After dying upon uncovering the ultimate truth within his universe, Theon finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel universe with an unexpected gift. Tasked with an ambitious objective, his mission in this new reality is to ascend to the pinnacle, aiming for the ultimate peak of power and understanding. Follow the Path of the strongest Jedi/Sith! NO HAREM (We don't smoke that around here) The cover is not mine The credits for Marvel and Star Wars are not mine

Evandar · Phim ảnh
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34 Chs

Heavenly talent?

Sorry for short chapter

The law test was postponed to tmrw

(My classmates were too scared)


After the 'talk,' Theon found solace in the cafeteria's bustling atmosphere. A wholesome scene unfolded as Remy rushed towards Theon.

"Big brother!" He exclaimed, a wide smile brightening his face as he approached Theon.

"Hey there, little buddy. How are you feeling?" Theon greeted him warmly.

Remy's eyes lit up with joy at Theon's presence. "Hi! I'm good, thanks!" he chirped, radiating innocence.

As they exchanged lighthearted banter, Theon glanced around the cafeteria, taking in the bustling surroundings. "This place can be a bit overwhelming at first, huh?" he remarked.

Nodding in agreement, Remy scanned the area. "Yeah, but everyone's nice. Are we going to stay here long?" he inquired with curiosity.

Theon nodded, pulling up a nearby chair. "For a while, yeah. Xavier's got a plan to keep us safe," he assured Remy.

Curiosity sparked in Remy's innocent eyes. "How old are you?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Chuckling softly, Theon considered his response. "You wouldn't believe it," he teased lightly.

Caught by Remy's persistent gaze, Theon relented. "I'm 12 years old."

"How are you so tall?!" Remy exclaimed, his surprise evident.

"Someone gave me the perfect starter body," Theon vaguely explained.

"What about you, Remy?" Theon redirected the conversation.

"I'm six years old!" Remy proudly announced.

Silently musing about his plan for HYDRA, Theon kept his thoughts to himself.

"Remy, what's your Power?" Theon inquired, shifting the topic.

"I can make things explode," the child responded with excitement.

"That's an impressive power! You can easily take on your enemies with that!" Theon encouraged Remy.

"True, but the explosion turns pink... and that's a girl color" sulked the kid.

Chuckling softly, Theon reassured him, "Don't worry, Remy! Pink is a great color. You could have gotten worse ones."

'This pretty much confirm that he's the future Gambit, glad that he's on my team, dude was beyond busted in the comics.'

"Have you thought of a catchphrase or superhero name?" Theon tried to boost Remy's spirits.

"No, can you help me?" Remy asked eagerly.

"Um, how about: 'Killer Queen already touched your clothes' and then you make the clothes explode?" Theon suggested, striking a drammaric pose as Kira Yoshikage.

His playful suggestion was met with a sudden fist bump on the head.

"What are you teaching this kid?" Logan interjected incredulously, joining the scene.

"Oh, hi Logan. He wanted a catchphrase and I gave him one," Theon greeted Logan casually.

A vein appeared on the old man's forehead. "Catchphrases are stupid" Logan grumbled, expressing his disdain.

"No, they are cool!" Remy chimed in, defending the idea with his innocent enthusiasm.

"What's cool in saying: 'You thought that was enough to kill me? Ahahaha...You were wrong' " Logan said dramatically, striking a pose himself.

Theon chuckled at Logan's unexpected dramatic flair. "I think Remy's got a point, Logan. Catchphrases can add a bit of flair."

Logan sighed, acknowledging their differing opinions. "Kids and their stupid ideas these days... fine, have your fun." He shook his head in mock disapproval, but a hint of a smile betrayed his amusement.

Theon, curious about Logan's teachings, leaned in, asking, "What else will you teach us today, Logan?"

Before Theon could finish, Logan stopped him with a solemn expression. "Kid, I've seen enough to know when someone's learned all that's necessary. And if someone were to tell me you were an experiment to create the perfect soldier, I'd believe it" Logan admitted.

Theon's brows furrowed in surprise. "You'd really believe that?"

"Kid, you learn things too fast, too precise. It's like you've been programmed. Makes a man wonder" Logan remarked.

"Guess that I was blessed with heavenly talent for fighting" said Theon arrogantly.

Logan, with a wry smile, leaned in closer, his eyes meeting Theon's with a hint of humor.

"Easy there, kid. Heavenly talent? That's a bit much, ain't it?"

Theon chuckled, realizing the boastful tone in his statement. "Maybe a bit" he admitted, scratching his head sheepishly.

"Look, you're good, no doubt," Logan acknowledged, a reassuring tone in his voice. "But don't go thinking you got some divine edge over everyone. Takes more than talent to win in this game."

Theon nodded, a bit abashed by his exaggerated claim. "I hear you, Logan. Talent's just the start, right?"

"Exactly," Logan affirmed. "It's what you make of it that truly counts. Keep that in mind."

Theon smiled, grateful for Logan's guidance. "Thanks for the reality check, Logan."

Logan patted him on the shoulder. "Anytime, kid. That's what I'm here for."


Power: [Gyro-Ergokinesis]


Users can create, shape and manipulate the gravitational energy, i.e., the energy a body with mass has in relation to another massive object. The energy is connected to gravity or gravitational force and kinetic energy. An object has its own gravitational field that draws it to a larger object, like the Earth. As an object is positioned high above the ground, its gravitational energy increases while its kinetic energy decreases. As the object plummets towards the ground, its kinetic energy increases while its gravitational energy decreases.



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