
Honkai: I Have A Skill System

Arthur was a normal young boy who somehow awakened in a different world with memories of his life in that World. Far from the semi-peaceful world the9v public saw, this World was filled with danger that threatened Humanity Fortunately, he had a System. One that let him learn anything as long as he either put in effort or used points to cheat his way up Now, follow Athur in this World unfamiliar to him as he makes new friends and fights for the future they want.

Biometal_Model_Z · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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8 Chs

Raiden Mei

"Hey Bianka, Wake Up!" Arthur yelled at the blonde girl who was sleeping in a messy bed

"Huh? " she said as she woke up, still a bit dazed as she rubbed her eyes

"You awake yet? If you are then freshen up." Arthur said as she got up and stretched

"Kay Art!" She said as she got up and went towards the washroom.

"Now, time to clean up this mess." He said as he began cleaning the messed up bed

"Good Morning Rita!" Bianka greeted the Honey Blonde haired woman in a maid dress as she also smiled gently

"Good Morning Master Durandal." She greeted her back "It seems you woke up late today." She said with a smile as Bianka smiled with slight embarrassment

"Yeah, after all it's not everyday I get to spend time with both of you without interruptions." She said with a smile

"Poor Master Caliburn." Rita said with a fake sigh "He has to sleep on the couch due to both of us occupying his two rooms."

"Hehe-" she gave a small laugh as she remembered how she had fallen asleep after they explored the city and she managed to go shopping and then fell asleep instantly on returning home

"That's true." Arthur said as he came out of the room and said in a fake distressed voice "I was forced to sleep on the couch in my own house."

"I'm your younger sister, I have this privilege." She said without any scruples as he smiled in reply "I guess that's true." He said

"It's already 6 am, I'll have to leave soon." Arthur said after a few minutes when they were in the Kitchen

"Ah Yes! Your classes start today." Ruta said with a smile that seemed to contain a bit of scheming

"Rita, No. Whatever you're planning, scrap it." He said as his eyes narrowed and she acted like she didn't understand "I don't understand what you're talking about." She said as Arthur sighed, he knew Rita was planning something and it's gonna get him in trouble.

"Fine, if you say so." He said with a resigned sigh as she smiled

"Let's go eat." He said as he took the tableware to set them up and Rita followed with the food


"Well then, I'll be going now." He said as he wore his shoes, gone were his casual clothes and replaced with a white shirt with a red tie and a purple coat over it and black pants and black shoes.

"Take care Art!" Bianka said enthusiastically as Rita also waved politely and elegantly but had a warm smile on her face

"Yeah! See you guys later!" He said as he exited the apartment.


{ Chiba Academy, High School Division }

"So, you're Arthur? The tranfer student from London?" A middle aged yet beautiful woman with a slightly tired look asked him as he nodded

"Yes Sensei." He replied to the woman as he nodded "It's nice to meet you." He said as he slightly bowed, making the woman nod in satisfaction

Currently, Arthur was in the teachers' lounge in Chiba Academy's High School Division. A Prestigious High School for the Rich and Talented where the top of the society studied

"My name is Fuyumi, you can just call me Sensei" she said and continued

"You're currently in the Second year and since it's May already, it's already been nearly a month since classes started." She said "You'll have to catch up a bit on the syllabus but, I've seen your results and from what I saw I can guess that you can easily do it." She said with a smile

"Yes Sensei, I'll be able to catch up without much difficulty." He said, not at all modest and showing his confidence, making the woman nod in satisfaction.

Confidence in their own abilities was good but overconfidence was not and from what she had seen of his academic results, he had the right to be confident

"The classes are about to start, you can follow me." She said as she stood up from her desk and he nodded

As they walked through the empty corridors, noises coming from the classrooms they passed, making the whole place feel lively as they eventually arrived infront of a door


The board above read as the teacher then looked at him "I'll be going in first and on my signal, you can enter." She said as he nodded with a gentle smile, making her slightly shocked as she shook her head but, a slight blush was visible on her face

Although Arthur maintained his smile, upon seeing her reaction his smile became a bit strained 'Damn it, not again.' he thought to himself

"*Ahem* Well then, please wait for my signal." She said as she slid the door open and entered while hiding her embarrassment.

The classroom that was noisy quietened down as the beautiful yet tired black haired teacher walked upto the podium.

