

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

No Limits

With no source of light,Shadowman was unable to produce any more piercings from his shadows.

He did not have any time to react.

The moment the lights went out,Akuma's assault against him began.

His body was being violated by his own piercings but they were different.

They were a different material and in all that dark he could not see anything.

The only thing he could feel was being pierced while trying to dodge the attacks coming from the shadows.


He kicked Akuma who had tried to attack him from behind.


The moment he came into contact with Animal,spikes came out of him and pierced his right shoulder.

"What the fuck...."

He took out the spike which was in his shoulder.

He felt the material.


Another wave of piercings were coming from behind.

He was about to jump up but felt another set of piercings coming from above.

Not only from up and his behind but they were coming from all directions.

He was surrounded.

Akuma was watching everything from inside the wall above Shadowman.

He had absorbed himself into the wall to flank shadowman again and again.

Suddenly,the whole hallway became lit with fire.

They were all coming from where shadowman was about to be pierced.

All of Akuma's spikes began to melt due to the heat and indeed the source was shadowman himself.

He had his left hand held up with fire coming out of it.

"Out of everything it really had to be fire?"

Shadowman moved his neck 360° to the back and smiled at him.

He knew he had Akuma where he wanted him.

All the fire came bursting towards Akuma who had no time to react.

Shadowman kept on pouring fire and fire onto Akuma while Akuma kept trying to block it with as many shields of wood he could produce.

The more shields Akuma produced the more fire came towards his way.

It seemed even Shadowman could do only one thing at a time and they both knew they would be at their limit in a few minutes.

"My arm won't be able to keep up at this rate I need to end this quickly as I can"

At that very moment,his right arm stopped producing any wood.

All the shields melted and the flare of fire came towards him.

Spikes came out on his left and right to prevent him from escaping.

There was nowhere he could run to;he had to face the incoming attack infront of him.

There was a huge explosion in the whole mansion and the fire had not just pierced the hallway but the upper hallways as well leading to a blast in main building.

This just revealed the scope of attack Akuma was up against.

Shadowman lit all the candles in the hallway with a snap of his fingers.

He fell to the ground on his knees and started breathing heavily.

He had also been exhausted from the fight.

It had certainly takes a huge toll on him since he never ever had to use this much nein in a fight.

The smoke cleared.

Infront of him was an odd picture.

What was infront of him were trees roots which had grown where Akuma was a moment ago.

He heard a strange sound somewhere and started to look for its source.

He had not noticed before but there were tree roots all over the roof.

One of the roots was opening and Akuma's body fell out of it.

It wasn't moving.

He stoodup and started walking towards it.

The body was still lying motionless on the floor.

"You seem dead"

He spoke to the lifeless body infront of him.

It still didn't move.

Without checking any further,he started walking away from the body.

He heard Akuma shuffling himself behind him.

Shadowman still did not stop and kept walking.

He picked up the sword lying infront of him and observed it.

"Wood grazer"

That's what was written on the sword.

It bore the Akuma clan crest;an inverted cross.

"Akuma is not your first name is it?" he turned back to look at Akuma trying to heal his left arm.

His left arm was missing.

He had turned it into a tree to save himself from the fire attack.

"That arm is not gonna come back you do know that right?"

Akuma did not reply instead he kept on doing what he was doing.

He had sealed his left shoulder with roots to prevent any more blood loss.

He than looked towards Shadowman.

Once again,he felt the black piercings coming for him from behind but this time he did not attempt to stop them.

Instead he sped towards the Shadowman with all he had.

"You are an idiot if you think you can dodge each and everyone of them".

It was Akuma against hundreds of piercings comimg towards him from the front and the back.

He could outrun the ones from the back but he must dodge each and everyone of those in the front to not slow his pace down.

He dodged as many as he could and focused on preventing fatal injuries but otherwise he was getting peeled all over his arm and legs.

At first,Shadowman thought he would slow down with all the piercings but Akuma kept on getting closer and closer despite how many wounds he was incurring.

He was pushing himself to the limit or rather pushing himself past his limits.

He gripped the sword hard but realized it was different.

"What the fuck????"

The sword had turned into wood;it was no longer metal.

Before he could do anything he felt his chest pierced and he started vomiting blood all over the floor.

Looking up,he stared into Akuma's eyes.

And he stared deep into those eyes.

If he had what you would call something unique it was telling a persons emotion or nature from his eyes.

And he knew there was no resentment or hate in Akuma's eyes.

He chuckled to himself.

Akuma kept staring at him while breathing heavily.

Shadowman's black color had started coming off of him.

His human form had started becoming visible more and more the black colour came off.

It wasn't what Akuma had expected.

The man below all the color was a tall,muscular man with long hair reaching to half of his face.

The first impression he got from his face was he looked a lot like Akuma himself.

"You are from the Akuma clan,aren't you?"

Shadowman asked once he had stopped vomiting.

"Yeah but why do you care?"he retorted.

Shadowman looked at him with a smile.


Akuma kept looking at him.

"I am just happy you are using the family name as your first name"

Akuma was so taken aback by the whole situatio. he had failed to notice the fire arm was still there.

As if he had read Akuma's thoughts,he spoke:

"Don't worry you dont need to destroy the water filter above to stop me"

Akuma was again taken aback;he couldn't just understand what was happening.

Shadowman cut his arm left arm off and thrust it into Akuma's chest before he could react.

Akuma was already at his limit so he couldn't do anything to stop him.

He felt the arm absorbing itself into his body.

Finally the pain subsided and he was able to breath.

Shadowman put his right hand on his shoulder.

"There is a traitor amongst you so be careful and run before the others catch up to you".

He than smiled and started talking to himself.

"Iam dying and yet I feel so proud;never thought my death would turn out this way"

His head bend downwards.

He was than dead;he was no longer breathing.

Akuma put his hand on his head and thought to himself.

"What the fuck is even happening?"