
Chapter 9 Leaping harassment down

Professor McGonagall did not like being disturbed while she was watching the fun. But she couldn't help the fact that the other person was indeed her very, very good friend, and the fact that she was looking at the fun in front of her affected her image as a professor of majesty, so she decided to keep her displeasure to herself.

  "I've come to buy a cat, Catherine."

  With that the Catherine woman looked obediently at Luke, who was beside Professor McGonagall.

  Luke greeted Lady Catherine politely.

  "Hello Mrs. Catherine, Luke Gunter, you can call me Luke, I'm going to Hogwarts for school so I'm going to pick a cat to keep me company."

  Luke noticed that Luna, who had been concentrating on her book earlier, was also looking at him and subconsciously made his smile a little wider, appearing a trifle more approachable.

  Lady Catherine just lit up at the first sight of Luke. After all, a face of outrageous value was a rare resource, no matter where in the world it was found.

  "Oh! It's a lovely boy, Luke, what a great name, Luke Gunter ... Gunter?"

  Lady Catherine froze herself as she spoke. Then looked straight at Luke and afterwards at Professor McGonagall with confusion.

  Luke were dumbfounded, he looked as if he knew a lot about the aristocratic circle, but let alone the fact that he had lived alone for so many years, even if there were other adults around, the family had been disconnected from the aristocratic circle for centuries. Seriously, Luke didn't know how far down the family tree he should be if he didn't go back to the Gunter ancestral home.

  Professor McGonagall nodded to a puzzled Catherine. But didn't say anything more.

  "Oh, Mr. Gaunt, I'm sorry, I was a bit out of line earlier."

  Lady Catherine became a little restrained after receiving Professor McGonagall's confirmation, and looked at Luke with a slight wince in her eyes.

  Luke remained polite and courteous on the outside, but in reality he was filled with doubt on the inside. What the hell was going on? Could it be that something like having people kowtow to him just by giving his name could happen to him?

  "It's no matter Lady Catherine, just call me Luke, it's not the Gaunt's who are here now, but a new student at Hogwarts, a guest who has come to see you to buy a suitable cat."

  "Oh! Yes, yes! Gunter ... Luke, do you have any requirements for this cat? I can screen it for you first, or if you plan to look around first."

  Lady Catherine was in a much calmer mood and had been able to do what she normally did with her valued guests.

  Just as Luke was about to reply, an ethereal female voice suddenly came to the crowd's ears.

  "Let me introduce you to them."

  Luke quickly inclined his head and refocused his eyes on Luna's face. By now Luna had stood up with a faint smile on her face.

  The elf-like girl smiled at Luke and said, "They like you a lot and want to meet you too."

  "Luna! You're talking nonsense again ..."


  Professor McGonagall suddenly raised her voice and spoke, cutting Lady Catherine's words short. Then ignoring the panic on her face, she went straight up and took her arm, smiling, "It's been a long time since we've seen each other, you have butterbeer over here don't you! Buy me a drink, I've been running around Diagon Alley all morning with this little one, give me a break and wet my throat."

  "Luke, why don't you follow Luna around, I've got something to discuss with Catherine."

  Professor McGonagall instructed Luke as she pulled a flustered looking Catherine along with her.

  "Okay, don't worry, Professor." Luke didn't know what Professor McGonagall was going to discuss, but it was a private matter, so he had no reason to ask.

  "With a bang, the door to the common room was closed.

Luke and Luna were the only two people left in the shop.

  "I'm Luna, I'm ten years old, you're a new student at Hogwarts, I can go to Hogwarts next year too."

  Luna spoke gently for a long time, and the kittens around her all meowed in unison, as if they were giving Luna a boost.

  "And it's not just the two of us here oh, it's these little ones too, they'll get mad if you ignore them."

  Luna didn't wait for Luke to speak before she then spoke.

  And Luke instead looked at the little girl beside him with some surprise, "You would ..."

  Again Luna didn't wait for him to finish before shaking her head, "No, I don't know how to take a mind, that's a very advanced spell, or talent. But ..."

  Luna's beauty frowned lightly as she thought for a moment, as if she was organizing her words.

  "But your mind seems easy to read, at least I can read it a little."

  Luke's mouth twitched slightly again, then silently activated his brain closure spell.

  "And now?"

  "Can only see very little anymore, but you're making a lot of noise with your harassment down."

  Luna said this, causing Luke to furrow his own brow tightly.

  But that wasn't the worst of it, Luke could vaguely feel as if he could see some of Luna's thoughts too. It just wasn't as clear as that.

  It was very wrong, and not like any kind of love at first sight, more like a natural connection.

  Luke found it hard not to be disturbed. Did he really have any secrets to keep in front of Luna like that? He didn't think his mind was that well read either; after all, the spells the system gave him were all a little stronger than the ones he'd learned, so his brain-closing spell was strong. More to the point, he had a lot of little thoughts when he was with Professor McGonagall, but Professor McGonagall didn't see anything either.

  Luke looked at the amazing girl in front of him and felt like he had seen his natural nemesis.

  "Come on Luke, I'll take you to meet them, there's a kitten that smells like you." So saying, Luna leaned forward and came up to Luke's body, sniffing gently as if to confirm the smell.

  Feeling a little frazzled, Luke said, a little stiffly, "Yes! Yes! No problem!"

  He seemed to have little resistance to such an intimate gesture from Luna.

  Luna stood up straight and held up a small orange cat on the floor and began to introduce it to Luke.

  "This is Alpha, she ..."


  Inside the lounge, Professor McGonagall hummed in front of the wine cabinet as she searched it carefully with sharp eyes for a good wine. Lady Catherine, on the other hand, was sitting at a round table with a sad face, not of some concern, looking towards the closed door of the room, as if she intended to look through it and see what was happening to the two little ones now.

  "Don't worry too much Kathryn, trust me, Luke is a very nice boy. Won't make some very cheap mistakes."

  Professor McGonagall finally picked out a satisfactory bottle of wine and took two silver wine glasses and walked over to the table. Placing the glasses in place and filling them up with wine.

  As it turned out, before Professor McGonagall could lift the glasses, Lady Catherine drank the wine in one go.

  Then it was in a rather puzzled tone that she spoke up and asked.

  "Minerva, isn't the Gunter family extinct? Why would there be a member of the Gaunt family suddenly appearing?"

  "Lek and I had a hard time making the transition from servant status, and you're bringing in another house master to enslave me?!"