
Chapter 7 The Magic Wand (next part)

Ollivander was ripped from his state of thought, then with a glance at Luke, he proceeded to look in the direction of his finger.

  At the sight of Luke's designated target, his brow furrowed once more.

  Still, he drew his own wand from his cuff and with a flick of his hand, let the box float down from its height into his hand.

  He returned to Luke and opened the box, pulling out such a wand that looked exquisitely antique and gave it an understated feel.

  "You try it first."

  He handed the wand to Luke, but did not introduce the wand.

  Professor McGonagall sensed that something was wrong with Ollivander, so after Luke took the wand, she too gripped it tightly in her hand again, ready to strike. After all, if a wand did get out of control, it could cause no small amount of damage.

  Of course, the damage would more often than not backfire on the wand's owner, so she kept a close eye on Luke, fearing that something might happen to him. Unbeknownst to her, it had been some time since Professor McGonagall had bet her time on Harry, and Luke, on the other hand, was making her even more nervous.

  In the first instant of receiving his wand, Luke experienced a connection of the mind.

  Faintly, he seemed to hear something calling to him.

  The wand now felt like a part of his own body. With just a slight click, the vase that Harry had just destroyed was instantly put back together and restored to its original state.

  Feeling the tweak of the wand in his hand, Luke couldn't help but give a smile as well.

  "I didn't think the fit between you and this one wand would be so good."

  Ollivander was a little surprised, he hadn't seen a wizard and wand combination with such a high level of fit in a long time.

  "Is there something different about this wand? Mr. Ollivander?"

  Professor McGonagall couldn't help but ask, if there was a safety concern with this wand then even if it was any more Luke's fit then she couldn't let Luke use it, at the very least not as the one commonly used.

  "Yes Professor McGonagall, this wand is actually one that I have recently made. And what makes it different is that I used a wand core material that I had never used before and that only one other person had used in its previous history."

  When he finished, he looked at Luke who was also looking towards him and said, "Ten and a half inches, the body of the staff is a grapevine, keenly active, and fond of wizards with high aspirations, and the core ... is the spine thorn of the Wight River Monster. The effects found for the time being have the effect of making the spell more powerful, and of giving it a more elegant outward form."

  The former has a similar effect to Fire Dragon's Heart Nerve, while the latter sounds more than a little cockeyed. Could it be that gnawing on a large melon is a little more vibrantly green?

  "Ridgeback spines of the Wight River Monster ... Tiago Quetana's special material. This thing lives in Arkansas, North America. And no one but him is said to have the means to capture the Wight River Monster."

  Hagrid searched his mind for a moment and said with some confusion.

  Ollivander nodded and cast a surprised and appreciative look at Hagrid, "You are worthy of being a Hogwarts hunting ground guard, you are indeed well informed."

  Harry looked over at Hagrid with some surprise, he didn't know how cold such information was, but Harry still sensed from the somewhat surprised look even Professor McGonagall gave him that Hagrid was good.

  Hagrid scratched his head a little embarrassed. Then he immediately asked, "Mr. Ollivander have you also mastered the capture of the Wight River monster?"

  Ollivander shook his head, "No, this is just a leftover material sold to me by the descendants of the Quitana family. Let alone me, even they themselves don't know how to catch the Wight River Monster."

  Hagrid had a somewhat mixed look of

It was a look of regret and relief at the same time.

  Luke could understand that feeling. Regret that he hadn't had the chance to catch or meet the Wight, and relief that he didn't have to worry about this magical creature being hunted in large numbers.

  Ollivander turned his attention back to Luke and then barked, "Mr Gunter, I had no intention of selling this wand, so I put it in the highest unused section. But I didn't expect that the fit between you and it would be so high. So I leave the choice to you, I am not sure what kind of unique effect this wand will have. For as far as I know, not even Tiago has tried the combination of grapevine and river monster thorns."

  "If you are willing to take the risk, then I can sell you this wand."

  Ollivander was very sincere when he said this, he really didn't want to sell this kind of wand that he couldn't be sure of the effect, it wasn't in line with his principles, after all who knew if there would be any potential problems or mojo with this wand.

  But apart from the fit, the identity of the boy made him willing to make an exception for once. If there were any problems, then with the help of himself and the professors at Hogwarts, the boy wouldn't suffer much damage. uu read book www. uukanshu.com And if there were any wonderful uses, then it would be right for him to give the boy, or the head of the Gaunt family, a meet-and-greet gift.

  Luke did not hesitate, and without thinking said.

  "Of course I do."

  Joking aside, a wand that fit so well was in itself unobtainable, and it was well worth the small risk.

  Ollivander wasn't surprised by such an answer.

  "Then, if there are any variances, good or bad, please contact me for a moment, so I can keep an eye out for any odd effects such a combination might have."

  "Yes, Mr Ollivander, thank you."

  Luke certainly wouldn't refuse, knowing that there was no such thing as after-sales service for wands, Ollivander was already taking quite good care of himself.

  "May I ask, sir, what is the price?"

  "Seven galleons, my boy, no child's play."

  Ollivander winked a little mischievously at Luke. The price was the price of those relatively ordinary wands in his shop. And the three wands Luke had passed over were the finest of the finest, and would have no problem doubling them tenfold if he really wanted to sell them.

  But even leaving aside the fact that the boy was exceptionally pleasant to look at, the fact that the Gaunt family had gone from being an extinct heir to having a head of house was in itself a cause for celebration for the nobility as a group.

  A wand as a gift was no longer an expensive one.

  Luke naturally understood the tone of it, so he pulled seven gold coins from his own pocket and handed them to Ollivander.

  "Thank you for your generosity."

  Luke said.

  "Congratulations on the return of 'Gunther'."

  Ollivander said.

  I thought that after today, the news of the Gunter family's return would soon spread throughout the noble circle.