
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

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716 Chs

C511 Mass Execution

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In the dimly lit meeting room of the Justice League headquarters, the weight of their decision hung heavy in the air. Superman and Wonder Woman exchanged a long, silent look, understanding the gravity of the task they were about to undertake.

Superman turned to Wonder Woman, his voice steady but filled with determination. "Diana, you don't have to do this. I'll take care of it..."

She shook her head, her eyes reflecting the same resolve. "No, we'll do it together."

After a moment, they both nodded in unison, volunteering themselves for the daunting role of executioners.

Peter spoke up, hoping to continue his kill streak. "I'll tagalong as well. There's over 40 names on that list, so more hands will expedite the process."

Tony echoed his sentiments, realizing the urgency. "Yeah, and we better get moving before someone blabs to Bruce."

The decision had been made, and they couldn't afford to delay. The four of them united, ready to carry out the grim task ahead.

The villains on the list, each locked securely in their cells, were all located only a few floors below in the maximum-security wing of the Justice League's headquarters. Many of them were just recently captured during the orchestrated attack on the League.

The heroes moved together, their steps echoing ominously in the sterile, dimly lit corridors of the prison. As they approached the first cell, a wave of tension washed over them.

The man inside, the notorious Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, known for his malicious manipulation of time, stood defiantly behind the reinforced bars. He glared at the four of them, a sneer curling his lips.

Peter stepped forward, his voice rather casual for the situation. "Thawne, sadly for you, It's time to face the consequences of your actions."

"?" Thawn gave him a confused look. After all, the Justice League has never done anything like this before.

Seeing his confusion, Peter stated it plainly. "You've been sentenced to death."

Thawne's eyes darted from one hero to another, realization sinking in. With a bitter smile, he muttered, "Do your worst..."

Without hesitation, Wonder Woman used her Lasso of Truth to immobilize Thawne, and Clark, his eyes glowing in red light, administered a quick, painless end to the villain by decapitating him with his laser eyes.

"!?" Thawne's eyes widened in shock as his head toppled off of his body, never truly expecting the Heroes he knew so well to execute him.

As the group moved to the next cell, Peter managed to discreetly swipe a tiny bit of Thawne's blood before tossing a wisp of Phoenix flames at the body. 'I wonder if I can get the Speed Force with this?' He wondered as the body quickly turned to ash.

The procession continued, cell by cell, as the heroes went down the list. Some villains, aware of their imminent fate, begged for mercy, their pleas falling on deaf ears. Others remained defiant, vowing vengeance even as their lives were extinguished.

As the minutes turned into hours, and the list dwindled, the atmosphere grew increasingly bloody. Everyone, each with their unique abilities, played their part in the grim task. In order to spare Clark the entire responsibility, each person took turns killing off the irredeemable villains.

Superman didn't enjoy this at all but he knew that it had to be done. Wonder Woman wasn't as pure as him, and seemed to take a small bit of pleasure in the deaths of these villains, who over the years have caused her and her comrades so much trouble and heartache.

On the other hand, Peter and Tony were very used to killing scumbags at this point. As long as the f*ckers deserved it, then they wouldn't cry over their deaths. In fact, they enjoyed the killing about as much as Wonder Woman did.

At last, they reached the final cell on the list. It contained Brainiac, a ruthless artificial intelligence responsible for the destruction of countless civilizations and worlds. Unlike the others, Brainiac was not defiant or remorseful. Instead, it regarded them with an eerie calmness.

Superman stepped forward, determination etched on his face. "Brainiac, you've caused immeasurable suffering. It ends today."

With a nod from Superman, Tony activated a new feature on his armor from Kang's tech, designed to disable nearby tech. As the malevolent AI's lights flickered and its metallic form slumped, Peter completed the task like he did with all of the others, tossing a small ball of Phoenix flames inside.

"…" The group watched in silence as the last name on their list was burned to ash before their eyes.

Soon enough, the heroes exited the prison. Superman trailed behind them, his steps heavy with the weight of their actions. They had carried out a grim duty, sparing the world from the potential resurgence of these villains, but it had come at a high cost.


