
Her, Again

Kristi, a young, beautiful and brilliant girl who just graduated from college. Being from a not-so-rich-middle-class family she has loads of student loans piled up that she has yet to pay. She has always worked hard to achieve her dreams, yet she is so far from achieving it. Alexander Mikaelson, a man known for his looks as well as work. He doesn't know the meaning of the word "failure". Whatever he touches turns to billions is what people from his field say. But deep down inside he is broken. (Why? You'll know when you read the book!) These two different people when come together there will be fights, sparks, love, jealousy, betrayal and heart break From searching for a job to falling in love with the CEO, come let's take a look at Kristi's roller coaster ride. (This is my first story ever, so I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes in the story and no bad comments please ) *love_love

Aurora_the_dawn · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: First day in HELL

Rnnnnngggggggg rnggggggg...

"For God's Sake what is that?! Why can't a lady get her beauty sleep without someone or something interrupting it!"

After my this "mini breakdown" I finally came to my senses that today I start working! Its currently 8:15am and heck I'm gonna be late at my first day itself.

Good bye my dear 'not gonna last a day' job.

I sprint to my bathroom and get done with my morning routine in less than 20 mins! Thankfully I selected my outfit for the day last night.

It's a peach colour formal suit with black high heels (my only wearable heels).

I check myself out in the mirror, I guess I don't look that bad though.

Even if I do I don't have time to look for another outfit.

Ughhhh why can't I just wake up a bit early!!

I take the bus and finally arrive at the entrance of the building that says "Mikaelson Industries" in BOLD letters.

I would be lying if I say that I'm not nervous. I greeted the guard at the entrance and took my employee card to swipe open the gates.

"Everything will be fine Kristi, you'll come out alive, calm your tits down",I tried to calm myself down and it's of no help!

"Good morning beautiful, guess I was right you got the job" says a voice behind me.

I turn around to look at the owner of that voice and saw Marcus giving me that panty dropping smile.

"Oh hey! Marcus, and yeah I got the job! But seriously I have no idea how I did it"

"Oh come on give yourself some credit beautiful" he said with a wink!

OMG am I drooling?

"So in which floor are you gonna work?"

"I don't know yet, which floor are you working at Marcus?"

"I work at the 27th floor, the financial department"

"Oh that's cool!"

"Ohkay then I'll see you around beautiful, as much as I would love to give you a tour around but I gotta go, I have loads of stuffs to take care of, Sorry beautiful"

"Don't be Marcus, It's totally fine, you can give me a tour later, if you don't mind", I would love it! Gosh did I sound too desperate? Or am I actually this desperate? someone should learn from me on how to embarrass yourself!

"I would love to beautiful, See you around"

With that Marcus disappeared in the sea of people who would trade anything to go back to their bed like me. What i love my sleep, dont judge.

"Excuse me, I'm Kristi Brown, I got selected in the interview yesterday, so can you please tell me which floor I'm supposed to go", I said to that receptionist.

"I was waiting for you only, you are asked to come to the 30th floor, you'll meet Henna there and she'll brief you about everything"

"Okay Thank you!"

I went inside the elevator and pressed the button for 30th floor and man this place is so stuffed and I am sure right now my butt is rubbing against the crotch of the man who is standing behind me.

After it felt like an eternity I finally reached my floor.

"Excuse me can you tell me where I can find Henna", I asked the girl who was applying her lipstick on her lips which are already too freaking red for God's sake!

"Go straight then turn left", she said with utter boredom.

I did what she told me and there I saw a women in her early 50's looking as elegant as I could ever look in my lifetime.

Damn i feel so self conscious about my looks now.

"There you are, Welcome Ms. Brown, i've been waiting for you", she said with a warm smile.

"Hello Henna, nice to meet you", I said while giving her a polite smile.

"You'll be working as Mr. Mikaelson's personal secretary for few weeks because his current PA is on leave due to some personal matters and after that you will be transferred to a department based on you skills, if you have any questions you can ask me".

"Is there anything that I should know beforehand about Mr. Mikaelson for example his likes and dislikes?"

"Don't worry about that sweetheart, I'll be accompanying you today at work so that you can learn it"

"Oh okay thank you so much"

Sweet Jesus it's gonna be a longggg longgg day.