
I have become a hidden dungeon boss in another world with anime powers

*This tale is just me, the writer, having a blast. It’s all about what I wish could happen, and it’s a fun way to kill time while I’m writing it. So, here’s the lowdown:* "A dude named Roland gets zapped to a place called Blue Dot, armed with some wild anime superpowers. Out of the blue, he’s the new hidden boss of a secret dungeon, thanks to the World Dungeon Council’s surprise appointment. Now he’s squaring off against heroes from Earth and Blue Dot. Let’s tag along with Roland and see what kind of wacky escapades he gets into.”

MrNine · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs


The air crackled with tension as Dino, Lord of Molten Fury, continued his fiery tirade. Mugen, however, remained unfazed. He stroked his beard thoughtfully, his deep blue eyes fixed on the seething demon lord. He knew Dino well - a creature of tradition, bound by the ancient protocols of the World Dungeon Council. But Mugen also knew that beneath the bluster and bravado, Dino possessed a keen strategic mind and a deep respect for maintaining the delicate balance between worlds.

Letting Dino rant for a few moments longer served a purpose. It allowed the other council members to vent their frustrations with the current situation and to witness the limitations of traditional methods. It also gave Mugen time to formulate his response, a response that would acknowledge Dino's concerns while also presenting a compelling case for considering an unorthodox solution.

"Dino, my fiery friend," Mugen began, his voice calm and measured, "we all understand and respect the traditions of the Council. They have served us well for millennia, providing a framework for maintaining interdimensional stability. However, these are not ordinary times. The rifts are growing more volatile by the day, threatening to unleash a torrent of monstrous chaos upon our worlds. We need to think outside the box, to consider solutions that may lie beyond the boundaries of established protocols."

He paused, letting his words sink in. The other council members, many of whom harbored similar anxieties about the escalating crisis, leaned forward in their seats, their expressions a mix of curiosity and cautious hope.

"Roland, here," Mugen continued, gesturing towards the bewildered yet strangely intrigued isekai tourist, "presents a unique opportunity. He comes from a world outside our purview, a world untouched by the magic and monsters that permeate our reality. His perspective, unburdened by the conventions of our interdimensional society, may hold the key to a solution we haven't yet considered. Perhaps a dungeon overseen by someone like Roland, with his unconventional approach and outsider's viewpoint, could serve as a valuable experiment, a test bed for new strategies in managing the ever-growing threat posed by the rifts."

Mugen leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "The dungeon we propose Roland oversee is a relic of a bygone era. Located in the desolate wasteland known as the South Desolation, it's been abandoned for centuries. Legends speak of a powerful dungeon master who once resided there, a master whose unconventional methods and disregard for tradition both fascinated and frustrated the Council in equal measure. The dungeon itself is rumored to be a labyrinthine complex, filled with ingenious traps, fiendish puzzles, and monstrous guardians unlike any ever encountered. It's a place ripe for exploration and experimentation, a perfect testing ground for Roland's unorthodox ideas."

Roland perked up at this. A forgotten dungeon? Now that sounded like an adventure that would make his isekai experience truly unforgettable! He could unleash his inner dungeon master (with a healthy dose of frustration, of course) and maybe even uncover some forgotten treasure or powerful artifacts that could give him an edge in this strange new world. 

The possibilities were endless! He could populate the dungeon with creatures from his own world, like rogue pigeons that swooped down and stole adventurers' snacks, or sentient furniture that engaged in philosophical debates with anyone foolish enough to sit on them. He could design fiendish traps that relied on pop culture references and obscure historical trivia, completely baffling adventurers who were used to the standard fireball-and-pressure-plate fare. This wasn't just a dungeon; it was a playground for his imagination, a chance to put his unique isekai knowledge to the test and perhaps even revolutionize the way dungeons were designed and operated.

Dino, however, didn't seem so keen on the idea. His face darkened, and his voice became a low growl. "That… that was my father's dungeon before he retired! You can't just hand it over to some… outsider!" 

The possessiveness in his voice was unmistakable. For Dino, the South Desolation dungeon wasn't just a dusty relic; it was a symbol of his family's legacy, a testament to his father's ingenuity and power. The idea of a stranger, an outsider with no connection to his lineage, inheriting his father's creation was more than he could bear. It felt like a personal affront, a dismissal of his family's contributions to the Council.

The murmurings in the room intensified. Everyone understood Dino's real motive now – a possessive attachment to a family heirloom, wrapped up in a thin veneer of concern for tradition. 

Roland couldn't resist a jab. He leaned towards Belial and whispered, loud enough for most of the room to hear, "What's this? Daddy issues much?"

A ripple of suppressed laughter ran through the council. Several beings, including the cat-eared woman who seemed perpetually bored, tried valiantly to stifle snickers. Belial, ever the instigator, gave Roland a high five with a sly grin.

Dino, his face turning the color of a ripe tomato, exploded in fury. "ENOUGH!" he roared, sending tremors through the floor. "This is an insult! I challenge you, outsider, to a duel! Prove yourself worthy of even considering such a responsibility!" 

Roland raised an eyebrow, completely unfazed by Dino's outburst. A duel? Really? Was this some ancient interdimensional initiation ritual, or was Dino just a big drama king?

"A duel, huh?" Roland drawled, a playful smile on his face. "Sure, why not. But on one condition. If I win, you have to… wear a sparkly pink tutu for a week."

The room erupted in laughter. Even Mugen's lips twitched with amusement. Dino, enraged and humiliated, spluttered incoherently, unable to decide between accepting the duel with such a ridiculous consequence or backing down and admitting defeat.

Roland, reveling in the chaos he'd inadvertently created, crossed his arms and waited for Dino's response. Perhaps being a dungeon master wouldn't be so bad after all. In fact, it seemed like it might be downright hilarious.