
Chapter 90: Melting Snow is Coming Back

Melting Snow stared at the Haven Online homepage in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. There was a featured announcement on the front page of the game website called the Saviours of Baldahurh Forest. 

Everyone knew of Baldahurh Forest, the forest of the undead as most players called it and the story within it. The tragic love story of the little mage and his ex-lover. From what Melting Snow saw there were many people on the forum who were addicted to the story, mostly Fujoshi's.

They would go into the forest from time to time and try to look for the cabin or try to catch a sighting of the little mage and the ex-lover, which in most cases lead to their death. Melting Snow thought those girls were crazy but had to admit some of the fanfictions they came up with was interesting even if it was boylove.