
I'll Surpass The MC

I claimed to be better than the MC. An Eldritch entity decided to put my claim to the test and reincarnated me into the world of the novel I read. But, I’m not alone. There are five other reincarnates? Wait, wait, wait! Why is the MC a regressor now? That wasn’t part of the script! ... Contact me (Discord): anvelope Discord Server: discord.gg/BR5kt99dhV

Anvelope · Huyền huyễn
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717 Chs

Breathe, Dammit! Breathe!

"Hmmm…hm…mmhmm!" Whistling a tune while returning to the palace was Yarsha Zahara, accompanying her four children. She seemed to be the only individual relaxed in this situation. Her children were alert, almost to the level of being paranoid, looking around for enemies.


"You know, to fool your enemy, you need to fool yourself first." She said while continuing to whistle, "Act like you're oblivious to everything. Only then there's a chance you can make your enemy let down their guard."


"Your current selves aren't fooling anyone." She chuckled.


"It's easier said than done, mother." Brana grumbled, failing to tone down the killing intent displayed in his eyes, "How can you expect me to remain cool when the killer of my sisters is out there?"