Only a few hours later…

In the dimly lit confines of the Batcave, Bruce Wayne's keen eyes were glued to the multiple screens displaying live security footage from the Justice League headquarters.

Batman was well known for his unwavering dedication to justice and his staunch opposition to killing, so seeing what he saw now certainly brought his blood to a boil. His jaw clenched, and his gloved hands tightened into fists as the shocking events unfolded before him.

As he was returning from his usual nightly patrol of Gotham, a member of Batman's faction had alerted him to a disturbing development in the prison. Many of the captured villains had vanished from their cells, leaving nothing behind but scorch marks and ash. The member's voice, tinged with disbelief, had relayed the news to Batman. It was a report that chilled the Dark Knight to his core.

Rushing to his Batcave, Bruce hastily pulled up the security footage from the prison, his expression darkening with each passing moment. His once-trusted ally, Superman, along with Wonder Woman, and their multiverse traveling guests, were seen on the screens, executing the defenseless prisoners, one after another. The heroes showed no mercy, and Peter incinerated the lifeless bodies as they moved on to the next victim.

Batman watched in disbelief and horror, his gloved hands tightly clenching his chair's armrests. The heroes, who were supposed to be the beacon of hope and morality, had committed an act he considered unforgivable. He had always been firm in his belief that taking a life, regardless of the circumstances, was an evil act. Now, the actions of those he once held in high regard shattered his faith.

"Clark… Diana… What happened to you?" He couldn't help but ask himself.

As the killing spree reached its gruesome conclusion, with a body count of 47 defenseless prisoners, Batman refused to sit still any longer, he just couldn't. He stormed out of his seat, his voice firm but tinged with anger as he spoke to his allies over their secure communication channel.

"Listen up, everyone," Batman's voice resonated with steely resolve. "I need everyone suited up and at the Justice League Headquarters within the hour. We're finally making our move." He calls out as he pulls out a handheld device and taps the touch screen a few times. "I've just sent a video to all of you. Watch it and prepare yourselves for the battle to come. Because it won't be easy…"

His faction, filled with heroes who had shared his principles and values, listened in shock and disbelief as they received the video footage of the prison executions. Their responses ranged from anger to disbelief, mirroring Batman's own emotions.

Flash's voice crackled over the comms. "That cant be real... Is that really Superman? It can't be, right?"

Green Lantern spoke in agreement. "Yeah, are we sure that's Superman?"

Batman grunted in response. "It's him alright…"

Martian Manhunter added, "This goes against everything the Justice League stands for. It's a betrayal of our core values."

As the heroes digested the shocking information, Batman prepared to confront Superman and the others. He knew that it would be a confrontation of epic proportions, pitting friend against friend, and testing the very foundations of the Justice League.

With a deep breath, Batman declared, "We can't let this stand. I need each of you ready for action. We're going to confront them and demand an explanation for this atrocity. Get to the rendezvous point, and be prepared for anything. It's about time we put a stop to this madness."


Relaxing in the Justice League Headquarters, Peter and Tony lounged in the dimly lit media room, the silence between them broken only by the soft hum of the A/C. Tony's patience wore thin, a growling reminder from his stomach that he hadn't eaten in hours. He shot a disgruntled glance at the wall clock.

"Come on, Peter," Tony complained, the frustration evident in his voice. "We've been waiting here forever, and nothing's happening. I'm starving. Can we just grab a bite to eat?"

Peter, however, had a thoughtful expression on his face. He turned to Tony with a knowing look, and his response was laced with significance. "Tony, have you thought about what happens when Batman finds out about what we did?"

Tony's eyes widened in realization as the gravity of their actions sank in. "You mean... Justice League civil war?"

Peter nodded in agreement. "That's exactly what I mean. We've just set the stage for a major conflict among them, which will no doubt be interesting to watch. Are you sure you still want to leave? We might miss the good parts?"

Tony shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips. "You know, you have a knack for situations like this. I'll stay. After all, who would want to miss out on the show?"

Peter grinned, his thoughts mirroring Tony's. As they settled back into their chairs, they knew that the peaceful calm they currently enjoyed was merely the eye of the storm that was to come.

A/N: 1654 words :)




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