
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Damsel in Distress

I looked down and froze. Oh my God! How did I get here? I couldn't breathe as fear consumed me, I am scared of heights, no! I am terrified by it.

Lots of people have gathered, some crying, some scared for me and some I could tell were giving me the judging eye.

I couldn't move any part of my body,  all I need do is move six feet towards the end of the roof I was standing on, but I knew if I tried with my shaky legs I would instead end up six feet below the ground.

Newscasters flooded the place and I knew I was live on TV, many would think I was about to commit suicide.

Well, it sure looked like it.

I tightly hugged the walls. Did I try to commit suicide because I was tired of life and then suddenly forgot what I was doing at the edge of this building and knocking on death's door?

I took in a deep breath and tried to move my legs, I looked back at the door leading to the roof, it wasn't locked from outside because it has no doorknob meaning I must have locked the door from behind or the door slammed shut after I climbed the roof but what kind of strange design does the door have? Don't they know that one could easily get stuck?

I heaved a sigh of relief knowing the cops would open the door from inside the building and come to my rescue, I was numb, numb with fear.

I waited for what felt like two years, but was not even two minutes before I heard the loud bang on the metal door, I laughed happily, the cop were trying to break the lock or worst the door.

No one except Sam and my Grandma knew I was scared of heights and I know neither of them would ever betray me.

"Ma'am, can you hear me? "

The voice drew my attention.

"Yes, I can hear you. " I said weakly.

It didn't sound like me at all, I never spoke this way I wanted to cry so bad, but I held it in, this is no time to be weak.

"Did you lock the door behind you, if you did please open it,  this door won't break easily, it's made out of a very hard material and might take hours to break down.

There's no need for you to jump ma'am, trust me, killing yourself isn't the best thing to do..... "

I didn't hear the rest of his talk, what did he say about the door not opening? Tears stream down my face as regret and sorrow filled me, I have so many things I haven't done, experienced or felt in my life.

Why? Just when I thought I was about to have a moment of bliss.

If the door wasn't locked from inside but outside how then will I get out of here. I cried knowing no one could save me but myself, because the door leading to the roof was locked.

The cops tried everything, but they couldn't bring the door to open, it was like an invincible force was holding it in place even after using the key to try and unlock it.

I shut my eyes and prayed to whoever was listening,I wasn't a deep believer but if anyone with heavenly powers is out there,I desperately needed his help. I prayed for protection, opening my eyes I decided to take my first step, but I slipped and everyone screamed.


The man with the familiar baseball cap which had a white eagle with one silver and one red eyes drawn on it was having a rough day already, because the way things were happening began to confuse him.  He couldn't find his crew anywhere, it was like they disappeared from the face of the earth and now he's a fugitive that every cop wants him dead.

The only luck he has is that he hasn't ended up on the news yet, if not his life was ruined.

He jogged by the growing crowd his head bowed to avoid being recognized by the cops.

He looked up and shock his head at the irony of life, he was trying desperately to safe his life while another person was trying to end hers.

If he decided to take everything that was happening to him into consideration maybe suicide wasn't a bad idea too because he was going crazy from losing his memory. One night he's on his bed sleeping the next he's on the run from the FBI because he was responsible for killing, he who never supports violence.

He looked up at the person who was hanging on to a wire that was connected to something he couldn't see.  He decided to leave and mind his business as this didn't concern him at all.

Suddenly, someone anxiously pushed

him aside. Anger slowly build up within him, he was about to turn the girl towards him when she started yelling and crying, shouting for people to let her through as it was her friend who was hanging onto the wire for her dear life.

"Please, lemme through, she's my friend. Alora!  Hang in there Alora" She screamed as the crowd slowly parted and the redhead ran through to the front crying and shouting to her friend to hang on as help is on the way.

He froze when he heard the name. Why did that name sound familiar he taught?


But somehow he had this strange connection to her. Maybe, just maybe she's a hint to the puzzle called his life.

He subconsciously said "Why is she always getting into trouble? "

He gasped "Why did I say that? " Maybe just maybe they had met somewhere and he had forgotten her just like he has being forgetting things lately. He cursed under his breath as he knew he had no choice but to rescue the damsel in distress.