
Honkai: I Have A Skill System

Arthur was a normal young boy who somehow awakened in a different world with memories of his life in that World. Far from the semi-peaceful world the9v public saw, this World was filled with danger that threatened Humanity Fortunately, he had a System. One that let him learn anything as long as he either put in effort or used points to cheat his way up Now, follow Athur in this World unfamiliar to him as he makes new friends and fights for the future they want.

Biometal_Model_Z · Video Games
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8 Chs


"Whoa!" Mei exclaimed in slight awe as she looked at Arthur who was standing on the wooden stage wearing a helmet and holding a wooden shinai, his opponent on the floor.

After school, she had given Arthur a tour of the whole school and also introduced the clubs to him.

He had showed some interest in the Kendo Club as Mei had perked up a bit on it's mention

As he has just entered the club with Mei, some of her admirers, especially the Leader of the kendo club had decided to challenge him to a duel.

For the information of some people, Arthur was trained from a young age to fight against the Honkai due to his high adaptivity that surpassed many before and was on par if not higher than Durandal herself.

The training also included Education, Survival skill, Martial Arts, Marksmanship and many more.

So, the duel turned out as expected with Arthur easily winning the bout with minimal effort. Although, he did feel as if he was bullying the kid as he was a Knight and the teen was a normal human.

"That was a good fight." He said as he gave his hand to the fallen boy who accepted his hand and got up

He then smiled depreciatingly at himself and said "You're really a nice guy, Arthur-san. I provoked you for no reason and you don't even hold it against me." He said "And then look at me, someone who was jealous of another and even asked him for a fight."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, you were just a bit impulsive." Arthur said as he gave him a quick smile and walked off the platform

Now that he thought about it, looking at the Club Leader's back, there were more males in this academy than he'd ever seen.

Though, that may be due to this being a high end academy for the rich and privileged and the males in current society were nothing if not privileged.

"I'm sorry, Mei-san." Arthur came down the stage and handed over his shinai and helmet to a girl that stood by and asked for his gear.

"I might have caused you some inconvenience" he said apologetically as Mei shook her head in denial

"No, no. You didn't cause any inconveniences." She said in denial "If anything, you impressed everyone with your skills."

"Have you been practicing since young?" She asked him curiously as he let out a small laugh in reply "Sort of? My family wanted me to succeed and would help me do whatever I wanted. So, I kinda asked them to teach me." He said, not really lying if just being a bit vague.

Mei's eyes lit up as Kendo was one of the most important things for her and a passion. Her father was a busy man who couldn't spend much time with her but, even then he had taken the time to pass on the Raiden Style Sword Arts to her.

Thus, Kendo was one of the important points in her life as it proved her connection with her father.

So, seeing someone like Arthur who was also trained by his family made her feel a bit closer as they had a common interest.


"Thank you for the tour, Mei-San." Arthur thanked her with a smile at the gates of the school as Mei also smiled at him

"No, I was happy to show you around. I also had fun." She said with a smile

"Then, I'll be going." She said as she waved him goodbye and got into a modified black Rolls Royce Ghost 2011 model after a driver opened the door for her

Multiple students watched this interaction with envy and jealousy yet slight gloating on seeing Arthur's surprisd expression.

Mei was slightly regretful as she saw Arthur's eyes widen when she got into the car, allowing her to remember that Arthur didn't really know who she was and making her worry if this would affect her new friendship.

The thing she didn't know, was that Arthur wasn't surprised by her, instead he was shocked by the other car that was pulling upto their school, specifically the driver of said car

With a roar of an engine, A Black Aston Martin One-77 drove to the school gate with a young beautiful woman who had Honey Blonde hair and reddish pink eyes wearing a maid uniform got out of the driver's seat

The people around the school gulped at the beauty that had exited and many were whispering among themselves with both boys and girls having a blush on their faces.

Arthur's eyes twitched as Rita Rossweisse in all her maidly glory walked upto him and bowed respectfully

He could feel her teasing eyes and the eyes of everyone around them which widened in shock at seeing the rich beauty bow before Arthur

"Young Master, your humble maid has come to pick you up." She said respectfully as the people around recoiled slightly in shock as Mei's mouth also opened in shock.

"Thank you Rita." He said with a fake smile plastered on his face as he quickly made Rita stand upright

"Ah? Are you so eager Young Master? Don't worry, this Rita is always yours." She said while blinking her eyes with a slight shudder at his touch, making him understand that this was probably her revenge for the 'BlackHall Incident' a while ago

The students around looked at Arthur in shock and admiration at the woman's remarks as he dragged her to the car

Arthur slumped on the seat as soon as he got in the car as the windows were tinted black and didn't allow anyone to see in the car except those with some special means.

