
Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood is a place that has changed the fates of a lot of people, but Hollywood's fate changed when a soul from our world was reborn in there's. A soul whose life had been cut short, whose dream's remained unfulfilled, he who begrudgingly accepted his second chance at life. He vowed to make a difference this time around, for he was going to conquer Hollywood and to save it from itself; and fulfill his dreams in the process. DISCLAIMER - Contains adult/mature/R-18 content. THIS IS MY FIRST WORK SO THE STARTING OF THE NOVEL ISN'T THAT GOOD WITH MANY MISTAKES BUT I DO IMPROVE ON IT. SO STICK AROUND WITH TILL THE END IF YOU CAN. THANKS FOR READING. ALSO THERE'S NO NTR, NO YURI, BUT DEFINITELY A HAREM IN THIS STORY. __________________________________ Genre: Urban Fantasy, R-18, Slow Paced, Slice of life, System, Reincarnated in Past, Romance, Harem, Smut, Showbiz, Celebrities, Movies, Marvel, DC, E-Sports, Middle class to Ultra-Rich. __________________________________ Upload schedule: 1/2 chapter every 2 days. Word count of the chapter - 5.5k to 7.5k words. So the word count for half of the chapter ranges between 2.75k words to 3.75k words. __________________________________ {Author's note 1: A promise from to all the readers of this work. I might take small breaks in between but I will never stop writing this book until it's finished. Great thing is I already know how I want to end this book just the journey to getting there is filled with some uncertainty.} {Author's note 2: This is my first official novel/work, before this I have only written some short fanfics from alt accounts. Also English is my third language, I obviously will be making mistakes and typos. Please correct me in comment section if possible. And leave a review if you liked/disliked my work. Thanks for giving my novel a try, and have a beautiful day.}

TheRamenLord · Phim ảnh
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138 Chs

New Spider-man Cinematic Universe Pitch and my Discord Link.

Hello, my readers, its Ramen here. This chapter is just a pitch meeting kinda of chapter with me pitching my Spiderman Cinematic Universe to you guys. With polls for what villains you want to see, which heroine you want to be the love interest of Spider-man, what kind of story I will have Spiderman take, etc.

Now guys heres the pitch for the first movie for the Amazing Spiderman that will be the first movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and within this universe their will be like a smaller street level universe that Spider-man will be a part of Spider-man is the hero of New York.

A New York that is just teeming with villains like Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Rhino, Dr. Lizard, Sandman, Venom, Electro, Scorpion, Shocker, Kraven, etc. And this is just the popular super villains that he faces off against in comics.

There is also the Maggia crime family, Wilson Fisk, The Hand and a few other outliers that make up the underbelly of Marvel's New York.

I plan for Spiderman to work as a lens for the audience to see through, because despite his superpowers. Spider-man is one of the more grounded character in Marvel with whom the audiences can connect with.

Now some of these villains and either 1 of the element of the New York's underbelly (the magia family, Wilson Fisk, The Hand or a completely different element suggested by the readers) will be what Spiderman will be up against.

This will be a 4 to 6 part Spider-man film series that will be happening in the MCU. I want the readers to grow up with my version of the MCU Spiderman because he will grow old starting from the first year in highschool to graduating, learning to balance work life, love and heroing, etc.

And then finally when it the Morlun and the inheritors will happen opening the multiverse saga for the Spiderman side of MCU. This will be after the infinity saga, and will feature an aged up Spiderman in his early twenties who is smarter and even has started his own Parker Industries with funding from a mysterious source *wink*.

This is where the 3 Spiderman pointing at each meme with become real and now you must be thinking. I have only focused on one Spider-mans growth, journey and character development. How will i create 2 more out of nowhere and make them into heroes that people will like?

Oh it will be super easy barely an inconvenience. Because I have a brilliant solution to that and no I wont be revealing thar solution but you are free to speculate in the comments. So now my favourite part of this SCU Pitch Meeting chapter - THE POLLS.

1. Should Peter parker in the MCU have Spidey senses from the very first movie like Tobey's and Andrew's or should he start out with a weak Spidey Sense that eventually grows with him allowing him to become the near OP character that he love him to be?

Option 1 - Spidey senses from the beginning.


Option 2 - Start off with weak Spidey senses that grow with time and experience.

{Note: To vote just type in the comments +1 for you choice and please dont vote multiple times in 1 option every gets only 1 vote.}

2. Spider-man's first movie villain -

Option 1 - Green Goblin.


Option 2 - Doctor Octopus.


Option 3 - Comment your option and if you option has more likes that the above two then your choice of villain will be selected for the first movie of the MCU.

3. Who will be the love interest for Peter Parker in the First Movie?

Option 1 - Gwen Stacy.


Option 2 - Mary Jane Watson.

{Note: This is only for the first movie who he ends with in the end will be decided later. Another Important Thing to remember is that the toxic MJ from Zeb Wells Comics, Tobey's movie, etc haven't happened yet so putting aside your baisness who do you think should be the first heroine?}

The DISCORD LINK TO MY SERVER - It is only valid for 7 days. I will put a new link when it expires.

Just remove the spaces and it will work I will also post the link in the comments and the author's thoughts section. Join it if you want to chat or talk with me about anything in my book or if you want to pitch or if you like fanfics, movies, tv shows and would like to talk about it with like minded people.

Discord link to my server House of Fiction - https://discord.gg/EeDnxudD

TheRamenLordcreators' thoughts