Transmigrated in to Harry Potter's body at the age of 7. Might have major changes to the story plot of the movies So please do enjoy [Harry Potter Universe] Donation :
Howard: So you telling me I got 5 wishes and a chance to go to another world
???: Yep
Let me tell you how I got into this predicament
Name's Howard I'm 20 years old and I work as my dad assistant. Which is not that bad, regarding I leave with my parents so I don't worry about rent nor do I have to worry about groceries. So all my hard earned money go towards investments and hobbies. Hobbies which lead to my death as I was freefalling as my parachute failed to deploy. So I had about 5 or less minutes seeing as I was falling fast so I made peace. Suddenly everything was black.
( Flashback end)
???: So as I said you got 5 wishes and you'll spin the wheel of fate to determine your world.
Howard: Ok... Let's do this shit, sorry
???: Hahaha, No it's fine so how about a drink. Anything you fancy?
Howard: Oh! Shit, How about, you know what, impress me.
???: Ok,( snaps his finger) Here you go, I call this the journey to the afterlife.
Howard: Original,(sips the drink) Holy shit, this is the bomb.
???: After you done, we'll spin the wheel and make the wishes
Howard: So where is this wheel?
???: Right over there( With a flick of his wrist a huge wheel appeared).
Howard:( Howard goes to the wheel and reads the words off the wheel, Teen wolf, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Bitten, Avengers, Thor, Futarama etc.) So my future will depend on my luck? I'm fucked.
???: Are you read to spin the wheel of fate?
Howard: Let's get this shit started, Fam
???: Pull this cord
( Howard pulls the cord, and the wheel starts spinning and spinning. With the final answer being Harry Potter Movie universe.)
Howard: That could have been a lot worse.
???: Yes, It could've. So How about them wishes
Howard: My first wish is for a pen and paper.
???: You wish is my command( snaps his fingers)
Howard: My second wish is that you make everything I wrote on this piece of paper true. ( Said Howard giving ??? his paper)
???: ( Reads the paper)
1st : Make me a back story on how I got parseltongue
2nd: To not Have other forces except me change the story in any shape or form
3rd: To be able to use and improve in my use of paselmagic
4th: To be fluent and proficient in languages mainly Latin, French, Greek, Anglo-Saxon, Romanian, Bulgarian, German.
5th: To be fluent and proficient in Runes mainly, Elder Futhark.
6th: To have a body that can adept to any shift of power that also grants absolute control over one's power
7th: Have 3 enhanced Animagus form and Transformation Speed.
1st : Eagle ( Enhanced Eyesight and Speed )
2nd : Silverback gorilla ( Enhanced Strength and Durability )
3rd : King Cobra ( Enhanced Flexibility and Venom Potency )
Your wish is my command( snaps his fingers)
Howard: I wish to transmigrate into a 7 year old Harry Potter.
???: This should be fun( snaps his fingers)Now that we're done with that let's drink some more. So that you can be on your marry way.
Howard: Let's do this
A few centuries later Howard and ??? are pass being stupidly drunk and and ??? says
???: Howard, Now it's time to leave. It's been a blast, now bye-bye
Howard: Wait! Whattttttt...( Screamed as he was sucked into a portal)
???: Nice kid. I should check up on him once in a while.