

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Tables turned

Akuma fell to his knees.

He was exhausted and at the same time his head was hurting.

Meanwhile,the dome containing Ahihito,Fumiko and Akiba had opened itself up and all three of them came out of it.

"Is is over?"Ahihito asked while coming out of the cover of the dome.

"There he is".

Fumiko pointed towards Akuma who was kneeling on the ground.

All of them ran over to Akuma to check up on him.

"Are you good?"Akiba asked while kneeling himself near Akuma.

"Yeah,I just need to catch my breath"he replied.

"Damn you are strong" Akiba remarked while looking around him.

The hallway was destroyed and there was no going back.

The only way for them was to move forward.

Infront of them lay the Shadowman's body.

"Is this the Shadowman????He was a human beneath all that blackness?"Ahihito asked with a curious tone.

He observed Akuma's face and than he looked back at the Shadowman' face.


Akuma asked who was getting irritated by Ahihito staring at his face constantly.

"He looks a little bit like you"

Akuma frowned at that statement.

"But it might just be my imagination" Ahihito shrugged and than stood up.

Akuma instinctively stoodup.

"Did you hear that?" he asked alarmed and motioned for all of them to move behind him.

"I don't hear anything"

Akiba spoke but Akuma held his finger up to shut him up.

The voice got louder and louder.It was coming from their front meaning someone was headed their way. The voices of footsteps became louder and louder until a group was infront of them.

Ahihito and Fumiko recognized them instantly or rather the blonde-haired girl infront of them.

She was the same girl who had come after them in the alleyway during the previous chase.

"This is unexpected,isn't it?

Ahihito spoke loud enough for the girl infront of him to listen.

Akuma looked at Ahihito for an explanation but he continued conversing with the girl infront of them.

"Oh this isn't unexpected beleive me I've been looking forward to meeting you again" the girl replied.

"Well" Ahihito continued "We don't have anyone to give up this time so whats the whole commotion about?"

The girl chuckled and waved towards one of her colleagues.

One of them brought forward a body on their shoulder which all of them instantly recognized.


The man threw the body infront of his boss.

"Is he dead?"Akuma asked the girl quietly.

"No he is just unconscious we found him lying on the floor".

Akuma didn't take his gaze off her and asked Ahihito how he knew her.

"We know her from our past encounter.You weren't there but she's been on our trail ever since" Ahihito explained to him.

"It doesn't make sense she got Akimitsu she should've handed him over without making any effort coming after us".

Ahihito again was confused.

"Wait aren't we supposed to be the priority targets?"

"As much as I know the group which captured Akimitsu first was supposed to regroup at the earliest moment unless they ran into some sort of trouble and this does not seem to be a random encounter to me what do you think?"he looked towards all of them waiting for their reaction.

What Shadowman had said was going through his mind...

"There is a traitor amongst you" his words echoed througout his mind "and the encounter was also at the perfect time maybe that statement was meant to create division among them".

He looked towards Ahihito.

The oldman had told him about Ahihito's intuition and now was the time to test it.

"You think one of us is a spy?What the fuck?"Akiba shouted at him.

Akuma ignored him and looked towards Akuma.

"I don't even know if it's true but if it is than it can be anyone from Kuro to any one of us" he remarked but he also did not like the idea of there being a traitor.

"Lets focus on the situation infront of ur right now..we'll talk about it later".

Akuma held his sword tightly in his hand.

"I see you've killed Shadowman"

The girl remarked while looking at the body at his feet.

Whispering started among the men behind her.

Her face had also gotten serious.

"This is gonna be bad.We shouldn't have come here after all"she pulled her gun out.

"Now I'll have to deal with the explanation behind this corpse".

Akuma lifted his sword up and cut the floor wide open revealing a new space beneath them.

There was water flowing below and from the smell of it it was an underground sewer

Tree roots started growing all over the separating them from the enemy infront of them but knowing how exhausted he was his senses weren't working completely and at the rate he was expecting.

"Listen we'll use the underground sewer to escape-'

A bullet pierced him straight in the chest and all of a sudden all the roots which were forming around in the hallway started to fall down.

Akuma looked at the gun shot wound in his chest while his vision blurred.

"Fuck you,bitch"

The last thing he saw with his vision blurred was the girl infront of him while he collapsed into the very hole he had made for his escape.

Ahihito jumped to save him but was held back by Fumiko.

"What the hell are you doing??Let me go get him" Ahihito tried to get Fumiko off him but no avail.

"Take care of her,Ahihito.I'll try to do what I can"

Fumiko and Ahihito looked at their right and Akiba had jumped in while saying his last words to them.

They were speechless.

So much had happened in the past five minutes they couldn't contemplate what was happening.

He bend down to look down through the hole but nothing was visible.

It was dark down there.

He felt a gun on his head.

Fumiko shrieked behind him.

He looked towards her to see a gun on her head.

"So do you plan on going in alive or I'll have to kill you too?"

He looked up towards her.

"This is the second time we are meeting,isn't it?"


"Shouldn't I atleast know your name?"

He felt a gun hit him on the back of his head and everything went dark.