
Humanos X Sistema

A sovereign existence, which governed all universes and multiverses, just like any other living being, has a weakness, after reigning for millennia over so-called invincible beings, Kytes, The Governor of Universes, has fallen. After a great battle, he finds himself remaking his legacy. "The biggest mistake my enemies made was not to take my heart out." (I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com)

Cueio_Crackeado · Võ hiệp
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29 Chs

Chapter 9.5

Beating his rigid wings, Koute passed through the city of the dead, the last ruin before he reached the underworld. His prey was obvious: Alazar, the third heir to the throne. The demon king was on a journey to subdue the Church of Northern Drame, so the greatest adversity will be the three-headed dog ... Cerberus.

Koute's and Cerberos' eyes met miles away. This would be a legendary battle. The time guardian dragon against the underworld guardian dog. Certainly a struggle that will be remembered for thousands of years.

The dragon stopped in the sky. It was a night probed by black clouds, an absolute darkness marked that place and a treacherous smell of death was present. There, two colossal beings faced each other. Cerberus, the giant three-headed black dog, stood with his back to the great gate of the underworld, while looking fiercely at Koute.

Thunder fell from the sky and lit up the place for just an instant. Then the battle started.

The dragon charged at Cerberus and the distance between the two was reduced in the blink of an eye. Koute prepared his blue flames in his throat and when the distance narrowed, he released them against the dog. Cerberus did not dare to be left behind, and together with the blast of fire released by the dragon, each of its heads spit a fire as hot as the sun.

The flames collided and came to a halt. The surroundings were devastated by the air wave that emanated from that destructive power. Soon the flames would go out and that was when Koute felt an enormous pressure on his face that made him be thrown away. Cerberus kicked him.

As the dragon passed through the air, it tried to brake with its wings, the huge dog above it. Thunder roared and lightning fell incessantly from the sky, while those ruins were more and more shattered. The dragon bit one of Cerberus' necks, but soon had its neck bitten by the other two heads.

Flapping wings, furious roars, overwhelming pressure ... that was all the dragon managed to do. They stopped at the edge of a huge cliff, the three heads biting heavily on the dragon's neck. The skies wept and the falling rain was thin, bitter and tasted lucid and at the same time crazy.

As in the beginning, thunder marked the end of the fight. The whole place was lit up, showing a large wing embedded in the belly of Cerberus. This was Koute's last and saving attempt. The pressure of the bites on the dragon's neck drained away from his life. Until, finally, not one of their heads could bite.

With a last breath, Cerberus laid his body over the endless chasm, an imminent fall over the cliff. The last thought he had was not one of disappointment at letting an invader pass, but one of happiness, as he had finally found a worthy opponent.

Koute was breathing heavily and a terrible and endless pain destroyed his body, but no one was going to help him. All he had left was to get up and move on ... and that was what he did. He dragged himself with damaged legs and wings to the gate while invoking healing magic, which was not enough to disappear with the marks on his neck.

In front of the metal gate, 20 meters high and 10 meters wide, he returned to his human form. One push was enough to open the entrance to the underworld. A single step inside and a thousand swords were already over his neck. The enemies looked human, but they had red horns and wings, and they were all male. Koute looked ahead; from there there was a great chasm that led to a sea of ​​fire full of beings who cried for help.

Even with countless blades on his neck, Koute did not fear the future for a moment. The place was large enough to transform and in a second its original form had already taken over his entire being. Blue flames took over the place and blood splattered everywhere. A great shadow of a dragon was seen by all who were in the sea of ​​fire.

It wasn't long before there were no more enemies in front of Koute. Compared to Cerberus, they were nothing more than insects. With a roar and a flap of wings, the dragon descended in a straight line towards the sea of ​​fire and when it hit, the ground gave way. What was down there was a large hall.

Black walls and skeletons everywhere. A simple torch, behind a wooden throne, illuminated the entire room. Screams for help sounded from nowhere. Sitting on the throne was a demon with golden horns, fair skin, and golden hair, wearing a large white robe bathed in blood. He imposingly stared at Koute and then let out big, convulsive laughs that made the whole place shudder.

- You really made it this far! It's funny that someone comes here to die! - He said.

- Are you Alazar? Koute asked as he returned to his human form.

- That's right, are you happy to see me!?

- Of course I am, it means that my nose is still good. - Said Koute with a sadistic smile and desperate eyes for a victim. A magic symbol appeared on the floor in front of him and spat out a halberd with silver blades. - Let's start your murder soon!