Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
"Nor does the status of your blood give you the right to defame my character and reputation while claiming a position of importance to me I have never given you leave to claim. A position I have in fact told you repeatedly I will never choose you for. Because if and when I do marry it will not be to some useless bit of fluff with nothing but daydreams between her ears. I will marry a girl intelligent enough to see and recognize the wolf pretending to be a lamb at her door that endangers our home and family. That girl is not you and I've known that from your first year here."
Every girl in the room scribbled on the top of their parchment 'STUDY HARD' making the boys sitting next to them snicker quietly as those girls made it clear that if Potter was still free, they wouldn't mind getting his attention. If nothing else would draw them, his future rank was enough of a draw to ensure they at least tried to gain his attention.
He sneered at her. "You're every bit as spoilt as our beloved Potions Master accuses me of being. Sometimes, I think he needs to open his eyes and take a good hard look at the student roster if he thinks I'm spoilt. Clearly, he's somewhat confused as to what that word actually means. Maybe I should buy him a dictionary for Christmas?" Snickers and grins filled the Slytherin and Ravenclaw study tables as all of them knew the man was in the stacks behind Potter though clearly Potter was unaware of his presence there. They could clearly see him rolling his eyes as Potter considered buying him a dictionary for the holidays. He sent a mock glare at the boy's back to the amusement of his students. He was thoroughly enjoying this showdown and didn't mind letting his students know it.
"But that hothead did shove me in the back. Hard enough he left a visible bruise on my spinal column as proof of just exactly how I came to be in that miserable, dank dungeon. And if you think he did it for you, you really don't know your idiot brother, do you? He did it because he saw it as another shot at fame and glory." By the glare she shot her brother everyone knew that was nothing more than the truth. "And by the way, he did not teach me any quiditch moves any more than he taught me how to fly a broom. Everyone in this room can attest to that without me having to say a word more about it. Draco has been trying to show me up on a broom since our first Flying lesson. He's still trying to." Draco growled and narrowed his eyes but the glares of his peers kept his mouth closed.
"Ron sent me in after you with nothing but my wand and a second years spells to defeat the trouble you had run into. And no I didn't know any conjuration at that point in time which would've greatly helped me against the monster you were playing with. Trouble, he had no idea whether or not would kill me long before I could rescue you from your stupidity. A monster that fully intended to eat your remains when that diary you were using was done draining your lifeforce."
"Trouble that you brought down upon yourself, didn't you, Ginerva? No one twisted your arm and made you write in that cursed diary you certainly knew didn't belong to you. Hell, it even had the name of it's true owner embossed on the inside cover. In silver and green. Green writing on a silver page. How much more obvious could it be that you, a Gryffindor girl, shouldn't be writing in that particular book? What did it need to say in bald, bold face, block letters 'I'm a soul infused Slytherin Book. Not safe for Gryffindor children'? Are you really that dense?"
"But ownership of something doesn't really bother you all that much if it's something you want bad enough, does it? Merlin knows, you've helped yourself to enough of your dorm mates belongings over the years to make that perfectly clear. Not to mention my own things those two weeks I did stay under the Weasely roof. And clearly you haven't noticed those two weeks have never been repeated. Nor will they ever be repeated. Why? Because I don't like being stolen from. I don't like being in a place where my belongings aren't safe from sticky fingered fangirls. I don't like being places I can leave nothing I wish to keep laying around lest it disappear forever."
"But your thieving habits shouldn't surprise anyone considering the lives of others aren't worth very much to you either, are they? You have, after all, already killed a student your age. So I shouldn't be surprised you don't see anything wrong with going through my trunk to steal my short pants, should I? Short pants, you then use as proof of a connection that does not and never did exist. nor will it ever as I do not desire to sample tainted goods." She paled and baulked at the statement she had killed someone, shaking her head in denial. She didn't like the accusation she'd stolen his underwear either but that one she knew she could play off and deny. just as she could the bit about being tainted. Being accused by him of murdering someone however was a lot more damaging.
"A boy died because of you, Ginerva, and in the last three years, I've yet to hear one word of regret or remorse cross your lips. What exactly was his crime, Ginerva? What exactly did he do to you to deserve death?"
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