
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

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C510 Happy Halloween!

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As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead.



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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Project_Horton!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

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Days after the solemn funeral, while Batman's and Superman's factions were engaged in secret discussions, Peter and Tony found themselves in their temporary base in Gotham, tinkering with their ship. The dimly lit workshop was filled with the hum of technology and the scent of metal and grease.

Peter, his hands deftly working on the last screw on the control panel, couldn't help but break the silence. "Tony, we've fixed the ship, and we've seen enough drama here to last a lifetime. It's time for me to go back to MJ, Lily, and the rest of my family. I've been away for too long as it is."

Tony, who was hunched over a holographic display, remained absorbed in his work. "I get it, I really do. But look at what's happening here. Superman and Batman are on the brink of a full-blown war, and we've got a front-row seat. Do you really want to miss out on this?"

Peter sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Tony, I've got a kid to get back to. MJ's been holding down the fort while I've been gallivanting around the multiverse. And to top it all off, we might be adopting another kid. I got sh*t to do…"

Tony finally turned to face Peter, his expression serious. "Pete, I know family's important, but you and I both know how unique this situation is. We've got a ringside view of history in the making. Think about it… Justice League civil war! It's like something straight out of a comic book."

Peter couldn't help but smile at Tony's enthusiasm. "You've got a point, Tony. It's tempting, and I'm curious to see how this all pans out. But I can't stay here forever. I'll stay a bit longer, just to satisfy your craving for drama, but then it's back to reality for us. After all, let's not forget that Pepper is probably waiting for you as well. "

Tony grinned, clapping Peter on the back. "That's the spirit! Besides, we can do some good here. We've got connections, skills, and knowledge. Maybe we can help mediate this whole mess and prevent it from getting too bad."

Peter nodded, realizing that Tony was right. They had a unique position in this world, and their presence could make a difference. "Okay, Tony, we'll stay for a while longer. I won't lie, I do want to try and convince Batman that, sometimes, killing is the right thing to do. But we can't let this drag on forever. My family is waiting, and I've got a ton of other responsibility's as well."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Peter and Tony continued their work on the ship, making sure it was fully operational. As they did, they couldn't help but wonder what the future held for the Justice League and the world they found themselves visiting.


Meanwhile, in the time that Peter and Tony spent to fix up their ship, Superman and his faction had not remained idle. They had been hard at work drafting new regulations for the League, or at least their side of the League.

These regulations were controversial, allowing members to use lethal force under specific circumstances, something that had been strictly prohibited in the past. They believed it was a necessary evolution to better protect the world.

Additionally, Superman and his followers had begun involving themselves in international conflicts, something that the Justice League had previously avoided. The world had grown more complex, and they felt that they needed to take a more active role in resolving global issues.

One such scenario unfolded in a war-torn South American country ruled by a ruthless dictator. The citizens had been living under his oppressive regime for years, and they were practically hostages in their own land. As Superman and his faction descended upon the crisis-ridden nation, they were met with fear, hope, and uncertainty from the citizens.

The dictator, known as General Vasquez, had a stronghold in the heart of the capital city. He had hoarded wealth while his people suffered, and he was not above using brutal force to maintain his grip on power.

Superman and Wonder Woman landed in the city, their presence a beacon of hope for the oppressed. The citizens watched from the shadows, afraid to openly support the heroes, but their hearts swelled with the possibility of freedom.

General Vasquez's soldiers were heavily armed and fortified. They had orders to shoot on sight, and they defended their dictator with fanatical loyalty. As the Justice League members approached the stronghold, the soldiers opened fire.

Superman, his blue-and-red costume shining in the sun, moved with incredible speed, deflecting bullets with his body and sending shockwaves through the air that disarmed the soldiers. Wonder Woman, wielding her lasso of truth, bounded through the air, capturing enemies and compelling them to surrender.

Their combined prowess allowed them to bulldoze past all security measures with ease, leaving General Vasquez and his men shocked and confused. After seeing the state of the civilian population, it was hard for their of them to show restraint as they unleashed the full extent of their immense power on Vasquez's army.

In a matter of minutes, the stronghold was taken. General Vasquez, bloodied and defeated, was brought before the League. The citizens emerged from hiding, their tears of joy flowing as they witnessed the end of their oppressor's reign.