"So, Young Master~" Rita said teasingly as she also got in the Driver's seat and started the car.

"Stop. Just stop." Arthur said as he facepalmed and then dragged his hand down

"This is definitely revenge for that incident, isn't it?" He asked her as she pretended to be confused "What are you talking about Young Master, how come I don't know?"

*Ugh* he groaned as he leaned on the seat

"Just wake me up when we reach base." He said as Rita smiled and nodded

Arthur closed his eyes to take a small nap.

In the darkness of his mind

[ Hello User! ] A feminine yet slightly mechanical voice called out with hints of tiredness and distress

"Who?" He called out as he looked at the dark space with nothing in sight except for a glowing screen

[ Um, Hello there. I'm System #A71, a System assigned to help you reach the pinnacle of life and power ] she said with a slight tremor

"Huh? System?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes

[ Yes User, although the System was a bit late by about 16 years. ] It said with its voice trembling from nervousness

"....Wait, 16 years?" He said to himself

"Are you the cause for me awakening my memory?" He asked her as the screen flickered a bit

[ Yes User...] It said slightly guilty

"You said you were late?"

[ The System was supposed to be bound at the birth of the User but, I may have fell asleep. ] She said a bit sheepishly

"Hm? Then why didn't you show up when I 'woke up'? " He asked

[ Heheheh. That was because most people call out System and ask for a cheat or something after being reborn, reincarnated or transmigrated. ]

[ This System also expected the User to call out to her but, you didn't. ]

"Is that so?" He asked

"What's your use?" He asked her afterwards, suprising it

[ Eh? You're not angry? ]

"An advantage is an advantage and it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't harm me." He said

"This world is fraught with danger and if you can help me deal with it, I'll take it." He told it

[ Um! The system will definitely help the user to the best of it's ability! ]

[ This System is a Skill System that allows the user to copy any ability of a being and perfectly integrate them to himself without any burdens as long as the User has Skill Points whether it be a bloodline ability or a unique one. ]

[ It can also allow the User to level up the Skills gained by the user himself or using Skill Points.]

[ The Skill Points required for levelling up depends on the learning ability of the User. ]

[ User can also copy a single skill from the target without using Skill Points ]

"Oh? It's quite useful then." He mused to himself "Well then, #A71 it's nice to meet you." He said

"As you probably know, the name's Arthur"

[...You remembered my designation? ] She asked a bit moved

"Huh? Of course I did, it's rude not to remember names of people after they introduce themselves." He said to the System

[ Um, the System does not truly have a name, that was my designation. If the User doesn't mind, could you give me a name? ]

"A name? Let me think of one." He said and put his hand on his chin

"How about Ophelia?" He asked her after a few minutes

[ Ophelia? ]

"Yeah, the name Ophelia is derived from the Greek word opheleia which means 'help' or 'advantage' " he explained to her

[ I like it! ] She, the bow named Ophelia said

"So Lia, what's my current skills like?" He asked her

[ Lia? ] She asked him

"Yeah, it's a nickname. If you don't like it, I can change it." He said as the screen flickered

[ No! Ophelia likes Lia! Please call her Lia! ] She said hurriedly as he smiled and nodded

"Lia, could you show me my skills, all of them." He asked her as the screen flickered and changed

[ The Max Level of all skills are 6 and the higher they are, the harder they are to improve]

[ They are :

Level 0: None

Level 1: Beginner

Level 2: Slightly Experienced

Level 3: Proficient

Level 4: Master

Level 5: Perfect ]

[ User: Arthur ]

[ Skills: Honkai Adaptability ( Lvl 5 - 10/10000 ), Genius (Lvl 5 - 600/ 10000), Close Combat ( Lvl 4 - 50/1000 ), Crafting ( Lvl 3 - 10/500 ), Swordsmanship ( Lvl 4 - 5/1000 ), Driving ( Lvl 2 - 50/100 ), Cooking ( Lvl 2 - 80/100 ), ..... , Kaslana Stigmata ( Lvl 0 - 0/10 ), Parvati Bloodline ( Lvl 0 - 0/10 ) ]

"Eh?" Arthur made a weird noise in between suprise, shock and disbelief as he looked at the glaring 'Kaslana Stigmata' and 'Parvati Bloodline'.


[ Genius (Lvl 5 - 600/10000) ]

[ A skill that increases learning speed. Another effect of the skill is to reduce the Skill Points required to upgrade to the next level ]

[ Level 5 - Makes all skill points required reduce by 100 times and increase learning speed 100 times ]