
Harry potter, the boy who lived

Andrew pov :

I looked at harry and said," it's you who has to remove your hands off my collar mr potter", I glared at him with anger flashing in my eyes while Harry has sung smike and said," or what Percival. You'll get kicked away like few years you were kicked out of the family, Andrew Lucian Potter".

I have a smile and said," yeah, after that I have lived peacefully ever since getting rid of your aunt and uncle. Even in streets I liced peacefully rather than being tortured and being looked down like tool waiting to be used by the cruel parents of the house Potter".

I then mocked and said," now what, you have no money left. You're no different from me now. Sooner or later even your home will be sold and the boy who lived along with house Potter will be out living in the pitiful eyes of the wizards aren't you?".

Harry is so mad that he threw a punch at me, I ducked and avoided it. Then his lunch landed on the wall while a cry and scream sounded. I looked at him and said in a mocking tone," that's it. This the power of the boy who lived. Even kids fight better than you Harry Potter".

He glared at me and took out his wand then pointed at me and chanted," expulso" if that spell would hit a normal wizard it would've been a devastating blow destroying the flesh and meat of the opponent. An explosion spell at a student in school.

Wow, Dumbledore is much worse than I thought. He didn't even took action and is watching all this. Yes, I sensed Dumbledore. He is here since start and is looking at all this but decided not to take action.

The explosion spell almost hit me but I dodged it while a hole appeared on the wall. Students screamed while I looked at him expressionlessly. Because he sensed the professor's rushing there. Before harry can fire a spell," incen-", his wand flew away from his hand.

It landed in the hands of McGonagall who is galring at him and yelled," Harry James Potter", she looked at angrily while Harry looked like he didn't give a damn about anything. McGonagall is breathing heavily in anger.

She looked at Harry and said," one 100 points from Griffyndor for attacking a fellow student and month detention in firbidden forest along with 3 times the normal homework", harry dropped his jaw at this.

He then glared at me and said," what about him professor. He is also a culprit. That filthy waste is also involved. Why I the boy who lived gets a punishment while a squib like him a waste didn't".

The surrounding students gasped at this while Snape and McGonagall has veins bulging on their foreheads. They took a deep breath and said," another 50 points from Griffyndor for using a word that is not meant to be used on fellow students and another month detention".

They looked at me while the Hufflepuff students come forward and said," he didn't do anything professor's we can assure you. We're here since from the start it's harty potter who started it and called him waste and said he is just a tool to be used".

They looked at me and said," 5 points from Hufflepuff for not stopping the conflict from rising higher, now on your way to lunch. It's getting late for classes", the students sigh in relief and began whispering among themselves.

Harry looked at them not satisfied and said while pointing at me," I'll talk to my parents about this. You let an obscurus join Hogwarts professor's", he said with a smile while students looked at him in displeasure.

Why is he doing this you ask. Hehe, Dumbledore tired to play with my mind and it's time to use it on him in reverse. Revenge is sometimes sweet I guess. This is just the beginning in his revenge plan. I'll let the great saviour and the strongest wizard fall step by step.

I looked at harry who has smug smile while McGonagall who couldn't take it anymore yelled in angry voice," Harry James Potter, you have gone too far in this. You'll get detention for a whole semester", but a voice sounded," I'll take care of his detention professor McGonagall".