Transmigrated in to Harry Potter's body at the age of 7. Might have major changes to the story plot of the movies So please do enjoy [Harry Potter Universe] Donation :
The next morning the Ravenclaw main chamber was full to the max with students from 1st to the 7th Years all looking at the throne in the middle which was transfigured by Harry. As soon as he took his sit the chamber quieted and waited with weighted breath on what Harry would say.
" Greetings to you All, You all know who I am, For those who do not, I am Hadrian Potter, Head to The Most Ancient & Most Noble House Potter of The High Table in Wizengamot. As a member of the High Table, those of you born to Old Blood, understand my word is law. So there for Each Year will have 2 Representatives to represent them for when Council is called. Those of New Blood, Classes will be Held to teach you on how to conduct yourselves in our world, the world you just joined. Later today a Meeting will be held to choose your representatives.
Thank you for listening " Hadrian
" Who are you to tell us what to do?" ???
" As I said I am Hadrian But I think you want my credentials, So in full
I am Sir Hadrian, Warlord of Great Britannia, Sword and Shield of the throne of Old Britannia , Lord Commander to the order of Griffin, Wardens of Magical Britannia, One Lord of the High Table Houses and You will do as I have instructed or you will face Judgement." Hadrian
" As you have Instructed Lord Potter, so It shall be. I am Theon of House Burke." Theon
" 3rd year, Than Please Teach the others on How to conduct themselves in front of High Table Members or the consequence's will be …" Hadrian
" Of course, Lord Potter" Theon
" Professor" said Harry Nodding his head towards Professor Flitwick
" Warlord Potter" Responded Professor Flitwick
" If I were you I would take heed of Lord Potter's words for they maybe what saves your life before you offend Others of Nobility in our world. As he has Said The New blood will attend Class everyday after all their classes have been concluded. As we are Ravenclaw Take this opportunity to learn." Professor Flitwick
Harry was looking forward to Potions as he thought about the Potion masters that come from his Bloodline as they were both Warriors and Healers. When he entered and took a sit waiting for the Professor to arrive and conduct the class which was not a long time as Professor Snape entered after he finished the thought.
" Potter, our new celebrity,"
" Professor, Before you finish trying to belittle a Lord of the High Table understand with me here the Potter Alliance stands again stronger than before. And the Noble House who's protection you have may not be enough. Warning. move carefully." Harry
" Umm... The Instructions are on the broad " Professor Snape
Harry first began with the Mis and Pass of the Potion gathering and preparing all that is needed. Using his spells to maintain the heat, to stir as required and protect his potion from outside interference. Finishing faster that others than casting a spell to make his vails unbreakable as he began pouring the potion slowly and Giving it to the Professor to be graded for the day.
It was announced that Ravenclaw and the Slytherin houses will have their first Flying with Madam Hooch. As the students stood outside waiting for the Professor, Heir Malfoy approached Harry.
" Harry Potter, I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Heir to the House of Malfoy. I thought you could use a friend of the Proud Stock than those of low blood" Draco
" Huh... Did you say something. To my understanding those of lower House should never approach those of High Standing unless called upon. Watch, Heir Greengrass " Harry
" Lord Potter, You have a request of me" Greengrass
" Yes, Now Heir Malfoy you may leave. Now where were we, Ahh, Yes, This Saturday I plan to conduct a meeting regarding the Heirs of the Neutral Houses after which they may pass a Message to their Lords and Ladies about what was discussed." Harry
" I'll see it done Lord Potter." Heir Greengrass
" thank you Heir Greengrass" Harry
As the Professor arrived the class began and was conducted and ended. The day went as Harry joined other classes and learnt for the day until it was Time for the meeting in Ravenclaw to begin.
*Evening in Ravenclaw chambers*
We see seven rows with a sign signifying each year group , with each row having 2 chairs facing towards a throne chair prepared for Hadrian in advance. Next to the throne sits a chair for the head of the Ravenclaw house representative towards the Staff of Hogwarts( Professor Flitwick's chair). As The representatives of each year entered the chamber they all sit at their designated area with Professor Flitwick following behind, they all wait for Hadrian to arrive.
"All Rise for His Grace" Prof Flitwick
Enters Hadrian and he takes his Sit
" Thank Professor, Introduce yourself and your rank"
" Your Grace, I'm Terry of House Crews, a Fifth generation House in Nobility, a First Year."
" I'm Adam of House Rooster, a First generation wizard, a First year, Your Grace.
" We are The First Year representatives " Terry and Adam said together
" Your Grace, I am Susan of House Whitewood, a Third generation House in Nobility, A second Year."
" I'm Clark of House Kent, a Second generation in Tradition, a Second Year"
" We are The Second Year Representatives" Susan and Clark said Together
" I'm Thomas of house Lupin, a Seventh Generation house, a Third Year"
" I'm Lilian of House Rosier, Holder of the Viscount Rank in Nobility, a Third Year"
" We are The Third Year Representatives" Thomas and Lilian said together
" I'm Leo of House Rowle, Holder of the Knighted Houses in Nobility, A fourth Year"
" I'm Samantha of House Shacklebolt, a Lord class House in Nobility, A Fourth Year"
" We are The Fourth Year Representatives" Leo and Samantha said together
" I'm Rebecca of house Snowfall, a First generation House, A fifth Year"
" I'm Tony of House Slughorn, a Lord Class House in Nobility, A Fifth Year"
" We are the Fifth Year Representatives" Rebecca and Tony said together
" I'm Elizabeth of House Travers, a Baron class House in Nobility, a Sixth Year"
" I'm Minerva of House Shafiq, a Baron Class House in Nobility, A Sixth Year"
" We are the Sixth Year Representatives" Elizabeth and Minerva said together
" I'm Luna of House Jordan, a first generation, a Seventh Year"
" I'm John of House Lupin, a Seventh Generation house, a Seventh Year"
" We are the Seventh Year Representatives" Luna and John said together
" We hear and Obey" They all said together
" Hear me as I decree:
* All new Bloods will learn of the Traditions of magical Britannia as they give us Propose
* All Years will be Polite and Etiquette as your actions reflect my own
* The fellow High Table Houses will be explaining the same concept The new Bloods are similar to tourists as they haven't of yet learnt of the Old ways. Once they learn and live by the practice's given to us by magic. Only then will they be citizens of old Britannia
That is all for now Professor you may dismiss your students, may You all have a pleasant night" Hadrian said before leaving the chamber
" You may leave and as of Tomorrow Guidelines will be in place, Go back to your year groups and deliver His Grace's decree" Prof Flitwick
" Understood" They Students said
They all waited until Hadrian left before the would conduct their tasks.