
I Was Found

" It's like you're a whole different person. You've changed...a lot."Gwen bit her lip to prevent the burning tears in her eyes from falling. " I haven't changed. I'm just showing you a side of me that you didn't get the chance to see before. " His eyes were devoid of emotion and this scared her more than it hurt her. Gwen is pretty much an open book. She's down to earth and likes to view her thoughts . But due to wicked fate , she has to get her hands dirty in order to provide for her family. She'd been in a community gang for the last seven years and her family had no knowledge of this. One thing she'd learnt from working in this gang was that no one was to be trusted. People could either make or break you. Her hidden life is going pretty much the same till she meets Alec Reinster . What role will he play in her life? Will he give her a reason to open up her heart or will he be the reason she wishes she'd never had a heart in the first place ?

Lexy_whyte · Urban
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73 Chs


The next few days only made Gwen more tensed. What did that message mean? Why was it in her car ? She bit her lower lip and ran her hand through her hair.

'' How's this ? '' Alec came out of the dressing room. He was clad in a silver suit. '' This is the last time I'm trying on a suit. ''

'' Why ? '' Gwen got off her train of thoughts. Her eyes moved from top to bottom. He was perfect in every thing he put on. She couldn't stop herself from smiling. '' You're beautiful. ''

'' Thank you for stating the obvious. '' Alec joked as he pulled her by the waist in to his chest and kissed her. '' Something's been bothering you . ''

'' Just work stuff. Who knew sitting in an office could be so tiring.'' She put her arms around his neck and brought him closer. '' Good thing Leander is always around to keep me company. ''

'' Oh... we're using first names now? '' Alec raised his brow. '' It's okay. You know I've been thinking...why don't we have an open relationship. You can date whoever you'd like and I can do the same. ''

'' Then I think I should give Leo a call. ''

Alec pushed her to the wall and kissed her neck. Small moans came from her and she gripped him .

'' Alec , people are watching. '' She looked around nervously. They were in a store for God's sake!

'' Let them. Infact , I want them to. '' His lips captured hers and off her senses went. The warmth of his body fused with hers as he moved from her lower lip to her upper one. His hands moved to her wobbly legs and he lifted one of them and multiplied the space between them by zero.

'' Alec...'' Gwen muttered under her breath.

'' Should I pack that suit ? '' A stern voice shattered the euphoria session. The old lady who worked in the store stood there with her face crumpled in an awkward expression.

'' Yes. We'll take it. '' Gwen squeezed out from the gap between the wall and Alec's chest.

Leo caught the glimpse of something bright yellow from the corner of his eye. He turned and watched as Ruth walked towards him. She was in a silk yellow gown that swept across the floor. It held her and exposed the curves underneath the light fabric. The way she moved her body as she walked only enhanced her attractiveness.

'' Don't look too hard...'' Ruth smiled. Her green eyes popped with the dark mascara surrounding them. With her hair held in a high ponytail , her neck looked elegant and graceful.

'' You look... okay. '' Leo couldn't take his eyes off of her...and he didn't like that feeling. '' You're a bit too early , aren't you ? He picked up a glass of champagne and sipped it.

'' I guess I was excited to see your new place. '' She walked around him. '' It's bigger , better. ''

She looked at the high walls decorated with beautiful posters of models. The escalating spiral staircase , the dazzling chandelier. But then there , in the centre of the room , the same picture. Him and Gwen...except this time , it was in a bigger size. She felt a vein click in her head . What was it with Gwen ? She couldn't put her finger on it .

'' Is she coming? ''

Leo raised his brow. '' Who ? ''

Ruth pointed at the picture and Leo smiled when he saw it. That would always be his favorite picture.

'' She has to. This party will be a waste without her. '' He waved at the guests who'd just started arriving.

'' Ok...ok... Let's talk about something other than Gwen for once , okay. '' She took the glass out of his hand and placed it on a table. '' Let's dance. ''

Leo chuckled. '' You can barely hear the music playing. ''

'' I have incredible hearing . Sometimes I tend to wonder whether I'm a werewolf or something. '' She placed his hands on her waist and hers around his neck. They started to sway.

'' I can't do this. I don't even know the song we're dancing to. I feel stupid.'' He looked around.

'' If you'd just shut up and let me sing it to you. '' She shut her eyes and started to hum. '' Mmh...Mmh...Love at first is summer time...no one ever thinks it's gonna end...''

'' When things go wrong and winter comes...Mmh..Mmh..'' Leo sang along and Ruth nearly fainted.

'' You can sing ? What the fuck ! '' She laughed.

'' Why the shock ? Do I look like I can't manage to squeeze out a few notes ? '' He slowly moved his hand from her waist and slid it from her shoulder to her wrist. Ruth held her breath when he spun her round and railed her in. She clumsily landed on his chest. Her lips where centimeters from his. Her eyes were glued to his lips...she had to look away. She lifted to his eyes which burned down on her. She felt a brick sit in her stomach...looking in his eyes was worse! She noticed his cold eyes fill up with warmth as he turned his attention to something behind her.

'' She's here. '' He let her go and left her standing there...alone.

Ruth spun round only to watch him walking to Gwen. She hissed from the feeling of tears forming in her eyes.

'' Hi ! " Gwen waved happily.

'' Hi gorgeous. '' He hugged her and lifted her off the ground.

'' Put me down you asshole ! '' Gwen punched him and he put he down.

'' Really...you look beautiful. '' He observed her carefully. She was in a turquoise blue knee-high cocktail dress with her hair straightened over her exposed shoulders and back . An exquisite pearl necklace adorned her neck and shone against her caramel skin. '' You are beautiful. ''

He brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her skin.

'' Leo...nice to see you. '' Alec removed Gwen's hand from Leo and gave an irritated smile.

'' Alec...glad you could make it. ''