"Students! Today, as you have probably heard, we have a new student that'll be joining us." She said as the class erupted into whispers

"Is it another girl?" A girl asked her friend "I hope it's a boy" another said

"I hope they're nice." A girl said shyly as another chuckled "I wish it's a sexy hunk"

"What about you Mei?" A girl asked a beautiful purple haired girl with a gentle aura around her who just smiled slightly

The few boys in the class among the nearly thirty-five girls also whispered among each other "I hope it's a cute girl, I don't want more competition."

"Competition? Hah! You're too ugly to have competition." Another mocked as some of the students snickered


"ENOUGH!" The teacher shouted as the class quietened again

"Let us welcome our new transfer student, please enter." She said as the door slid open again

A handsome young man with blonde hair that seemed to glitter with eyes like emerald that shone brightly and a height that we'll surpassed the average boy of his age with a muscular and lean build walked in

The girls in the class seemed to have their eyes shining while some boys looked dumbfounded and then looked at themselves and then Arthur and became slightly depressed

"Please introduce yourself Arthur-Kun." She said as he stepped onto the podium and faced the class

"Hello everyone, my name is Arthur. You can all call me Arthur as I have no last name and I'm a transfer student from London, I hope to be friends with you all. Please take care of me." He said as he slightly bowed to the class

"If you have anything you'd like to ask me, please feel free to." He said

The girls erupted into cheers as they heard his statement and asked multiple questions that ranged from normal to weird as hell

"Is your hair natural?" A girl asked

"Do you play sports?" Another asked

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Are you a virgin?"

"ENOUGH!" The teacher yelled again and then took a deep breath

"I'm sorry Arthur-kun, please understand that they're quite excited." She said apologetically as he smiled gently

"It's okay, I'm excited to meet them as well." He said and suddenly the class completely quietened before the girls and boys looked at him in a daze

"Woah " someone said and the others nodded in response.

"Well then Arthur, please sit down next to Raiden-san." The teacher said in a slight daze as she pointed at a beautiful girl with long purple hair and a gentle and dignified temperament who was also in a slight daze

Arthur looked slightly suprised as he saw his prime suspect just sitting in the same class as him and then sighed internally. 'Lord Otto really did plan this.'

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Arthur said politely as he put his hand forward for a shake as he sat down and turned to her

"Hello, it's nice to meet you too." The girl said with a gentle smile and a small blush after she snapped out of her daze

"My name's Arthur, what's yours?" He asked the girl, feigning ignorance of her identity as his prime suspect

"Ah!" She seemed a bit surprised at him asking for her name and then smiled after recalling that he was from London where her father's name was probably well-known but her's, not so much

"Forgive me for not introducing myself." She said with geniune remorse for such a small mistake, suprising Arthur a bit and making him feel a bit guilty

"My name is Raiden Mei. As I have said Arthur-kun, It's nice to meet you." She said with a gentle smile filled with genuine joy, slightly shocking Arthur but, he quickly snapped out of it as he'd been surrounded by beautiful woman from a young age as a member of Schicksal.

Arthur felt guilty at having to decieve the young girl but he tried to justify himself by thinking that he was doing this for all of humanity.

He was pulled out of his musings by Mei who began "Um, Arthur-kun. You don't know much about the school right? How about I give you a tour?" She asked him

Arthur knew the whole layout of the school by heart as he had studied it for his mission but, he acted as if he didn't

"Really?" He asked expectantly as his voice then turned a bit doubtful "But, wouldn't that affect you?" He asked acting a bit reluctant and worried

"Of course not! I'd be glab to show you around." Mei said firmly, slightly surprising Arthur at just how kind the girl was

"Then, we're friends now, right?" Arthur asked her with a smile as she froze a bit and then smiled as well "Yes, we are." She said

"Then, you can just call me Arthur." He said "It feels weird to be called Arthur-kun." He explained as she smiled in reply

The whole class and teacher watched the interaction between the two a bit numbly, they felt like they saw pink bubbles floating around the two

Many girls and boys sighed with disappointment yet expectation as they looked at the two students who chatted away.


( A/N: Yeah, sue me.

Mei's too good of a girl to pass up but, don't worry since Kiana and Mei will still be together. If ya get what I mean.

Also, how shitty is my luck in Gacha in RL that I can't even fathom. I've failed more 50/50 than the 5 Stars I have and then there's my friend. He easily gets the character in 10 tickets Max and I'm like I can't even get em in 50/50.

Damn shitty luck, all my characters I have right now are actually rolled by my friend.

Then guys, sorry for the rant and see you all next chapter. )