
I'll Surpass The MC

I claimed to be better than the MC. An Eldritch entity decided to put my claim to the test and reincarnated me into the world of the novel I read. But, I’m not alone. There are five other reincarnates? Wait, wait, wait! Why is the MC a regressor now? That wasn’t part of the script! ... Contact me (Discord): anvelope Discord Server: discord.gg/BR5kt99dhV

Anvelope · Huyền huyễn
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807 Chs

Penma’s State

There was an enclosed region situated near the Zahara Kingdom's palace. It was heavily guarded, as living within the enclosed region were all men and women related to birthing the second generation of the Wean Clan.


The enclosed region was cordoned off into four parts, with the fourth part being the smallest, which was where Barla lived. Her pregnancy took the same time as a human woman, and hence, the chosen men there could only take turns one after another.


But unlike the case of her brothers, she—a Wean Clansman—was the one bearing the child. Hence, the Empyrean Incubator that had been modified by Yarsha Zahara was more compatible with her.


Possessing Gold Grade strength and having reached the 3-Life Stage, Barla was currently the Wean Clansman with the highest quality of genes. Therefore, the children she births will be the most talented amongst the Wean Clansmen.