
Defending Loyalty

Minerva sighed and got up to walk down to the Gryffindor table where the twins in their usual fashion were making great sport of the three. "Leave them alone, you two hooligans. It isn't funny. Nor was it nice or necessary and you can tell Mr. Potter I will be speaking to him later about his punishment for administering them. He will also be removing them as we do not allow this type of conduct here at Hogwarts."

One twin looked to the other and asked, "Why doesn't it surprise me,"

"That her first thought is to punish," chimed in the other.

"Our friend Harry?" finished Fred.

"Because that's what she does when these three whine, my Twins," smirked their friend, Lee Jordan who was as always sitting with them.

Looking at their Head of House now, George remarked, "But by all means,"

"speak to him all you want," smirked Fred.

"It'll do you no good since," snickered George.

"he can't remove them even if he wanted to," said Fred.

"which we know for a fact he doesn't," added George.

"Nor does it surprise us,"

"you wish to punish him yet again,"

"for something they told you he did," growled Fred.

"and you don't fully understand,"

"simply because you don't like him."

"while you do like them," sneered Lee. "Though why I can't imagine since as far as I can see there is nothing to revere about the three of them."

"Our Harry's not enough like his dead Daddy for you," sneered George.

"That's just because of that mark on his head, Forge. She thinks he's evil incarnate because he's still got that mark and doesn't try to get rid of it like he should," said Lee.

"You always believe them anyway," nodded Fred.

"Even when you have no proof,"

"A few sniffles,"

"and some crocodile tears,"

"And you're a pile of goo to them," finished Lee.

"As for it being nice,"

"necessary, or funny,"

"neither was what they did to him," ended George.

"So no," inserted Lee. "He won't be removing them no matter how you choose to punish him for their hurt little feelings. Or what you claim about it not being allowed here at school. If you'd treated him fairly from the beginning it would've been necessary. But you don't. You never have. So it was."

"How do you know he can't remove them," asked a tearful Hermione who had finally gotten up the courage to look at her disfigurement this morning and was still highly upset over it.

"Because we helped him look up the laws regarding what the three of you have put him through these last four years with the total permission and approval of every adult we know," snapped Fred.

"But we didn't approve. We agree with Harry," said George laying a calming hand on Fred's shoulder that was echoed by Lee. "His life is not your toy to play with until he breaks. Nor does the contents of his inheritance belong to a bunch of greedy wankers like you three."

"You three are nothing but Weasels who stalk the unguarded henhouse waiting for the hens to lay their eggs," agreed Lee.

"Too bad Hogwarts doesn't have a Weasel House," remarked George. "You'd be perfect fits there."

Fred nodded his agreement. "Because you certainly aren't Lions. Too cowardly to fight your own battles or defend the pride when it's under attack."

"Just the jackals prowling the edges of the lion's pride grounds picking off the spoils of the pride's hunt," sneered George.

"He's the epitome of our house. Should be our House Leader. But you three can't stand that so you trash talk him behind his back. Spy on him and steal from him. Just so you can spread more filth about him and lie to the adults about what he's doing or why he's doing it," said Lee.

"While he's trying to save lives and protect the student body from harm," agreed Fred while George glared at the Trio hatefully.

"So after finding the laws we believed the three of you broke were actually laws still on the books. And better yet. Laws that don't care how old the perpetrator is who breaks them, or about the age of the victim; we helped him look up suitable punishments according to the parameters of the law as well as who was entitled to administer said punishment," said Lee, getting the conversation back on track. "In other words, we made sure what he did to you was one hundred percent legal and above board."

"It needed to be something that utilized your own magic rather than his as we all knew you three tattletales would go run right to the adults about it. And right or wrong, they'd be hot to trot to blame him and probably punish him with something worse than what they think you got."

"And what do you know. We were right on the galleon with that prediction. How long did it take you to go crying to the Professor here? Twenty minutes? An hour?"

"This spell fit the bill nicely. If you weren't guilty, it would've done nothing to you. All it required was that you admit your guilt in front of impartial witnesses and that he know whether or not you had participated in defrauding him knowingly."


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