
I'll Surpass The MC

I claimed to be better than the MC. An Eldritch entity decided to put my claim to the test and reincarnated me into the world of the novel I read. But, I’m not alone. There are five other reincarnates? Wait, wait, wait! Why is the MC a regressor now? That wasn’t part of the script! ... Contact me (Discord): anvelope Discord Server: discord.gg/BR5kt99dhV

Anvelope · Huyền huyễn
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808 Chs

The Supreme Tusk, Gannala

"Argh…ARGHHH! RAAAGHHHH!" Brangara bellowed in pain as his blood was extracted in large amounts.


A pipe was inserted into his mouth as the crushed pulp of Parute Fruit was inserted constantly. Standing beside him was Undrakha, controlling his body.


Since Brangara had learnt the Mystic Bone Art, Undrakha was controlling that now, activating it against Brangara's wishes as the Mystic Bone Art digested the Parute Fruit pulp and rapidly regenerated his lost blood.


And from time to time, flowing through the blood was his Spirit Containers that had been broken off from his heart. Undrakha was controlling everything to ensure he shed the Spirit Containers.


Through the consumed Parute Fruits, Undrakha built Spirit Containers in Brangara by controlling the Mystic Bone Art in the latter's body.