
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Oh Death Leave Me Be

The sirens were more louder now, an indication of more cops, where was the rescue team?

Sweat was pouring out of my body as I dare not look down for the fear of falling. I never thought I would be in a situation like this with me dangling from the tallest building in the city. No one could understand the level of fear in me, I might even be traumatized for life!

"Somebody do something. Why is no one helping? " Someone shouted.

I slowly lifted my head up as I heard the creaking sound.

When I slipped and fell, God in all his gracious mercy somehow made me end up hanging onto a wire I knew wasn't there before. I didn't have time to start thinking about all the impractical things happening right now.

'Oh God, don't let that be the wire I'm hanging onto, I don't wanna die not now, not this way.' I prayed in my head, but it looked like heaven was against me this time as the wire loosened and I fell again for the second time. It felt like someone was toying with me, playing with my life.


Meanwhile, the mischievous guy with the two eyed color eagle baseball cap was trying to get to the top of the building, taking three steps at the same time when he heard people shouting and crying.

He ran to the nearest window facing the scene outside to take a look and he gasped he saw her falling as light as a leaf until she suddenly stopped falling and everyone including him sighed. He continued dashing up the stairs, calculating what floor the window she was close by is on.

Below, Samantha exploded as she grabbed the nearest cop and shouted like a mad woman "You better do something, if she falls and die, I swear you all will regret. "

She yanked his cap from his head and threw it away, as far as she could to express her current emotions. Two cops came to hold her and prevent her from committing a crime by fighting with a cop, but it looked like she was already insane with no point of return as she bit the one that first held her and snarled at the other.

Two more cops had to join to restrain her as they handcuffed her.

She still tried fighting until she finally realized she was cuffed. This was what jolted her back and she started crying.

"Please, help her, don't like her die. I swear on my son's life that she isn't trying to commit suicide. Someone must have knocked her unconscious and put her there. " She said as she cried non stop.

A black car drove in stopping near the scene.

A man wearing black from head to toe got down from his black car as he walked towards the scene and every cop nodded their heads in greeting.

From the way he walks to his aura, one could definitely tell he was not just any officer.

"Officer Jake? "

The officer turned " Sir! "

"What is happening here, why is there a girl dangling from the tallest building in the city, and why the hell are none of you doing anything? " He asked angrily.

"Sir...we are, but no one seem to be able to open the door leading to the roof, and there's no other route to take to get to the roof. Sir" The officer quickly explained for fear of annoying his boss.

"Where is the rescue team? " The boss asked

"Sir, we called already but in a weird way the ladder fire truck is stuck in traffic, no matter how much they try clearing the road, more cars just seem to appear on the road, they're more cars on the road than usual today, the roof is too slanted to put in an airbag." He nervously and quickly explained

The boss snapped. "If it a damn helicopter that's going to save her, bring the damn helicopter. "

The officer gulped and nodded his head like a rattle.

Another cop joined the conversation "Sir, I already made a phone call to the colonel but he said the weather isn't good for flying and he isn't ready to risk his soldiers life for a woman that is probably trying to gain attention or commit suicide. "

"Damn it! " The boss exploded.

"This is America, since when do we toy with lives, there's something strange going on, I don't understand now but I will figure out what it is.

Is there no other way? "

"No Sir" The officers replied in unison.

"How the hell did she end up there? What were the workers and the security doing when a woman went into the building and got to the roof top?

" They all claimed not to see her go in? " Officer Jake nervously replied.

" They're obviously lying, did you not check the security cameras? "

" We did Sir, one minute she was spotted outside the building speaking to someone invisible like a crazy woman and the next she wasn't there again till people found her at the edge of the building trying to commit suicide. "

" Are you trying to say she was outside the building of over 100 floors and magically appeared on the very top of the building without actually going into the building? "

Officer Jake nervously nodded because his reasoning was insensible but that was how it happened.

"Her friend over there said she isn't trying to commit suicide" The officer said pointing to the already exhausted Samantha on the floor.

The boss looked at the figure on the floor and frowned. "Release her."

Officer Jake frowned. 'Without even asking why she was cuffed? What a strange man' He thought but did as his boss ordered.

After she was uncuffed, Samantha just lay there as she curled into a ball and cried her heart out.

The boss was in deep thought as he looked up and saw the girl hanging onto the wire with all her might, but she was already getting weak, any minute from now she was going to fall and no one would be able to help.

'Did she really get to the rooftop without going in like they claimed? If she did, how then was she able to access the rooftop that has being locked for ages. It's just impossible!'