
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Not even a bliss for a second

Life was back to normal I guess if I just ignore the constant look I get from men in black.

Adonis went ahead and told my grandmother that I was losing my memory and surprisingly she didn't freak and take me to the hospital to undergo series of test but she did freak out and started saying weird stuff like it's finally drawing near and I'm about to lose myself, she increased and tightened the security.

I repeatedly asked her what she meant by it's finally drawing near and I'm about to lose myself, I asked her if I was dying but she said if that was the case she wouldn't be so worried.

She's pure evil! Wishing death on her one and only granddaughter, her only family.

She said something about traveling to go talk to someone and looking for a solution to all these, she reassured me that I wasn't mentally ill but she'll explain everything upon her arrival.

I'm kinda excited to hear what she has to say.

Now I tried my very best to shake off the bodyguard who were more like gossip mongers because they reported every little action of mine to my grandmother.

I failed to shake them off and decide to still take the risk of going to a doctor and taking tests to see if anything was wrong with me but here I am in the third hospital in three days after having seen three different brain surgeons but they said I was physically and mentally healthy.

I stepped out of the hospital and walked to the park nearby. I slumped on the chair and dragged my hand over my face. I wanted to scream so badly but I didn't wanna seem like a crazy person again in public.

I looked at the children happily playing in the fields and I tried to remember my childhood and failed, I couldn't even bring up my parents face to mind.

Quickly, I brought out my phone turned it on and stared at my home screen and saw the smiling faces of my Mom and Dad and I sighed relieved.

What was going on with me? Maybe I was probably slowly dying, with time I might not even remember my own name. I better enjoy my last days. Deciding to go back to work I stood up and smiled brightly to the girl that jogged past me, time to enjoy my few blissful days.


I walked into my office just in time for lunch, Samantha appeared from nowhere and dragged me away to lunch.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Why, I'm fine why do you ask?"

She shrugged " I don't know you just seem off "

I frowned at her usage of words, Adonis said the same thing too.

" I'm fine thanks for asking, don't think your face concern for me would make me pay for your lunch." I said giving her a cheeky smile as we left the office.

"You know me well my friend" Samantha said wearing a proud look and patting my back "But seriously, I worry for you. I noticed your grandmother increased your guards you know you can tell me anything no matter how crazy it seems right?"

"Yes, because you are the house for crazy" I jokily said

She brightly smiled and nodded. " Let's go eat now shall we?"

Thirty minutes into our lunch, I abruptly stood up and said I was going somewhere and would be back in ten.

Samantha who was busy ogling a cute guy in front of her just absentmindedly waved  me away.

I walked out of the restaurant and took a right turn then continued walking paying no attention to my surroundings until I got to my destination. It felt like I was being controlled and my legs knew exactly where to go.

Seconds later I then passed out due to the exhaustion of the walk.

I didn't know how long I slept, but the chilling breeze and the noise woke me up.

I agonizingly opened my eyes, it felt like it was glued together.

I was standing, does that mean I was sleeping while standing?

I looked down and froze as fear consumed me.


Back at the Lab, Samantha was worriedly glancing at her watch, its been six hours and her friend was no where to be found.

She has left 20 missed calls and lot of voicemails and texts on Snapchat and all the social media platforms she could think of.

She sighed as she was tired of waiting for her. She thought of calling her grandmother but she didn't want the sweet old woman to worry.

"I would just drop by her place to check on her. " She muttered.

She picked up her coat and started to walk towards the exist when the growing crowd in front of the TV at the huge lobby close to the entrance drew her attention.

She stopped dead when she saw a dazed and confused Alora on the very edge of the rooftop of Maquoketa's Empire.

The girl's only fear was height.