
Her, Again

Kristi, a young, beautiful and brilliant girl who just graduated from college. Being from a not-so-rich-middle-class family she has loads of student loans piled up that she has yet to pay. She has always worked hard to achieve her dreams, yet she is so far from achieving it. Alexander Mikaelson, a man known for his looks as well as work. He doesn't know the meaning of the word "failure". Whatever he touches turns to billions is what people from his field say. But deep down inside he is broken. (Why? You'll know when you read the book!) These two different people when come together there will be fights, sparks, love, jealousy, betrayal and heart break From searching for a job to falling in love with the CEO, come let's take a look at Kristi's roller coaster ride. (This is my first story ever, so I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes in the story and no bad comments please ) *love_love

Aurora_the_dawn · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Looks could be deceiving

After taking that card from Miss wannabe Kardashian I walked towards the elevator and as I waited for it to come down I heard someone say "Get out of my way!".

I was about to give that person a piece of mind for being so rude but Holy Shit! My mind got stuck and my body froze after seeing that Greek God in front of me! My stupid mouth couldn't form a single word, my world stopped right there and I am opening and closing my mouth like a fish!

Those chocolate brown eyes are looking at me intently as if he was trying to look deep into my soul to find out my dirty little secrets and damn how much I want to run my hands in those soft brown hairs. He had a perfectly chiseled jaw that gives him a damn hot look. And man he is so freaking tall!

My mouth is drooling at the sight in front of me.

*Get a grip you, idiot! my brain finally spoke up*

"Are you done checking me out?" he said but this time his voice was not rude in fact he has a slight smile on his face.

"I was not checking you out, you are not even that handsome!" my immature brain retorted back and I internally facepalmed myself.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night"

"Anyways you cannot be so rude to someone who has not done anything to you" I added.

"You were blocking my way" he replied as a matter of fact.

"Excuse you, that's not my problem if your rude ass can't say excuse me politely! "

"Whatever just get out of my way"

And then he left without giving me a second glance.


Great, now I have to wait for the elevator again! How can a person with such a beautiful face have such a rotten personality? I know he is handsome but that doesn't give him the right to be so rude to others. I feel so bad for his wife ( if he has one). She has to keep up with his stuck up attitude.

But why am I feeling a sudden pang of jealousy thinking about his wife? Oh God! Get a grip girl! While having an internal battle with myself I didn't hear the elevator ping.

"Are you planning to get inside the elevator tomorrow?", I heard a voice say which thankfully brought me out of my internal battle. I looked around to find the owner of that voice, that's when I locked my eyes with those ocean blue eyes *they are so beautiful*. A blonde guy showing his perfect white teeth while holding a cup of cappuccino in his hands is standing there looking at me funnily *he is cute and handsome but not as handsome as Mr. Rotten personality, SHUT UP KRISTI!*

" Ahem, so sorry, I was thinking about something, didn't see the elevator come down", I replied as I entered inside the elevator.

"It's ok, I understand. I'm Marcus by the way", he replied while extending out his hand to shake.

"I'm Kristi. Nice to meet you, Marcus", I said while shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Kristi. I guess you are new, I have never seen you before around here or else I would have remembered that pretty face of yours", he said while winking at me.

Oh my gosh! I can feel my face turn red, I'm sure my face is red as a monkey's butt. Stop embarrassing yourself, Kristi!

"Yeah, I'm new here. I have an interview today and holy fringes I'm late! I'll see you around Marcus if I get the job", I ran out of the elevator as it reaches the floor."

"You will get it, Kristi best of luck! I'll see you around beautiful", he shouted back as the door closes on him.

I walk towards the glass door and swipe the card and enter the room which is already filled by women wearing almost NOTHING! After looking at them I feel so overdressed. And all of them are giving me that disgusted look! Oh gosh, this sucks. I walk towards an empty chair ignoring those scrutinizing stares that I was getting.

PERFECT! This is exactly what I needed *note the sarcasm*