
I Was Found

" It's like you're a whole different person. You've changed...a lot."Gwen bit her lip to prevent the burning tears in her eyes from falling. " I haven't changed. I'm just showing you a side of me that you didn't get the chance to see before. " His eyes were devoid of emotion and this scared her more than it hurt her. Gwen is pretty much an open book. She's down to earth and likes to view her thoughts . But due to wicked fate , she has to get her hands dirty in order to provide for her family. She'd been in a community gang for the last seven years and her family had no knowledge of this. One thing she'd learnt from working in this gang was that no one was to be trusted. People could either make or break you. Her hidden life is going pretty much the same till she meets Alec Reinster . What role will he play in her life? Will he give her a reason to open up her heart or will he be the reason she wishes she'd never had a heart in the first place ?

Lexy_whyte · Thành thị
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84 Chs


" We can't take this lying down. He dared to insult us in our own territory! Dared to kill your sister! " Ryan growled. His fierce glare went from Richard to Alec. His fists clenched and a devious smile covered his face.

" I say we kill him..." His face darkened and his glare settled on Alec. " Right , son? "

'' Right , son ?...''

Alec's eyes shot open. He was panting and beads of sweat glistened his forehead. He had that dream...again. He stared at the ceiling for a while.

'' Fuck this..." He cussed as he walked to his window. The night sky was filled with stars...a beautiful sight , yet he was troubled inside. Guilt could be one epic pain in the ass. He couldn't help going back to that day.

'' There's the car. Let's wait for him to get out...then...we can end his wretched existence. '' Richard loaded his gun. Alec was silent this whole time. They'd followed Marcus all the way from his home to this restaurant. He was with his wife.

They waited a while before Marcus and Marylynne came out. They were laughing and chattering. They were happy. The street was isolated... perfect murder scene.

" Let's go. '' Richard opened the car door but Alec stopped him. " What?''

'' Not here. It's too open. '' He clenched his jaw. '' Let's keep following them. ''

'' What do you mean - '' Richard watched as they got in to their car. '' Fine! Let's follow them...'' He slammed the door.

Alec knew he was getting on Richard's nerves but he didn't care. He just hoped they'd lose Marcus' trail in the traffic somehow. They traffic cleared and luckily for Richard and unluckily for Alec , they had a perfect opportunity.

'' Now's perfect. Let's overtake them and stop their car. ''

Alec heard Richard , but he didn't respond. Instead , he slowed down. He wondered whether telling Richard would help , but he knew Richard was more like Ryan... putting everything else before family but he had to try...It wouldn't hurt to try.

'' Richard , before anything else , I have to tell you something. '' He paused. '' Alis- "


For a second , Alec didn't hear the gunshots. His senses slowly returned when he watched as Marcus' car rammed into a truck.

'' Now we can talk. '' Richard spoke with a grin. He looked like the Devil himself.

Alec's chest sunk for a second. They'd come to kill him and they'd succeeded...at least half way. They just had to make sure he was dead. They had to follow to the hospital.

'' He's no more. '' Once the words left the doctor's lips , the work was done. They had to leave and report back to Ryan. The hospital hallway had a few people , just a few doctors , nurses , patients.

As they moved , one thing caught Alec's attention. A girl , leaning against the wall . Her hands were over her mouth and she tried her best to hold in her sobs. She was trembling. Her hazel eyes shone like the sea , tears fought to flow freely.

'' Can we leave or would you like to offer your condolences ? '' Richard sniggered. '' Let's go!"

Alec gulped the whiskey in his glass. He could still smell the medicine in the hospital. It felt like he was choking.

The stars were still twinkling. They were like diamonds in a pale of ink.

'' What are you going to do , Alec Reinster...what on earth are you going to do? ''

Gwen looked at herself once more in the mirror. She'd combed her hair to her best and it dangled behind her. She blushed when she remembered how Alec said she looked better with her hair let down.

'' Good morning. '' Marylynne smiled from the door. '' Let's have breakfast before you leave for work. ''

'' How do I look ? '' Gwen spun round. She was in a short black dress that held her figure.

'' I'm starting to think Alison was right to say you want to attract your boss. ''

'' Mom ! ''

'' Come down stairs and have your breakfast. ''

Gwen opened her car door but stopped when she saw a bright red envelope neatly placed on the driver's seat. It had her name on it.

To Gwen...

She opened it slowly and read it aloud.

' Remember Marcus ? '