
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · Tranh châm biếm
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62 Chs

Trunks comes to visit!

Soon after the truth came out we had another year to train and get stronger.

Goku, Bardock, Raditz, and Vegeta all went to King Kai for more advanced training. While also emptying his magical fridge.

I trained hard with the other humans and with the female Saiyan's.

Gohan joined us with Gine as he was focused on being able to defend his sister when we were busy. And Gine wanted to be as strong as her mom.

Piccolo was training Tagron and Kumo further on Namek while also training their militia to be better than they were already.

And soon another year happens while we continue training, before I perk up at sensing a powerful presence that popped out of nowhere. It wasn't hostile and seemed to be about 700k.

I let everyone know through our communicators that we have Trunks on the planet. Bulma comes flying with Vegeta as she is excited to see her future son.

Everyone else flies over with the toddler Saiyan's to show Trunks that this is indeed a different alternate universe to his own.

We all land near a very confused looking Trunks as he is searching around using his scanner watch for Frieza before he notices us.

He goes to say hi before he sees so many people he doesn't recognize from his timeline.

He faints after finding out he went to an alternate universe.

He then proceeds to explain the timeline of his world and what we should prepare for in three years time.

He is also shocked to see his mom as a Saiyan and his father happily hugging her waist in this world. As in this Trunks world his mother told him about her brief relationship with Vegeta and how they never quite achieved a well balanced romance together.

He was glad to see it but was also confused as to what he should do with this information.

I did one suggestion that I figured would benefit him and us. "Hey Trunks... Question about your time machine there."

He turns to me as he was playing and enjoying all the young toddlers who were being held by proud mothers and his face was overjoyed to see this happening.

"Yeah Krillin? What about it?"

I look it over and ask, "Does it matter what time you go back to your world? Or does time move the same no matter what?"

He thinks before he goes, "Well technically I can go back to the moment I left. But if I stayed too long here my mother would notice the age gap."

I nod before smirking and going, "What if we gave you an edge over the threats in your world?"

He perks up as he explains about the android (cyborgs) threat and the time and place they first appear.

We all smile at this information and thank him for it as we know thanks to me. About the true androids and cyborgs and our plans for them.

He joins us after packing up his machine in a capsule to follow us to capsule Corp in its prime.

To say he was shocked and happy to meet his grandparents was an understatement. Bulmas mom was fawning all over him saying she looks like her husband when he was younger. While her dad was beaming with pride over how much trunks reminds him of himself.

Trunks just nervously took it while Bulma was trying to get her parents to not overwhelm the poor boy.

Once we all calmed down I took a few Senzu beans into the gravity chamber Bulma made for us to use with Trunks and had him go for a spar with me one on one.

He chuckles as I glance at him from my plan being revealed. He then goes, "No offense Krillin... But I'm sensing your power and your not much stronger than me. If you want me to improve. Shouldn't I fight my father or Goku? Or any of the other Saiyan's who have super Saiyan unlocked?"

I turn on the gravity to x100 making him gasp and grunt in shock as I stand there normally. Then go from my passive 800k resting point all the way up to my 1.6 million making Trunks gasp in shock. I smirk and say, "Trust me... You'll want to start with my training."

He obviously hadn't used an increased gravity chamber before. He was so out of it as his movement were clunky and mostly a brawlers movements. I made sure to drill into him the understanding of movements, the need for smaller more, efficient combos, and how to read your opponent to prepare your next move.

He goes down after an hour from not being used to the chamber. I tag out with Vegeta and he begins training Trunks like a drill sergeant to make sure his son gets strong.

Though his encouragement could use..m some work.

"C'mon boy! Get back up! 1,000 pushups and situps in x200 gravity should be nothing to you at this point! Not keep going you're only half way done! If I was making you do this with Goku you would be fighting him with an extra 500 pounds on each limb!!"

Trunks pauses as he gasps on the ground from that information and goes, "That doesn't sound too bad..."

Vegeta narrows his eyes at him and smirks while pointing to the gravity machine, "While that is on at x100 gravity."

Trunks goes pale and goes back to his sets. Once he is done Vegeta does spar with him. But using everything he has. Going super Saiyan and everything.

Looks like Trunks has the same problem in his universe. He said Gohan had developed a more powerful solid gold aura super Saiyan mode which perks our interest. But he himself only managed to unlock the x25 basic super Saiyan form.

I asked him about the form Goahn had and he said it was solid gold aura, no wavering of the hair or flickers of the eye color, and it was able to be held even in a resting state.

I think to myself about it being a true mastered version and that may be what we need to do to unlock the full x50 boost the super Saiyan form should have been originally.

As I think about it Bulma is cheering her son on while Vegeta is handing Trunks ass to him on a silver platter.

Let's face it Trunks reaches just barely 17.5 million in power.

But after the last year all of our Saiyan main fighters have gotten past 1 million base power. So Vegeta is giving the poor boy a lesson in power gaps as he is standing tall at 27 million.

Trunks has no chance as he is ground pounded over and over as he just can't catch a break in the 200+ gravity.

He comes out looking ready for a nap with bruises and cuts and scabs all over.

I come up to him as he smiles at me and goes to say something.

I take this chance to shove a Senzu Bean down his throat with a mischievous smile.

He cofhs but swallows it and he feels and sees his body repair itself. He goes to thank me before I point a thumb behind me and he goes pale at seeing a line of Saiyan warriors each looking to have a round with him.

He goes to plead with me but I have already been replaced with an eager Goku as he grabs Trunk by his collar and drags him into the gravity room cheering out, "My turn!!"

Trunks has twin rivers of anime tears going down his face as he goes, "Why?!?!"

He endures this sort of training for the next three months. He manages to reach a higher power level of 30 million in super Saiyan mode and goes back to the future to see if it helps him defeat the cyborgs.

We prepare ourselves for our own worlds versions of these androids and cyborgs.

We train harder. I visit popo a few times for times to push my hyper form further and the others all begin to notice that as they use the super Saiyan forms more and hold them for longer they become more sttuend to them and can use them at will with less of a charge up time.

I figured that meant they were either mastering their true super Saiyan forms... Or they were simply getting used to it like a muscle movement. Either way will help us out.

And while we were busy with that. Piccolo apparently started his own boot camp. Gine and Gohan went to school with Bulma as their science, math, and history teacher during the day. Chi chi did English for them and Nadia was their cooking and home economics teacher (Note: original home economics such as chores and maintenance of the household.).

In the after noon they went to be with Piccolo for their training under him. They even began to call him Mr. Piccolo. Which made him blush.

I couldn't help but come sometimes to ask if I should get him a name plaque and a desk for his new title. He always just grumbled and put up with me as I was able to push him during training the kids so he could progress further.

Tagron and Kumo did their best to come train with us but they had duties as the head healer and warrior on new Namek from time to time for a few weeks at a time. But they still made time when possible to help.

The humans had seen my hyper form and all wanted to unlock it too. So they went to train with Popo for hopefully unlocking it as well... They came to regret this decision within two weeks.

I was shocked they lasted that long before it became regret.

But we all pushed ourselves for a solid year before something different happened.