
Humanos X Sistema

A sovereign existence, which governed all universes and multiverses, just like any other living being, has a weakness, after reigning for millennia over so-called invincible beings, Kytes, The Governor of Universes, has fallen. After a great battle, he finds himself remaking his legacy. "The biggest mistake my enemies made was not to take my heart out." (I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com)

Cueio_Crackeado · Action
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29 Chs

Chapter 9.4

Facing the colossal beast lit by the fire, were those humans that Koute decided to trust. They were amazed at the presence of the dragon. Rita's hand began to tremble, she held a dagger to Corlin's neck, who had his hands and legs nailed to the wall, blood was flowing from his forehead to his knees and his wounds were countless.

- Heavenly weather wall. - In a dark voice, the dragon summoned.

At the same moment, Corlin, who was unconscious and injured, appeared lying on the dragon's back. Even though Koute was transformed, it did not camouflage his hatred for humans.

- As an accuser and judge, I will make them crawl like worms for all eternity.

The dragon then spat out a blaze of blue fire as cold as ice. He only stopped a few seconds later, giving him space to see what had happened to the people inside the cave.

Each of them, without exception, had their legs and arms frozen, which soon after cracked and broke into pieces. It was possible to hear the cry of pain from all the humans present from afar. Meanwhile, at a distance from there, the hunter burst out laughing while resting on a tree, with the two black beasts under him.

With a simple flap of wings, the dragon reached the clouds. Under the light of the stars and the moon, he made one last invocation: a green light began to shine on Corlin and his wounds disappeared until there was nothing left.

- So you woke up ... - Said the dragon in a calm voice.

- What happened? - Asked Corlin

- I don't know, you should know.

- Leaving that aside, why do you have the same presence as Koute, even though you are a dragon?

- Because I'm Koute, idiot.

- Hê… Hêêẽ ?!

-… Hold on back, we're almost there.

- Arriving where?

- Land of dragons, here the wind is strong, my shield is not very functional when I'm flying.

- Um… Wait, are we flying ?!

- Huh ?! You are an idiot?! How did you not notice ?!

Corlin held on tight to the dragon's neck. Some time later, Koute began to notice the presence of other beings approaching and it was not long before he was surrounded by dragons that emerged from the clouds.

- Koute, what are you doing here? - Asked their leader.

- It's none of your business. - Koute said. Corlin looked impressed at those beings.

- You are not welcome here ... especially with a demon.

- Close the rattle, old man.

- If you don't turn around, we will attack you.

- Do you really think you could hurt me?

In the middle of the discussion, a voice appeared that shook the skies. She undoubtedly made everyone's heart beat faster.

- Let him pass.

The dragons that once barred Koute, now just descended below the clouds without saying another word. Koute then proceeded to his destination, a huge flat mountain that lay above the skies. It landed in an empty area, which had only a great dark fog surrounded by thunder.

That was when the voice came again.

- Why are you here? - He asked.

- I come here with a request, master of dragons. - Koute replied.

- You are no longer from the dragon clan, I don't need to accept your request.

- Really, so we will make an exchange.

- Where do you want to go?

- I am a dragon hunter, I will offer my services again.

- In exchange for what?

- The wounds of the being on my back were made with a dagger of time, his memories are gradually disappearing. I spent a lot of spirit energy in the "last battle" and at the moment I can't do that.

- It seems like a good deal. I will keep you stuck in a timeline, when the mission is over, I will do my part.

- Very well. Tell me, what is the mission?

- You will have to kill the prince of the underworld, Alazar.

"Wouldn't that attract the demon king's wrath?"

- There is no way to avoid it, he has already slaughtered two dragons. Since the general is battling the king of the north, there are not many dragons trained to do this job.

- Very well, I will accept the mission.

Soon, Corlin was enveloped in a white ball that knocked her unconscious, while Koute watched her with determination stamped in her eyes. The white ball moved to the center of the plain and stayed there.

Koute flapped his wings again, but this time to a place far away.