
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8 (New friends)

At break time during my first day I talked with Tsume Inazuka my desk mate. I noticed that Minato was talking to the Ino-Shika-Cho of this generation. After break it was taijutsu training. It was one v one without ninjutsu or genjutsu. The most enthusiastic person was a boy wearing a green suit that covered his legs and abdomen leaving his arms.

"TAIJUTSU IS YOUTH!!!!!!!" Maito Duy shouted as he proceeded to do some push-ups. Round one was Maito Duy against Minato Namikaze.

The blonde boy fought against the taijutsu enthusiast and won after a series of blocking and countering.

Next round was me against Tsume Inazuka.

She instantly jumped at me after the starting announcement. She had a vicious fighting style. As she threw her hands at me I slightly moved my body. I just kept on dodging here attacks by a slight margin.

I got bored a broke through her attack and landed a powerful palm on her abdomen. She tried to remain standing after my attack but she just couldn't do it and few on the ground unable to stand. I was declared the winner. Some people were fascinated by my gentle fist art. After some twenty seconds Tsume finally stood up.

And after the taijutsu lesson we went for lunch. I went and talked with another pair who were always alone, Fugaku Uchiha and Shiroichi Uchiha. I instantly became friends with Shiroichi. She was just a normal six year old and I really liked how cute she was. As for Fugaku, we weren't compatible. He was too quiet a person for my liking. I asked her, Shiroichi to teach me some of her jutsu. She agreed.

Also spoke with the Ino-Shika-Cho trio and there were unique people you can't help but like and there also Saint Minato who always did morally right people and was not a bad character because of his stupid jokes and bad naming.

The following four years were quite happy and both relaxed and productive. I learned two fire jutsu from Shiroichi : fire Phoenix jutsu and fire ball jutsu. But life became even more interesting when we go a new classmate in the fourth year at the academy who would be the greatest help to me.