
Honkai: I Have A Skill System

Arthur was a normal young boy who somehow awakened in a different world with memories of his life in that World. Far from the semi-peaceful world the9v public saw, this World was filled with danger that threatened Humanity Fortunately, he had a System. One that let him learn anything as long as he either put in effort or used points to cheat his way up Now, follow Athur in this World unfamiliar to him as he makes new friends and fights for the future they want.

Biometal_Model_Z · Video Games
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8 Chs


{ Two Hours Later }


With a heavy sigh, Arthur plopped onto the bed as he recalled the main suspect

' Raiden Mei, daughter of Raiden Ryoma and Heir of ME Corp. She had gone missing for three years under the pretense of therapy when she was young after a supposed terrorist attack. Ryoma's connection with Anti Entropy as its Executive and the missing period is a blaring red signal.' he thought to himself

'Lord Otto should have already figured it out, could it be that this is a test for me?' he asked himself as what he had figured out was something Otto could have easily put together

No matter, he'd deal with it later. After all, he was Caliburn, an S Rank Knight of Schicksal.

*Knock* *Knock*

Suddenly, he heard knocking as he got up and walked towards the door, patting his pocket to check if his wallet was still there.

He looked through the viewer he had installed on the door to see two familiar faces standing outside his door


With a sigh that was multiple times more heavier than the previous ones but filled witfond exasperation, he opened the door to greet the two visitors

"Yo!" He said as he raised his hand, greeting both Bianka and Rita who stood in the corridor

"Hey Art, sorry for the surprise visit." Bianka said sheepishly as Rita followed "I apologise Master Caliburn, Master Durandal insisted on a surprise visit." She said as Bianka stuck her tongue out

"Don't worry about it Rita." He replied "Bianka's stil a kid after all." He said with a teasing smile as Bianka looked at him with fake offense

"Come on in, I can't make two beauties stand outside now, can I?" He said as he moved a bit, allowing the duo to enter

"Don't mind the mess, I haven't got to unpacking yet." He said with slight embarrassment and Bianka looked like she didn't mind while Rita was radiating hidden anticipation.

'Her and her maid obsession.' Arthur thought with a slight smile as Rita and Bianka entered the house as if they owned it, making his eye twitch at the casual way in which Bianka sat down on the couch and how Rita went to the open kitchen on the side

Arthur smiled as he walked to the TV and switched it on and threw the remote to Bianka as he also sat on the couch while Rita came out of the kitchen after placing some bags of groceries they had brought.

"What would you both like to eat for lunch?" She asked as Bianka was scrolling through the channels while Arthur looked contemplative about something

"Something Sweet " both of them said at the exact same time, making Rita smile amusedly "I asked for food, not dessert." She said as Arthur and Bianka just looked at her "Fine, since we're in Japan, why not try Classic Japanese Curry?"

"Kay." Bianka said as Arthur also nodded in agreement

"Hey Art" Bianka called after a few minutes of silence with her watching TV and him just sitting there, lost in thought.


"What are you thinking about so hard? You've been completely immersed in your head for a while." Bianka asked him as he smiled

"It's this-" he said as he gave her his phone, files of Raiden Mei displayed on them

"This?" She said and read it, only to look a bit confused afterwards "Isn't this the person who has the core? It can basically be confirmed." She said as he nodded

"That's what bothers me, if we already guessed this from the info, Lord Otto should have guessed it long ago, maybe even confirmed it." He said with slight irritation

"I don't know what he wants me to do-" he said with obvious confusion

"Well, we can't really guess what he wants to do." Bianka said as she also leaned back on the couch

"But, if Lord Otto trusts you to do it, it means you can do it." She said and then gave a bright smile "If it's you, you can do it!" She said enthusiastically as Arthur was infected by her smile and smiled too

"Hah!" He laughed and then ruffled her hair "I guess you're right, I'm glad Little DuDu believes in me." He said as Bianka pouted in annoyance "Stop that!" She said as she grabbed his hand "I told you not to call me that." She said in annoyance

"Call you what?" Arthur feigned ignorance "Don't be so angry DuDu, you'll scare your friends away."

"That's it!" She said as she bit his hand like a cat would

"Ow!" He yelled, although it seemed like it didn't actually hurt as he was smiling the whole time, his confusion and self doubt fading away

"What a Barbaric Younger Sister I have." He fake lamented as her eyes twitched and bit him harder

"Ow! Ow-" He said as he quickly feigned pain and said "I yield! I yeild!" He said as she let go and sat down properly, as if she hadn't just bitten him

"You know, If you're like this, you won't get a boyfriend or girlfriend." He said teasingly as she looked confident and replied "I have Rita, You and all the others at Schicksal. That's enough for me." She said as he smiled at her

"You can't just only have us, you have to make friends outside too." He said as she just looked at him "Look who's saying that, do you have any friends other than us?" She asked him as he looked away

"Oh? I think Rita's calling me, I'll go help her in the Kitchen." He said quickly as he got up and walked to the Kitchen as Bianka just smiled at him and got up

"I'm coming too." She said as he replied "No! You burned water the last time you cooked! Burnt Water!" He said

"That was once!" She said

"Still No!" He replied

"Children, that's what you both are." Rita said and then sighed fondly


(A/N: Okay guys, in this Arthur the MC was raised in Schicksal since a baby and all his memories were fused perfectly, making it that he had actually lived life here too, allowing him to feel normal.

Here, Durandal and Rita are people who've been with him for years. It makes him consider them family.

Yes, they're like siblings and will be like siblings. Understand that. )