
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

Chapter 7(Ninja Academy)

....MC's POV...…....

A year later after my decision. When I intentionally made it dramatic and created a lot of suspense only to to deny Hihashi. If I were an ordinary girl I would have easily accepted, but I'm not into guys since I was a guy in my previous life.

After that I trained my chakra control like crazy since I already had large reserves of chakra by being a Hyūga. I decided to not to activate my byakugan that much. I honestly had no interest in doujutsus so I just abandoned it until in a life death situation. I could walk on trees and water now.

I also didn't abandon my physical training. I slightly increased my physical training intensity.

Now I was walking home after my training. I found my mother already at home. I realized that I didn't even know any jutsu.

"Mom! Please teach me a jutsu" I pleaded my mother with puppy eyes. She then looked at me and made a tiger hand sign.

"Transformation jutsu!" she announced and she was covered in smoke which quickly dispersed leaving a copy of myself.

She smiled at me and there was a *poof* sound whilst my transformed mother was once again covered in smoke which quickly dispersed revealing my mother in her original form.

I asked her how she did that and she spent the a few minutes explaining how. After that I mastered it in an hour. Which slightly surprised my mother who was expecting me to master it in a day.

After being taught the Transformation jutsu I went for a bath. That night I was restless because tomorrow was going to be my first day at the academy and also my first time going outside of the Hyūga complex.

I woke up thirty minutes before the starting time and wore a long white shirt that reached my thighs and a black short that ended slightly below the shirt and normal ninja sandals which were black. I already had the seal on my forehead. So to cover it I wore a black headband. I combed my long hair and left and went to the kitchen.

After breakfast I walked to the academy. I asked people on the road when I was lost. I didn't care if I was late because I had the newcomers advantage.

I arrived ten minutes late. I knocked on the door of my assigned class. And walked in when I received permission from the teacher. The first thing I saw was a chunin, the teacher and then I faced the class.

"Introduce yourself" said the teacher politely.

I looked at the class in a relaxed way. I instantly scanned the room. Most of the boys were looking at me with pink flushed cheeks and the girls with a wary or jealous expression. I saw a boy with yellow hair and a handsome face, who was also very relaxed and other different people like the one boy with a spiky ponytail sleeping and a fat one next to him eating. I knew who these people were.

"Yo my name is Hyūga Himeko" I replied nonchalantly. Other people started whispering at each other about me being a Hyūga. I noticed the seat next to a girl with wide spiky hair and two fang like marks under her narrow black pupil eyes. So I just walked there and sat down without being told so.

The teacher didn't say anything and continued the lesson.