Superman, his voice carrying authority, spoke to the people with Vasquez kneeling in defeat before them. "You have been oppressed for far too long! But that ends today! You're free to rebuild your government however you wish, but I do recommend Democracy." He motions toward the rated dictator. "And of course, he will face the consequences of his actions. You have my word."

With the dictator, his ministers, and high level soldiers in tow, the Justice League made a solemn journey to the United Nations headquarters. They delivered General Vasquez to face international justice for his crimes against humanity. The citizens of the war-torn country, now free from tyranny, watched as the dictator was carried away in chains.

As they departed the UN after dropping the prisoners off, Wonder Woman addressed the crowd, her voice resonating with hope. "As you have seen, the Justice League is committed to protecting not only the innocent but also the oppressed. Although we've strayed away from international conflicts in the past, that isn't the case anymore. We are here to make a difference, no matter if it's a person, group, corporation, or even a country, we will stand up for those that can not do so for themselves."

The UN workers and diplomats, who seemed wary but hopeful, cheered for the Justice League. They hadn't expected the League to take a more proactive stance in addressing global issues, and they were conflicted on how to feel about it.

On one hand, they celebrated the fact that people like Vasquez wouldn't be able to thrive unimpeded anymore. But on the other hand, they didn't want the Justice League to overstep their bounds and insert themselves into their nations business.

While everyone was trying to decide whether they liked this new Justice League, General Vasquez would be thrown into a cell before facing trial for his crimes, thanks to the intervention of Superman and his faction. The world was changing, and the Justice League's involvement in international conflicts was having a profound impact.

As Peter and Tony observed these events unfold in live television, they decided to head to the League and enjoy the drama from close up. After all, they had nothing else to do now that their ship was fixed.


Hours after delivering General Vasquez to the United Nations, Superman convened a meeting with his faction. The atmosphere in the Justice League headquarters was somber, reflecting the weight of the discussions that lay ahead. Peter and Tony, out of both interest and their unique perspective, attended the meeting to offer their experience and knowledge.

Superman, his expression grave, began the discussion. "I know that we've come up with the guidelines for lethal force while in the field, but now we need to address the issue of when and how we should consider the death penalty out of the field. We all know that some individuals, like the Joker, have committed unspeakable crimes and shown no remorse. They pose a perpetual threat to innocent lives, even while in prison."

Peter nodded in agreement. "The Joker is a prime example of someone who shouldn't have been given more chances. But you need a clear criteria on what type of person deserves the death penalty."

Tony added, "You should consider the scale of their crimes, the number of lives they've taken or ruined, and whether they've been given opportunities for redemption before. You should also factor in the level of threat they still pose."

Superman nodded, absorbing the input. "We should establish a threshold of heinous offenses and stipulations that need to be met before considering the death penalty. We can't take this decision lightly. It's a matter of balancing justice and the protection of innocent lives."

Cyborg spoke up. "I think I have our first recommendation." He says as he taps a few buttons and brings up a live video from the prison. "Brainiac has been responsible for mass destruction and countless deaths. It's clear that some villains simply can't be contained or rehabilitated, and he is sat at the top of that list. No matter what we decide, he'll probably make the cut."

The heroes engaged in a lengthy, thought-provoking discussion, debating the criteria for their own personal death penalty. They agreed that it should be reserved for villains who had committed a substantial number of murders, engaged in acts of terrorism, or posed a clear and ongoing threat to humanity.

In the end, they drafted a list of villains that are already in custody, who would qualify for the death penalty. Names like Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, who had wreaked havoc through time itself, and Brainiac, who has destroyed entire worlds, were included. These individuals had shown time and again that they couldn't be rehabilitated and that their continued existence posed a grave danger.

Superman concluded the meeting with a sense of resolution. "Our goal is to protect the innocent, and we'll do what's necessary to achieve that. The death penalty is a last resort for the truly irredeemable, but it's a tool we need to have at our disposal to safeguard the innocent."

The Justice League had taken a significant step in defining their stance on the death penalty for the most heinous of villains. The list of those who would be brought to the ultimate justice had been set.

As the meeting adjourned, many heroes left with a shared sense of purpose, leaving behind Wonder Woman, Superman, Peter, and Tony.

Peter curiously glanced between Superman and Wonder Woman. "So… Who's going to execute the people on that list?"

A/N: 1831 words :)




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