
Chapter 8 Luna Lovegood

After exiting Ollivander's wand shop, Luke and Harry went their separate ways; after all, Harry was nearing the end of their purchases, and Hagrid had just the last item for him for his birthday that was optional for his pet.

  "Where do you want to go next?"

  Professor McGonagall asked Luke, looking down.

  Luke was silent for a moment, then said, "I'm sure I won't have to buy anything like a crucible. After all, I'm sure the ones left at home are the absolute best."

  Professor McGonagall didn't argue with that, if other students had that kind of high quality laboratory equipment at home, then they certainly wouldn't give their own children to bring to school to wreak havoc. After all, the value of such things themselves definitely qualified as expensive. Not to mention the fact that the ones Luke had at home were considered to be relics.

  Professor McGonagall even felt that if Luke took a few crucibles or dragon skin gloves from his family's treasure trove to Professor Snape he could get a heartfelt smile from him in return. Although he knew Luke wasn't going to use the ones in his treasure trove, he did have enough of those lab supplies in his own cabin.

  "Professor, is it possible to keep snakes in the college?"

  Luke suddenly asked in a cold voice.

  Professor McGonagall was flabbergasted by his question, but looking at Luke's eyes, he really didn't mean to joke, so he replied in a serious manner, "Theoretically no, but if you want to keep non-venomous snakes, I can make an exception for you."

  This little thing was nothing to Professor McGonagall; after all, the magical creatures of the Forbidden Forest were much more dangerous than ordinary snakes. But something like a poisonous snake was still a threat to the young wizards after all, so poisonous snakes were definitely not allowed.

  Professor McGonagall looked at Luke with a slightly regretful look.

  And as expected, Luke showed the same look of regret, he didn't have a few non-venomous snakes on hand. As for using these common snakes as scouts, it made no sense at all to use the snakes he kept. There were plenty of snakes outside Hogwarts castle, and even inside it, not to mention a very handy spell like Oolong Out of the Hole.

  In fact, Luke had no intention of keeping a snake as a pet at Hogwarts either.

  Professor McGonagall could certainly guess why Luke would want a snake. After all, everyone had heard of the Gunter family's talent. The snake guy cant had been stigmatized quite a bit by a bunch of dark wizards, especially Voldemort.

  But to truly sensible wizards, the Serpentine accent was at best a useful gift.

  Of course, sensible people would always be a minority among any group.

  Luke thought for a moment, then proceeded to say to Professor McGonagall, "A cat, then."

  Professor McGonagall couldn't help but give a big smile after hearing Luke's choice. It was as if Luke had made the right choice.

  "That's right Luke! Trust me, cats are the absolute best pet you could have chosen out of all the pets you could have chosen. They're gentle, smart, cute and clever!"

  Professor McGonagall said with a grin in Luke's ear as she led the way.

  Luke had a grin on his lips, he had guessed that was how Professor McGonagall would react. A wise man should be in the right place at the right time and make the right choice.

  Soon they arrived at the door of a relatively isolated shop. Luke looked up and saw the sign with the cat's paw print on it.

  [Kate's Cat]

  Luke resisted the urge to spit. Then he followed Professor McGonagall as she approached the shop. The shop was small, but clean and welcoming. Luke couldn't help but nod his head.

  This shop was really the only pet shop he had seen all the way here that could compare to the cleanliness of Ollivander's wand shop.

  But the next thing that caught Luke's eye was not the cats frolicking on the floor or lounging in their open cages. Instead, it was the long, dark golden brown hair

And big silver eyes.

  It was a little girl sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, holding a magazine and looking like she was reading to the cats. She looked like she was there, but there was like an ethereal phantom, or a spirit of nothingness.

  Luke wondered if it was just him, it always felt like the bright yellow light was shining and moving like a waterfall of flowing gold as it spilled over her long hair.

  The kittens, which should have been lively and active, all lay quietly around her in a circle, as if they really understood the little girl's words.

  Luke was dumbfounded for a moment, but quickly came to his senses. Then it was time to take a deep breath. He knew the name of this rather fairy-like little girl from the name of that magazine.

  The name of that magazine was 'Singing the Contrary'. A magazine that was 'rather' unapproved of in the wizarding world. As far as Luke knew, there was only that one young girl of that age who could approach such a magazine with such seriousness.

  Luna Lovegood.

  A character that Luke had fallen hard for in his previous life with just one film.

  Luke thought he would have to meet this amazing girl at next year's commencement ceremony. UU read the book www. uukanshu.com He didn't expect her to appear in front of him so suddenly today.

  Luke quickly calmed down. He was now in this world as well, then he had to know everyone with his own eyes as much as possible, not his memories of his previous life.

  Whether it was his memories or the films from back then, it was always just a story with the author's subjective perception. It is possible to learn from it, but it cannot be held as a golden rule.

  Still, Luke subconsciously frowned, he always felt an inexplicable attraction to Luna. It made Luke a little suspicious.

  It was normal to have a natural affinity for Luna, but where did this attraction come from?

  Professor McGonagall watched with interest as Luke looked, first lost in thought, then sober, then relaxed as if comprehending something. This was followed by a frown.

  This struck Professor McGonagall as rather amusing, and wondered if Luke knew that his mind was all over the place at this point.

  Professor McGonagall looked at the young girl whom she had only heard of, but was not familiar with. Suddenly there was a great deal of interest in her.

  There was no telling what kind of magic this little girl had in her that could make Luke behave like this.

  A middle-aged brown-haired woman holding a fat orange cat came out of the door at the back of the shop. As soon as she came out she saw Professor McGonagall, who was wearing a smile, and the young boy, who was frowning and looking a little mature and handsome.

  She obviously didn't see the odd atmosphere anywhere, however, and the first thing she did upon seeing her old friend was to exclaim in a very happy tone.

  "Oh! Minerva! When did you come! Why didn't you call out to me!"