
Her, Again

Kristi, a young, beautiful and brilliant girl who just graduated from college. Being from a not-so-rich-middle-class family she has loads of student loans piled up that she has yet to pay. She has always worked hard to achieve her dreams, yet she is so far from achieving it. Alexander Mikaelson, a man known for his looks as well as work. He doesn't know the meaning of the word "failure". Whatever he touches turns to billions is what people from his field say. But deep down inside he is broken. (Why? You'll know when you read the book!) These two different people when come together there will be fights, sparks, love, jealousy, betrayal and heart break From searching for a job to falling in love with the CEO, come let's take a look at Kristi's roller coaster ride. (This is my first story ever, so I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes in the story and no bad comments please ) *love_love

Aurora_the_dawn · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Can I do it?

26! Total 26 girls till now have come crying and screaming out of those large wooden doors which i have named "door to hell".

And boy I am not the only one who is shitting their pants after seeing this. All the other girls, who are here have gone pale and one of them looks like she is gonna faint if she sees another episode of this!!

Poor soul, I feel bad for her though.

"You should be worried about yourself" my stupid brain reminded me.

"Miss Kristi Brown!" A voice calling my name broke my train of thoughts.

"That's me" I said and stood up from the couch, almost loosing my balance in the process *very smooth Kristi*.

I walked towards the door to hell holding my purse and resume with my now sweating heads. I almost took a U turn and left the place but my broke self reminded me how much I need this job to survive and pay off the debts. Slowly I opened the door and went inside.

I guess I was wrong about my door to hell concept because this place looks like something out from black and white movie.

Black and white walls, black couch, heck it even has black carpet spread out widely, almost covering half of the portion of this room.

Why not put black lights too? I almost laughed at that thought. By the way, will we able to see if we put a black light? Will it give out black light? I should try ordering one.

A loud bang brought me out of my train of thoughts, and I almost forgot where am I. Shit

"Very good impression Kristi" I mentally face palmed myself.

"Miss Kristi Brown, we meet again" a voice said. I looked up to meet those mesmerizing eyes that once again made me forget about my surroundings.

Oh Boy! This is bad.

"Done checking me out once again" he said with a smirk on his handsome face.

My whole face started burning up with embarrassment.

What a nice way to start Kristi!

"Hello Mr Mikaelson" I somehow managed to speak up after being in this trance.

"Nice to meet you...again, I'm so sorry for my behavior before, I hope you won't held that against me"

"Oh don't worry about that, here you will be judged on your capabilities and achievements not on something irrelevant like those things" he said.

After hearing him say that I some what calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief because I knew I have been a great student with staight A's in high school, I got many scholarships during my college days, so I was never worried about my tuition fees, I studied in one of the prestigious college's for business and management, I have been a part of so many clubs in my college, I have been a president for few of them, i had done my field activities, volunteered inmany occasions, inshort my resume was not that bad. I had good scores throughout my college days and NO POLICE RECORD.. (hehe just saying)

So that's why I was pretty confident about my resume.

"Overconfidence can get you killed" my subconscious said.

"Well your resume is pretty much good Miss Brown, I'm impressed, but just by seeing it I can't tell you are better or not than the others, even though your resume is the only one that has reached upto the mark till now but I believe in practical capabilities, how you work under pressure, how you express you views to others, how you tackle a problem, all these things define the person who you are"

"Sir, I have never disappointed anyone where I worked, and I would keep it that way"

"Then see you tomorrow at 9 Miss Brown, other things that you need to know about your job will be emailed to you, after that if you have any doubts you can ask Mary there who sits at the desk opposite to the elevator"

"Ok Sir, thank you so much"

"You may leave now Ms. Brown, I'll see you tomorrow"

Why did that sound so erotic and sexy, I mean he just said he'll see me tomorrow and nothing else!! Oh God I need a drink, a strong one though.

Today didn't turn out that bad anyway, I got the job.

Holy skittles!! I got the job

Well done Kristi.

(Only if I knew what I got myself into I wouldn't be saying it's a good day).