
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · Tranh châm biếm
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69 Chs

True growth

I may have been heavy handed with Yamcha but it needed to be done. I thought it over and to be fair no one actually helped him realize his own weakness until it was too late in the android saga.

He needed this wake up call now.

I sigh as I land and join Chi chi and Goku for making dinner.

I know the next few months would tell me how things went with Yamchas wake up call. But for now I had to focus on my training and Gokus training. With Chi chi needing to grow and be able to protect her child if we couldn't reach Raditz level of strength by time he gets here.

It was a gamble. But I have done all I can to prepare everyone with my early warning and my training boost.

I could wish for the dragon to boost another characters training speed. But he needs another 7 months to finish recharging. Other wise I will be yelling at rocks.

I was thinking Goku for the next boost target. Lord knows he and Piccolo need it the most to stand a chance against lots of later villains in this world.

But that was still 7 months away. If we progress enough in that time frame then we will do well.

During the next few months Goku finished the basic education books. So I had Bulma bring intermediate level to at least have Goku reach middle school to beginning high school level education and knowledge. While also asking around the nearby city for any small tournaments happening with money prizes so Goku and I could get some extra cash.

There were a few we participated in. We each took a different tournament. And we each earned 10k zeni. It was a nice boost.

But the fact that they recognized us as repeat finalists from the world martial arts tournament might have influenced their efforts in trying to take us down.

I even fought the 121 power level in my tournament. He was just a really strong human who knew his style well.

But that was neither here nor there.

What we had to go through right now was training until Gohan was born.

The next few months I checked in with Piccolo, Tien, Roshi, Chiaotzu, and especially Yamcha.

They were all training hard. And Yamcha at least surprised me. He graduated from the gym and was going to black belt level classes to improve his style and technique alongside his own innovated training using higher tier weights created by Bulmas genius.

Man we had our people growing well.

Soon enough the summer came and Chi chi could only do some light exercises and ki training. But she wasn't complaining. I wasn't either.

At this point she was quite powerful for a human. Her power level through just that type of training had broken through 260 power level!

I was proud of her progress.

And after another tournament for the prize money from Goku and I. We gathered what we had and when Chi chi looked ready to burst we got her to a hospital near Ox kings castle so he could come visit his grandson.

We paid for the hospital room and got through the birth 3 days after checking in. We timed that well.

Soon Gohan was born and I called everyone on the communicator to bring them over to check on the new born.

Even Piccolo came to see the next generation of his possible rivals for world domination.

Though he had an evil grin on his face while eyeing the son of his rival.

I decided to nip another problem in the bud.

"Hey Goku?"

"Yeah Krillin?"

"Might want to lose the tail."

Goku looks confused and looks at his sons tail, "Why?"

I break it down to him about how Gohan might go berserk from a huge power influx as he transformed into a large ape creature.

Goku gaped at me before he went over and told Chi chi what they needed to do. She nods with a face of fear before holding her son to her chest so Goku could hold the tail while I cut it off with a ki blade around my hand.

After it was severed everyone gave a huge breath of relief.

We all made sure to dispose of the tail properly. While I walked out of the room to let Chi chi and Gohan recover from the birth. I walk by Piccolo and say, "No kidnapping him and making him a loyal soldier from training at a young age."

Piccolo jolted at being called out on his plan. He grumbles something about, "Smart ass midgets."

Making me chuckle while I said back, "Big green."

He blushes purple while saying, "Who told you that name?!?!"

He got yelled at by the doctor and since he didn't feel like getting beaten up by our group of fighters he shut up quickly.

The next few months pass by in a blur. Gohan is kept in a little play pen outside while we train throughout the summer and fall as a family.

Soon we go to the lookout with him still in his little carrier.

And as Goku and Chi chi took turns watching over him with both Popo and Kami enjoying having such a young life there. We all trained harder than ever.

After three months on the look out our strength had skyrocketed.

Goku 376 --> 491

Krillin 352--> 453

Piccolo 365 --> 477

Roshi 225 --> 304

Tien 278--> 356

Chiaotzu 208--> 276

Chi chi 260 --> 320

Yamcha 220 --> 305

Finally Yamcha had joined us in the 300+ range. But dang it took a swift kick to the rear for him to gain that. But i digress.

Soon we had our group and we were all getting stronger. However soon we began to leave but Popo stopped us all from leaving after saying.

"Hold on my friends. I believe it is time for us to spar for real."

We all looked confused. Before I said, "But mister Popo we have sparred with you and learned your style before. Isn't it counter productive to fight someone who is weaker than us?"

He smirks. A reall still smirk. An unsettling smirk.

It was at this moment I realized... I fucked up.

He took off the bangles on his arms and placed them on the ground.

I suddenly felt a huge spike in ki and I decided to sense him out.

Popo power level 200 -->3000.

I gulped hard. And told them, "Hey guys?"

They all looked at me, "FIGHT LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!"

I got to a fighting stance just in time as Popo comes rushing at us and back hands me away. I go flying but land safely. However I had a fresh rib cracked.

I look to our group to see Yamcha mid flight from a kick, Tien holding his face in pain from a punch, Chiaotzu unconscious on the ground with a big welt on his head. And Piccolo and Goku both flying back like me from having their guards smashed into by Popo.

They both land next to me while the rest of our group is trying to recover.

Popo left Chi chi alone as she was holding Gohans carrier and she had been grabbed my Kami to move away from the serious spar going on.

I gulped as Popo looks to us slowly and menacingly, his smile grows as he says, "Oh I like you three...~ You'll learn a lot from my true training. Shall we go over... The pecking order~?"

I shudder as I say to Goku and Piccolo, "Fight him with everything we have! Now! We want to be placed well in the pecking order!!"

We all rush at him while I ask kaioshin mentally, 'WHY THE HELL WAS I PLACED IN A WORLD WITH ABRIDGED POPO?!?!'

Bright side. We had a good trainer to prepare us for Raditz. Down side we only just placed ourselves above the the worms in the dirt.

He gave us a tiny bit of respect and said next time we come for the winter training... We would go through his personal training program as we have graduated from Kami's basic training.

We all let out a tear at that.