
I have become a hidden dungeon boss in another world with anime powers

*This tale is just me, the writer, having a blast. It’s all about what I wish could happen, and it’s a fun way to kill time while I’m writing it. So, here’s the lowdown:* "A dude named Roland gets zapped to a place called Blue Dot, armed with some wild anime superpowers. Out of the blue, he’s the new hidden boss of a secret dungeon, thanks to the World Dungeon Council’s surprise appointment. Now he’s squaring off against heroes from Earth and Blue Dot. Let’s tag along with Roland and see what kind of wacky escapades he gets into.”

MrNine · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
41 Chs


The weight of the parchment felt heavy in Eldric's hands. The prophecy of the Blue Dot, a legend whispered only in hushed tones and dusty tomes, was now a tangible reality. A tide of emotions washed over him – a flicker of hope warring with the ever-present pragmatism of a seasoned paladin. 

"Heroes of legend," he murmured, tracing the words with a calloused finger. "Could this Roland be one of them? Or perhaps the catalyst for their awakening?"

King Bihar, his gaze fixed on the distant window, seemed lost in thought. "The timing is… curious," he finally said, his voice low. "This outburst of power from Roland coincides perfectly with the celestial event. It could be a coincidence, of course, but…" he trailed off, leaving the unspoken implication hanging heavy in the air.

"But what if it's not?" Eldric pressed, his voice firm. "What if Roland is indeed a hero, yet one shrouded in chaos? Perhaps his arrival, and the subsequent display of power, is the very spark needed to ignite the prophecy."

The king stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Perhaps. But even heroes can be flawed, Eldric. Remember, his actions resulted in the deaths of our soldiers. The people will not easily forgive that."

Eldric bowed his head, acknowledging the king's concern. The public outrage was a volatile element that could not be ignored. "Then perhaps a measured approach is necessary, Your Majesty. We gather information about Roland, assess his intentions, and determine if he truly poses a threat. Meanwhile, we heed the Holy Kingdom's call and prepare for the summoning."

A flicker of approval lit King Bihar's eyes. "A sound strategy, Paladin. We shall act with both caution and purpose. Draft a message for the Holy Kingdom, expressing our support for the grand council. We will send our most esteemed representative to discuss the details of the summoning and how best to navigate this… unprecedented situation."

Eldric, a sliver of hope rekindled within him, straightened his posture. "As you command, Your Majesty. We shall face this new reality with courage and wisdom."

Eldric left the chamber, burdened but hopeful. The prophecy, Roland, and the heroes – a complex tapestry. But a chance for salvation existed.

King Bihar watched Eldric leave, the weight of the young paladin's words echoing in the vast chamber. He steepled his fingers, his gaze fixed on the vibrant tapestry adorning the opposite wall. It depicted a legendary battle between heroes and demons, their forms locked in a fierce yet strangely balanced struggle. 

The heroes, clad in gleaming armor of burnished gold and silver, wielded swords that crackled with celestial energy. Their expressions were resolute, their eyes blazing with unwavering determination. 

The demons, their bodies a grotesque fusion of man and beast, were wreathed in shadow, their fangs bared in a snarl of primal fury. Yet, amidst the chaos, King Bihar saw something else. In the defiant stance of a particular demon warrior, a figure wielding a massive axe that pulsed with an infernal glow, he glimpsed a flicker of defiance, a hint of nobility that transcended the creature's monstrous form. And in the steely gaze of a human hero, his face etched with righteous anger, King Bihar detected a spark of something darker, a shadow of ruthlessness that tarnished his otherwise heroic visage. 

"Eldric is right," he muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper. "Heroes are chosen not by blood or origin, but by their actions and their hearts."

He recalled the chilling aura Eldric described, the destructive potential unleashed by Roland. Yet, there was something else too, a flicker of something… righteous. Perhaps a desperate act fueled by a noble cause, even if shrouded in chaos.

King Bihar had always been a pragmatist, a leader who valued reason above all else. Yet, the events of the day had shaken his usually stoic demeanor. The celestial phenomenon, the unsettling aura, Roland's explosive power – they all seemed to point towards a monumental shift in the world's balance.

A smile, tinged with a hint of melancholy, touched his lips. "Heroes… who would have thought we'd see the day the prophecy of the Blue Dot came true," he mused. "And in such an unexpected form."

His gaze drifted back to the tapestry. The heroes, depicted as celestial beings with flowing robes and radiant wings, battled demons with horns and cloven hooves. But as he looked closer, a new perspective emerged. The lines blurred. Was the hero wielding the flaming sword truly celestial, or was there a flicker of demonic shadow in its eyes? And what of the demon, its monstrous form shielding a look of pain and desperation? Perhaps the hero was a fallen angel, cast out for defying the heavens, yet still driven by a sense of justice. Or maybe the demon was a reluctant pawn, forced to fight for a cause it didn't believe in, yearning for a chance at redemption.

"Perhaps," King Bihar murmured, a newfound conviction hardening his voice, "the heroes aren't defined by their race or allegiance. Perhaps, in the face of immense threats, heroes can arise from even the most unexpected corners – a human side within a demon, or a flicker of demonic power wielded for good."

He straightened his posture, a new resolve settling over him. The situation with Roland was fraught with tension, but it also presented an opportunity. They could judge Roland not by his origins, but by his actions. Was he a force of chaos, or a potential ally in the face of an unknown future?

King Bihar strode towards his desk, a renewed sense of purpose fueling his steps. He had his orders for Eldric – gather information, assess Roland's intentions. He had a message to draft for the Holy Kingdom – a pledge of cooperation and a call for open-mindedness. He, King Bihar of Thunderion, would not make the mistake of judging a hero by their horns or their halo. He would judge them by their deeds, and by the light that shone in their hearts, no matter the darkness that surrounded them.