

While leaving Baldahurh forest the whole group felt merry, Wyatt was dead, Christopher was free and they all got great rewards. Everyone was happy, but it wasn't until they left the forest completely and walked into an open meadow that Xinya saw Christopher's face really light up with a sense of wonder. 

Xinya was moved by the expression on Christopher's face. He had saved him, and Christopher was finally free. It truly hit him just now that like Christopher he was also free, and like Christopher, he got a chance to start over. As he watched Christopher lift his head to the sun, tears swam in his eyes.

"Are you alright, Xinya?" Wei whispered.

Xinya didn't know when she got so close to him, but as he looked in her eyes he saw that she understood what he was feeling at this moment. Smiling, he lightly touched his hand to hers before pulling away, "Not really, but I'm doing better."