
I got reincarnated into mha as Madara Uchiha

One day Joe finds himself in a white room and the god of reincarnation explains to him how he will be reincarnated into any world of his choice and guess what he chose yep it’s pretty obvious by reading the title and guess what power he choose yup he chooses Madara Uchiha the main villain in Naruto.Watch his adventures on becoming the strongest there is and deciding the fate of the world he lives in. Yo Wuz good I know some of u may have read my other novels and saw that I dropped them out of no where well that was because I was mad stressed wit some things but I promise with this new novel and a start over i will make sure to update a chapter every 2 days so please make sure to comment like and favorite so I know you guys like this novel also don’t forget to rate the novel and comment what I should fix or add.Imma go now Peace

Mohammed_Jawad · Võ hiệp
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 Training:Heroes vs Villains

Now we were up to the part where we finally get to train with All Might this is where they did that Heroes vs Villains bomb defusing situation.Everyone was happy to be able to get out of training with Aizawa because of the intense training exercises and now they finally get to do a training scenario with the number one hero as their teacher plus they were able to wear there hero costumes after sending the designs in to the hero support team,Madara made sure to make his own costume which was just his regular red armor.All Might than brought everyone to the surveillance room where everyone picked a random piece of paper from a box that showed who they were paired with and who they were fighting.Somehow Madara got paired up with tape elbows and was against Todoroki and Momo this confused Madara because he was sure that they were going to be the villains."Somehow me being here is probably changing things but how I haven't done anything big to change the story line"Madara thought.

Madara and Sero were up after Midoriya and Ochako against Bakugo and IIda well we all know how that turned out,now it was there turn and they were up against Todoroki and Momo who were probably the smartest after Madara and Midoriya.When All Might was about to start Madara told Sero to just head in and distract them while he protected the bomb,Madara knew he was going to get captured he was just using him as bait to try and tire them out.Todoroki and Momo subdued Sero by freezing him now all that was left was Madara which made him excited because it was the second time he was going to use his power on someone other than the time he fought All Might.

Madara weaved some has signs and a shadow clone popped up next to him he than sent the clone to see what he's going to be dealing with.Madara sat down in a comfortable position and waited for his shadow clone,Todoroki and Momo were on their way up the stairs and saw Madara right in front of them standing there smiling at them.Before they could come up with a plan Todoroki charged right in going to fight Madara showing that he can surpass him"hey wait we need a plan don't rush in like that"Momo said worried seeing what Madara was capable of during the entrance exam.Todoroki shot ice at Madara who just dodged them and retaliated with a fire ball jutsu which shocked Todoroki.

"What how's that possible I'm sure his quark had something to do with earth how did he just shoot a fire ball at me can he control multiple elements,Ugh this is gonna be a hard one but no matter what I'll show you that I can surpass you and become the strongest"Todoroki thought right before he was kicked and slammed on the concrete ground by Madara.Without noticing Madara was sneaked up by Momo who uses her quark to make a cannon with a net making sure to try and capture him.All of a sudden right when the net hit its target Madara just disappeared leaving smoke around,Todoroki and Momo began walking up the stairs and found Madara sitting on the ground waiting for them"How pathetic you took that long with just a clone and he wasn't using my full power how weak do you really deserve to be here in front of me"Madara said in an arrogant voice.

Todoroki full of anger used his fire that shot out hitting Madara who prepared by using his Susanoo to protect him and out of the smoke was a giant blue arm that lunged out at Todoroki who got pushed to the side by Momo and was grabbed and slammed on the floor leaving her unconscious."Hey that was too extreme how could you just let him do that"Ochako said with the rest of the students who didn't say anything but watch the screen shocked on what they saw what Madara was capable of.The one worried the most was All Might because he saw that what Madara was doing were the traits of becoming a dangerous villain."I'll need to stop this test by force if he goes too far but I wonder how young Todoroki will endure this and if he will be able to beat him".

"Oh how sweet the girl pushed you out of the way saving you how dull I think you should surrender now you have no way of beating me and if you continue I fear that something bad will definitely happen I don't want to hurt the other side of your face now do we"Madara said trying to mess with Todoroki mentally and emotionally making sure to bring up his scar."Shut up I'll never lose to you"Todoroki said agitated while using his fire and ice to try and find a way to get Madara off guard and find an opening.Madara was starting to get bored and decided to use a jutsu he hasn't used in a while Wood Release:Wood Dragon Technique where a big wooden dragon came out of the ground going straight for Todoroki who was shocked on what was heading for him.Todoroki wasn't the only one shocked on what he saw All Might stood there with a face full of anger because he's seen that technique along time ago where an orphanage was massacred and set on fire and the suspect who he chased had a wood quark and fought him while escaping.

Midoriya was the only one that caught the facial expression of All Might who thought of that day where he went in getting ready to carry kids out but instead was haunted with an image he could never get out of his head he saw a bunch of mangled bodies on the ground all belonging to children and some adults he even saw the body of a 6 year old which made him even more mad knowing someone took the life of an innocent child that wasn't able to experience the beauty and happiness that life offered."Hey All Might are you okay you don't look so good is there something wrong"Midoriya said worried for All Might."Young Midoriya listen closely never ever try to get close to that boy right there he is a monster you need to get stronger and defeat those like him who like to think of themselves as higher beings and like to see others suffer"All Might said his expression still not changing after seeing what Madara did.

"Oh I sense killing intent did he notice hahaha now this will get interesting I wonder what he will do now after seeing this will he just come out and accuse me of my crime or will he try to gather the evidence first either way this will be fun"Madara said happy for what the future will hold for him.Madara than got serious and flashed right in front of Todoroki putting him in a nightmare world tsukiyomo where he relives his greatest fears over and over again.Madara than began to walk away from the area returning to the surveillance room where the class was everyone just stared at him after seeing what he just did to their classmates and how he made sure to not show mercy.

Madara glanced at All Might who's facial expression still didn't changed and he smirked at him which made All Might even more mad because he knew he did that on purpose.Todoroki and Momo were brought in by medics who took them to the infirmary to get healed by Recovery girl,who was shocked on what happened to them"what happened to these children this one has 4 broke ribs and a fractured arm and the other one has bruises all over his body and keeps on screaming i wonder what he's experiencing how could the school allow sparring this soon when the school year barley started" Recovery girl said after kissing all of Momo's injuries healing them.

Midoriya was also in the infirmary writing down notes on all of Madara's abilities "so far he has 5 quarks one he could manipulate earth than wood,make a blue giant and could make clones of himself and can shoot fire.But it's too strange because every time he activated these quarks he did something with his hands do those hand movements mean something also All Might gave me a warning about him saying he's a monster does that mean All Might believes he will be a future villain".

All Might than walked into the Principals office where he spotted Nezu talking with Aizawa about the same student Madara."Aizawa explained that wasn't able to erase his quark and All Might accused him of being a serial killer suspect in the orphanage massacre 5 years ago this student really is interesting his file says that his power is unknown even when they tried to register it but everything else about his background sounds weird"said Principal Nezu.

Yo it’s ur boi Author sensei I felt like doing another chapter cuz I was in a good mood I hope u all enjoy it and remember to comment on what I should change or ever add to the story.Also don’t forget to rate the novel it’ll help me out a lot.You better do it cuz The g man might get pissed and he’s playing smash bros with master try day hard sweat god and he might get mad if I call him over here so u better do it or he’ll get really mad.


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